
ホビーマスター 戦闘機ダイキャスト模型 青箱 模型講義 第1回目, Hobby Master Fighter Die Cast Model Blue Box Model lecture (1)

ホビーマスター 戦闘機ダイキャスト模型 青箱 模型講義 第1回目, Hobby Master Fighter Die Cast Model Blue Box Model lecture (1)


「ダイキャスト模型」と呼ばれる航空機の金属完成品模型が、近年では実に色々な種類販売されている。中でも、プラモでも標準的なスケールである、「1/72スケールのジェット戦闘機ダイキャスト模型」の概要と現状、そして業界でもトップメーカーである、Hobby Masterの魅力について語る。


1. 1/72 ジェット戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型

2. プラモデルとダイキャスト模型
 ・2.1 戦闘機 プラモデルの特徴
 ・2.2 戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型の特徴

3. ダイキャスト模型概要
 ・3.1   ダイキャスト模型とは?
 ・3.2   ダイキャスト模型は少数生産品
 ・3.3   ダイキャスト模型は需要が少なく、想定購入者が選択的
 ・3.4   ダイキャスト模型はすぐに品薄になる
 ・3.5   ダイキャスト模型の金型と採算
 ・3.6   ダイキャスト模型の価格
 ・3.7   ダイキャスト模型の品質向上(2000年代~2010年代)
 ・3.8   ダイキャスト模型の生産国
 ・3.9   ダイキャスト模型の無許可品
 ・3.10 ダイキャスト模型のコピー品
 ・3.11 ダイキャスト模型の種類と動向

4. ホビーマスター Hobby Master 1/72 戦闘機模型(青箱)
 ・4.1 戦闘機の機種・種類が多い、マイナーな戦闘機等も扱っている
 ・4.2 クオリティーが安定している
 ・4.3 日本市場に対して力を入れている
 ・4.4 飛行状態を表現するための台座が標準付属
 ・4.5 割と面倒な塗りに対しても挑戦している
 ・4.6 戦闘機関連メーカーも展示用に製品を使用する完成度

5. 筆者のダイキャスト模型メーカー各社に対する感想(簡易)
 ・5.1 Century Wings SR-71 ブラックバード偵察機
 ・5.2 Witty Wings / JCW F-15 戦闘機
 ・5.3 UNIMAX ヘリコプター/オスプレイ

6. 最近発売した、ホビーマスター Hobby Master製ダイキャストの紹介

 ・6.1   F-2A支援戦闘機 航空自衛隊 第3飛行隊 創設60周年記念塗装
 ・6.2   F-117 ナイトホーク 米空軍 ステルス戦闘機
 ・6.3   J-11BH 多用途戦闘機 中国人民解放軍空軍
 ・6.4   Su-34 フルバック ロシア連邦航空宇宙軍 シリア 2015
 ・6.5   F-35C ライトニングII VFA-101 グリムリーパーズ 米海軍型
 ・6.6   T-38 タロン NASA アメリカ航空宇宙局 901
 ・6.7   MiG23MS アメリカ空軍 第4477試験評価飛行隊 RED49
 ・6.8   F-5F タイガーII アメリカ海軍戦闘機兵器学校
 ・6.9   F-15DJ イーグル 航空自衛隊 新田原基地 飛行教導隊 2010年
 ・6.10 F-14A トムキャット第84戦闘飛行隊 ジョリー・ロジャース
 ・6.11 Su-35 フランカーE アフトゥビンスク 2012
 ・6.12 F/A-18E スーパーホーネット VFA-31 トムキャッターズ
 ・6.13 1/200 スペースシャトル・オービター

7. References




1.1/72 ジェット戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型

航空機のダイキャスト模型は、1/48、1/72、1/100、1/200等、様々な種類がある。その中で、「1/72 ジェット戦闘機ダイキャスト模型」は、標準的なジェット戦闘機プラモと同じ大きさであり、大きさが大きすぎず、小さすぎずに丁度良い。


特に、コンピュータで機体を制御する、フライバイワイヤー技術が導入されてから、機体が静的に安定でなくとも制御可能となったため、戦闘機の機体形状のバリエーションが一気に増えた様に思える。(ステルス性の追求で、皆均質に戻りつつあるが)この記事では、機体形状にバリエーションがあり、大きさも丁度良い「1/72 ジェット戦闘機ダイキャスト模型」に的を絞って解説する。



2.1 戦闘機 プラモデルの特徴

  1. 完成品でないため安い。(未完成の部品売り)
  2. 製造コストが安いため、マイナーな物も含めて、様々な機種が販売されている。
  3. プラスチックなので、金型の作り込みで、製品に細かい製造・表現が可能。
  4. 未完成品なので、自分で組み立てる必要がある。そのため、完成度合いは、作成者に左右される。一方で、カスタマイズも可能。
  5. 購入単価は安いが、スプレー、塗料、接着剤等を購入すると、それなりにお金がかかる。
  6. プラスチックなので、壊れやすい。耐久性が低い。



2.2 戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型の特徴

  1. 直ぐに完成品が手に入り、組み立てや色を塗る必要が無い。コストは、初期購入コストのみ。
  2. 完成品のため、プラモより高価である。(1万円~1.5万円前後)
  3. プラモデル中級者程度のクオリティーがある。
  4. 機種によっては、難しい複雑な色合いの機体色塗りがなされている。
  5. 機体ベースは、金属模型なので、細かい製造・表現は苦手。(ただし、最近のダイキャストは、細かい部分はプラスチック部品として作り統合化している。)
  6. 金属模型なので、壊れにくい。耐久性が高い。






3.1 ダイキャスト模型とは?

ダイキャスティング (die casting) とは、金型鋳造法のひとつで、金型に溶融した金属を圧入することにより、高い寸法精度の鋳物を短時間に大量に生産する鋳造方式のことである。ダイキャストとも言われる。この製法で作った金属模型が、「ダイキャスト模型」である。





3.2 ダイキャスト模型は少数生産品

1/72 戦闘機ダイキャスト模型は、大量生産品ではない。工場制手工業品だ。1つの製品あたりのロット数は多くて、1000~1200個程度。少ない物だと、600~800個程度である。これは、1国ではなく全世界への出荷に対して、1製品のロット数が、この程度であるということだ。






Hobby Master 三菱 F-1支援戦闘機と実際のF-1支援戦闘機の比較


3.3 ダイキャスト模型は需要が少なく、想定購入者が選択的





F-22戦闘機 エルメンドルフ所属機とティンダル所属機の違い


3.4 ダイキャスト模型はすぐに品薄になる




3.5 ダイキャスト模型の金型と採算


その昔、Gaincorpが「Su-47 ベルク―ト」のダイキャスト模型を出した事があった。その時は「どうして、こうなった…」と思った。その理由は、Su-47は実験機であり、1機種しか製造されておらず、色違いを出すことが出来ない。1機種専用の金型を作成して、ダイキャスト模型として売り出すのは、採算が合うのか疑問だったためである。


Gaincorp製 Su-47 ダイキャスト模型

3.6  ダイキャスト模型の価格

商品価格としては、2008~2009年ぐらいには、安い物だと5千円~6千円台ぐらいの物が存在しており、Hobby Master等も大体7千円~8千円台が平均的であった。


3.7  ダイキャスト模型の品質向上(2000年代~2010年代)


後述するHobby Masterがその典型であるが、10年前に発売されていたDragon WingsのF-15とWitty WingsやJCWingsのF-15では各段のレベル差がある。ただし、先に述べたように、その分値段も上がっている。

近年では、より品質を向上させる一方で高価格帯である「Calibre Wings」等のブランド(価格帯は、2万円~2万5千円前後)も出現しており、品質レベル向上があれば、その代わりとしてインフレは徐々に続くと筆者は予想する。

Calibre Wings Su-24M ダイキャスト模型

Su-24Mというマイナーな機種であるにも関わらず、他のメーカーにない特徴として、地上駐機時のジェットエンジンの吸気口・排気口 赤色カバー付属から機体のスミ入れまで再現しており、極めて完成度が高い完成品ダイキャスト模型である。飛行状態、着陸状態のランディングギア等の部品交換は、磁石での着脱式となっており、模型に対して負担をかけない、破損を引き起こさない、新たな地平線を切り開いた。ブリスターパッケージ部の開閉もマジックテープではなく、磁石を使用しており、一段価格高めに設定している理由も分かる。


Calibre Wings が開発中のF-16の試作ダイキャスト模型。ジェットエンジンが着脱式となっており、他のダイキャスト模型とは一線を画す品質を追求している。


3.8  ダイキャスト模型の生産国

今までダイキャスト模型の生産国は、そのほとんどが「Made in China」である。しかし、近年では、人件費の高騰により、中国から違う国に移る例も出てきた。

Hobby Masterは最近、生産国をバングラディッシュに移した。このため、例えばF-117戦闘機ラインアップは、そのシリーズ途中において「Made in China」から「Made in Bangladesh」に移行している。

3.9  ダイキャスト模型の無許可品

「Official Licensed Product」と書かれていれば、航空機メーカーに対して、販売のライセンス許可を受けているが、その様な文言が書かれてない場合は、無許可で製造しているダイキャスト模型製品となる。


一方で、パッケージに大きく、「JAL」や「ANA」と書いていても、「Official Licensed Product」等と書かれてなければ、無許可で製造されている可能性が高い。


3.10 ダイキャスト模型のコピー品


例えば、最近はめっきり新製品を聞かず、2013年に発売した「F/A-18F U.S.NAVY VFA-2 バウンティーハンターズ」が最後のプロダクトだったと記憶しているが、GAINCORP社のWORLD AIRCRAFTシリーズに「Su-47」のラインナップがあった。(前述)


Gaincorp製 Su-47 ダイキャスト模型(本物)

 Su-47 ダイキャスト模型(偽物)


元来、GAINCORP社のダイキャスト模型は、ランディングギアが固定された状態であり、駐機状態にて飾る事が想定されていた。このため、一部を除き台座は付属していない。しかし、2013年に発売された、「F/A-18F U.S.NAVY VFA-2 バウンティーハンターズ」には、台座が付属しており、その金型も含めた延長として、コピー品にも台座を付属していると考えられる。

以前、中国の軍事博物館に観光で行った際、お土産物ショップで「1/48 FC-1 JF-17 戦闘機のダイキャスト模型」(超7、MiG-21を魔改造した戦闘機)を購入したことがあった。ガラスケースに見本が並べられており、筆者の目からは、塗りもギミックも、良く出来たダイキャストだなぁと思って購入した。パッケージは、FC-1のイラストと中国語表記のみの透明パッケージ等ではない物であった。


これが、帰国後にネットの画像と比較してみると、2005年頃に、GAINCORPから発売された1/48 FC-1とうり二つであり、模型を飛行状態にさせる台座も構造が全く同じだった。しかしながら、もちろんパッケージは、GAINCORPの物ではない。


ダイキャスト コピー品の品質については、正直良く分からない。FC-1のコピー品は持っていたが、GAINCORPの本物は持っていないため比較出来なかったからだ。「偽物が本物にかなわないなんて道理はない」というのを地で行き、クオリティーを上げて来たのが中国という国なので、コピー品であっても、それなりの品質で提供されている可能性はある。

GAINCORP製 FC-1 戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型(1/48) 

3.11 ダイキャスト模型の種類と動向





Su-57(T-50) PAK-FA等、ようやくHerpaが発売を1/72で決めてきたし、Hobby MasterからF-35戦闘機のラインナップが出たのも割と最近のことである。新型機は運用が始まって間もないので、扱う部隊が少なく、バリエーションの出しづらさがある。品質は兎も角置いておいてというのであれば、Airforce1が、Su-57なんかも中国国内にて発売してはいたけれども。

また、例えば、欧州のユーロファイタータイフーンをJCWやWitty Wingsが、スウェーデンのJAS-39、SAAB-37、SAAB-35等の機種をAviation72が投入してきている


Hobby Masterは東側諸国の戦闘機に力を入れている様に見える。MiG-25、各種スホーイ系の機体を市場に投入している。後述するが、Hobby Masterは、新型金型を作成し、かなり攻めた商品開発を行っている印象を受ける。

Hobby Master製 MiG-25 ダイキャスト模型

マイナーな機種も挑戦的に市場に投入するHobby Master


4.ホビーマスター Hobby Master 1/72 戦闘機模型(青箱)


1/72 戦闘機のダイキャスト模型は、現在色々な所から出ている。Herpa、Century Wings、Dragon Wings、Witty Wings(倒産)、JCW(Witty Wingsの後釜?)、 Aviation72、Airfoce1、Gaincorp、UNIMAX、CORGI、Falcon Models等など、かなり多い。

その中でも、一際輝きを放っているメーカーがある。香港を拠点として展開している、ホビーマスター(Hobby Master)だ。パッケージが青く、一部ネット界隈では、Hobby Masterの出す、1/72戦闘機ダイキャスト模型が、通称「青箱」と呼ばれている。

Hobby Masterの戦闘機ダイキャストパッケージ(通称:青箱)

2000年代中盤の戦闘機ダイキャスト模型は、GaincorpやDragon Wingsが幅を利かせていた。Hobby Masterは、その後出てきた新興メーカーである。2006年に設立され、ダイキャスト模型を市場に供給している。

Hobby Masterの戦闘機の機種や機数も多くなり始めたのは、2008年頃からであったかと記憶している。以下に、筆者が考える、Hobby Masterが、他メーカーよりも優れている点を挙げられる。以下、順を追って説明して行く。

  1. 戦闘機の機種・種類が多い、マイナーな戦闘機等も扱っている
  2. クオリティーが安定している、
  3. 日本市場に対して力を入れている
  4. 飛行状態を再現するための台座が標準付属
  5. 割と面倒な塗りに対しても挑戦している

4.1 戦闘機の機種・種類が多い、マイナーな戦闘機等も扱っている




調べて驚いたが、F-4 ファントムII 戦闘機に至っては、99種類も市場に投入を行っている。もちろん、ジェット戦闘機以外にもレシプロ機、車両、艦艇、旅客機、アクションフィギュア等、その他製品についても同時に商品開発を行い、市場に投入している。


例えば、台湾の F-CK-1 経国 戦闘機である。これは、Hobby MasterのWebカタログのラインナップには載っていないが、少なくとも6機種が製造されている

F-CK-1 経国 戦闘機とは、米国の技術協力を受けて開発した、台湾の国産戦闘機であり、極めてマイナーな戦闘機で、市場は台湾にしかないと思われる機種だ。このマイナーな戦闘機のダイキャスト模型化をHobby Masterは行っている。

F-CK-1 経国 戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型


4.2 クオリティーが安定している

ダイキャストメーカーによっては、ある機種のクオリティーが高いが、違う機種のクオリティーが低いなんてことが、たまにある。Hobby Masterは、どれもある程度クオリティーが安定して供給されている様に見える。


4.3 日本市場に対して力を入れている

Hobby Masterは、日本市場に対して、力を入れている事でも、評価が高い。

  1. 三菱 F-1 支援戦闘機
  2. 三菱 T-2 超音速練習機
  3. 川崎 T-4 練習機
  4. 三菱 F-2 支援戦闘機


そして、単純に航空自衛隊部隊のT-2を淡々と出すのではなく、T-2 CCV 研究機やブルーインパルス仕様機体まで商品として投入する力の入れっぷりである。

F-1 支援戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型

T-2 CCV 研究機 ダイキャスト模型

T-2 アグレッサー ダイキャスト模型

F-2 支援戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型

T-4 練習機 ダイキャスト模型

4.4 飛行状態を表現するための台座が標準付属

F-2 支援戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型と台座


まず、ダイキャスト模型であっても、飛行状態を再現するための台座が付かない物も多い。Herpa製のダイキャストでは、台座は付属しない。そして、Witty WingsやJCW製のダイキャストでは、台座は別売りである。


この点、Hobby Master製ダイキャストは、部品の交換により、ランディングギアの開閉が表現できるし、台座も標準付属している。台座自身も、Witty WingsやJCWの別売りスタンドには及ばないが、Aviation72等の貧弱なスタンドとは違い、しっかりしたものが付いてくる。

余談だが、プラスチック製完成品模型で、Hobby Master方式の台座をパクった製品を見かけたことがある(それともライセンス?)。しかし、パクるぐらい、それなりにしっかり作っているとも言える。


Hobby Masterの台座を真似している(?)RAH-66 コマンチの完成品

4.5 割と面倒な塗りに対しても挑戦している


Hobby Masterは、単色の塗りだけでなく、割と複雑で面倒な塗りに対しても挑戦している。以下に示す画像は、筆者が割と面倒な塗りだろうなという感想を持った機種である。



4.6 戦闘機関連メーカーも展示用にHobby Master製品を使用する完成度

展示会で模型として並べられている、Hobby Master製ダイキャスト模型

上記の写真は、JA2018の展示会での模型を写した画像である。この展示を見れば、すぐに分かると思うが、模型で陳列されているXF-2Aは、Hobby Master製のダイキャスト模型、2010年に発売されていた「XF-2A 初号機」である。比較のために、以下画像を並べた。

展示会の模型と、Hobby Master製 XF-2A初号機


このXF-2Aは、2010年当時、8千円~9千円台で売られていたと記憶しているが、プラモデルを組み立てたり、フルスクラッチのソリッド模型をゼロから作るよりも、品質、工期共に、Hobby Master製に軍配が上がったため、この様に展示模型として転用されているのであろうと推測する。


ここまで、長文を書き連ねてきたが、一旦休憩ということで、話を変えて、他のダイキャスト模型メーカーに関する感想でも書き連ねたい。主に、Hobby Masterよりも優れている具体的な模型製品を上げて、解説する。

ここに挙げる模型は、Hobby Master製品よりも優れている品質を持っていると筆者は考えている。扱ってない物もあるが、競合している製品であれば、各社によって良し悪しがあると言う事だ。

5.1 Century Wings SR-71 ブラックバード偵察機

Century WingsのSR-71の出来が素晴らしい。Century Wingsは、日本が企画、中国で生産を行っているメーカーだが、他のダイキャスト模型メーカーが出していないラインナップとして、SR-71を取り扱ている。少々高いが、このクオリティーが非常に良く出来ている。

Century Wings製 SR-71 (NASA仕様) ダイキャスト模型


5.2 Witty Wings / JCW F-15戦闘機

Witty Wingsは、会社として既に潰れたが(後釜としてJC Wings (JCW)というブランドが立ち上がっており、同クオリティー?)、F-15戦闘機ラインナップの質感が大変良い。

F-15JやF-15C 戦闘機はもちろんのこと、F-15E ストライクイーグルの塗りも一律だが、マットな感じで高級感がある。そして、Witty WingsのF-15戦闘機は、垂直尾翼のラダー、水平尾翼が動き、エアブレーキも実機と同じく油圧シリンダーが上下する様なギミックで、サポート付きで開閉出来る。コックピットの開閉についても同様で、油圧シリンダーが上下する様なギミックで、サポート付きで開閉出来る。これらは、大きな魅力だ。

一方のHobby Master F-15戦闘機は、表面のつや、多少の光沢が出ており、エアブレーキの開閉は固定取り換えの開閉式、コックピットの開閉は、現実とは異なるヒンジでの開閉(これは、他のシリーズも同様だが)、垂直尾翼のラダー、水平尾翼は固定式で全く動かず、とても残念である。

そして、Witty WingsのF-15A、F-15C、F-15Jでは、AIM-7 スパロー空対空ミサイルを一本一本ランチャーにセット出来る。Hobby Masterだと機体の穴に入れ込んで固定する方式だが、機体マウントに、実機と同じく一本一本固定可能なのだ。

また、Witty WingsのF-15は、ジェットエンジン空気取り入れ口から、F-15のファンブレードが確認できるが、Hobby Masterの方については、平面しか確認できない。その辺の作り込みもWitty WingsのF-15の方が上である。


Witty Wings製 F-15E 戦闘機 ダイキャスト模型 


また、Witty Wingsの別売りの台座が魅力であり、これは、エンジン排気口部分と後ろの胴体部で固定を行う方式で、アジマス角、ロール角を付けて、ダイナミックにダイキャスト模型を飛行状態にして飾ることが出来る製品である。

この台座は、他のダイキャスト模型(少なくともホビーマスターは合致)にも合致するため、他の模型を飾る場合に買っても良いかもしれない。A-7, F-15, F-16, F/A-18, Su-27等、ラインアップの戦闘機に対応した台座が別売りで用意されているので、それらも他のメーカーのダイキャスト展示に使用出来ると考える。(以下、Amazonリンク参照)

また、Su-27/Su-30系についても、クオリティーが高かった様に思える。塗りも非常に高級感があって良かった。F/A-18系については、可もなく不可もなくといった感じだが、他社に先駆けて、F/A-18E/F スーパーホーネット、EA-18 グラウラー電子戦機をダイキャスト模型として投入したのは評価が高い。




5.3 UNIMAX ヘリコプター/オスプレイ

UNIMAXは、ダイキャスト模型というよりは、完成レジン模型メーカーと認識している。このメーカーは、何と言ってもヘリコプターの造形が精密なことで有名だ。陸自のAH-64D ロングボウアパッチ等のマイナー製品も過去に出したりしている。(AH-64Dの色違いで、たまたま日本市場を狙っただけだとは思うが…)


なお、最近では、ホビーマスターも、AH-64D ロングボウアパッチを出しておりUNIMAXが手に入りくい状況であれば、ホビーマスターも有りだと思いました。

UNIMAX製 オスプレイ ダイキャスト模型

Hobby Master製 AH-64D ダイキャスト模型


6.最近発売した、ホビーマスター Hobby Master製ダイキャストの紹介


6.1 F-2A支援戦闘機 航空自衛隊 第3飛行隊 創設60周年記念塗装


装備する空対空ミサイルは、国産のAAM-4とAAM-5が付属している。デジタル迷彩という塗装が極めて面倒な完成品を仕上げてきた。しかも、海外との互換機なら兎も角、F-16戦闘機をベースとしてるとは言え、F-2支援戦闘機で、このカラーをぶっこんで来るあたり、Hobby Masterが日本向けに相当力を入れている事が分かる一品である。



6.2 F-117 ナイトホーク 米空軍 ステルス戦闘機




6.3 J-11BH 多用途戦闘機 中国人民解放軍空軍

中国版のSu-27 フランカーである。メジャーなロシア機だけではなく、世界的にはマイナーな中国版も取り扱っている。(香港のメーカーだから当たり前か?)


6.4 Su-34 フルバック ロシア連邦航空宇宙軍 シリア 2015

F-15E ストライクイーグルを文字って、通称:ストライクフランカー。ロシアが誇る大型戦闘爆撃機である。シリア爆撃を行った、最近のロシア連邦航空宇宙軍の仕様でダイキャスト模型化。

Su-34も、長らくGaincorpからしか出てきていなかったが、遂にHobby Masterがモデル化に踏み切ってた。もちろん、Gaincorpとは異なり、ランディングギアは開閉自由に着脱可能である。



6.5 F-35C ライトニングII VFA-101 グリムリーパーズ 米海軍型

遂に登場したF-35戦闘機のC型(空母運用海軍型)。F-35Cのダイキャスト模型化は、2メーカー目ではないでしょうか。Airforce1が、以前に折り畳み翼機構付きで、ダイキャスト化してましたが、Hobby MasterのF-35Cはどうなるのでしょうかね。

6.6 T-38 タロン NASA アメリカ航空宇宙局 901



既に倒産したが、Witty Wingsでも、QF-16(F-16の標的無人機)をモデル化した事がある。空軍が演習等で使用する無人標的改造型のF-16である。これは、未だに在庫が残っている。

本当に、謎なラインナップである。会社が倒産しても、在庫が店に残り続けているのも興味深い。余程、人気が無かったんだろうな… アメリカ空軍のQF-16運用部隊の人しか、好き好んで買わないんじゃないだろうか。やはり、バリエーションに手詰まりが出てくると、マイナー方向に突き進んで、トリップするしかなくなるのだろう。


6.7 MiG23MS アメリカ空軍 第4477試験評価飛行隊

MiG-23の珍しいダイキャスト模型。可変翼機で、主翼は可動するギミックが組み込まれている。MiG-23だが、東側の機種ではない。米空軍 第4477試験評価隊仕様の模型である。

米空軍 第4477試験評価隊は、米軍が鹵獲したソ連の戦闘機の飛行特性に研究する冷戦時の試験評価チームだった。グルームレイク空軍基地(エリア51)近くのトノパ試験施設にて、極秘裏に試験評価を行い、解散後も一定期間エリア51で試験が行われていたという。




6.8 F-5F タイガーII アメリカ海軍戦闘機兵器学校



6.9 F-15DJ イーグル 航空自衛隊 新田原基地 飛行教導隊 2010年

航空自衛隊 F-15戦闘機のアグレッサー仕様。現在は、新田原基地から小松基地にアグレッサーは移動しているが、これは2010年使用の模型である。アグレッサー仕様であり、機体色の塗りが独特となっている。


6.10 F-14A トムキャット第84戦闘飛行隊 ジョリー・ロジャース

一昔前までは、F-14戦闘機のダイキャスト模型は、Century Wingsぐらいしかなかったが、最近はHobby Masterがどんどん市場に種類を投入してきている。

米海軍 第103戦闘攻撃飛行隊、通称:ジョリーロジャースは、その部隊マークから人気の機種であり、Century Wingsでは、品薄でかなりのプレミアが付いていたが、Hobby Masterが市場に製品を投入したことで、需要が緩和されたのではないか。




6.10 Su-35 フランカーE アフトゥビンスク 2012




本機は、実際にロシア軍に配備されている塗装を忠実に再現しているが、しかしHobby Masterから発売されていたSu-35系は他にもあり、筆者個人的には、セルジュコフ迷彩プロトタイプ迷彩の方が好きである。


6.11 F/A-18E スーパーホーネット VFA-31 トムキャッターズ

F/A-18E/F スーパーホーネットについても、バリエーションを出してきている。米海軍系は、かなり派手な物が多い。その方が、市場として売れるのかもしれないが。

以前発売されていた、Witty Wingsのユーロファイタータイフーン等は、垂直尾翼が派手派手な物「のみ」ばかりであったが、米国や欧州は、そういう需要が多いということだろう。Witty Wingsでは、地味なタイフーンのラインナップが本当に皆無であった。

もちろん、Hobby Masterは、F/A-18Eシリーズでも、派手ではない物も沢山ある。色んなバリエーションを出しているのが、良い所である。


6.13 1/200 スペースシャトル・オービター

1/72 ジェット戦闘機ダイキャスト模型からは、少し外れるが、スペースシャトルもダイキャスト化している。ペイロードベイも開閉可能の様で、約10年前に発売された、「大人の超合金 スペースシャトルエンデバー号」がプレミア価格になってる今、オービターだけ買うなら、Hobby Masterは良い選択肢だろう。






7. References

[1] Hobby Master, http://hobbymaster.com.hk/
[2] Hobby Master Collector, http://hobbymastercollector.com/
[3] 青箱沼より愛を込めて, 第一回:ダイキャストモデルのすゝめ, http://foxtrot3.jp/post-449/
[4] THE FLYING MULE, http://www.flyingmule.com/
[5] KEN'S AIRMODEL WORLD, http://www.airmodel.jp/
[6] Calibre Wings, http://calibrewings.calibresmodels.com/
[7] http://twitter.com/CalibreWings
[8] Wikipedia, http://ja.wikipedia.org
[9] Century Wings, http://www.centurywings.com/

In recent years, there have been a wide variety of "die-cast models" of finished metal aircraft on the market. In particular, we talk about the current status and overview of the "1/72 scale die-cast jet fighters", a standard scale for plastic models, as well as the appeal of Hobby Master (a.k.a. Blue Box (because of the blue packaging of the models), the leading manufacturer in the industry.


1. 1/72 jet fighter die-cast model

2. Plastic and diecast models
 ・2.1 Characteristics of Fighter Aircraft Plastic Models
 ・2.2 Characteristics of Die-Cast Fighter Aircraft

3. Outline of the diecast model
 ・3.1   What is a die-cast model?
 ・3.2   Die-cast models are produced in small numbers
 ・3.3   Demand for die-cast models is low and notional buyers are selective
 ・3.4   Die-cast models quickly become scarce
 ・3.5   Dies and profitability of die-cast models
 ・3.6   Price of diecast models
 ・3.7   Improvement in quality of die-cast models (2000s to 2010s)
 ・3.8   Countries where diecast models are produced
 ・3.9   Unauthorized die-cast models
 ・3.10 Copies of diecast models
 ・3.11 Types and Trends of Die-Cast Models

4. Hobby Master Hobby Master 1/72 Fighter Model (Blue Box)
 ・4.1 Many models and types of fighter aircraft, minor aircraft, etc.
 ・4.2 Stable quality
 ・4.3 Focusing on the Japanese market
 ・4.4 A pedestal is included as standard equipment to represent the state of flight
 ・4.5 Challenging, even for a relatively difficult paint job
 ・4.6 The level of completeness of products used by fighter aircraft manufacturers for display purposes

5. The author's impressions of diecast model manufacturers (simplified)
 ・5.1 Century Wings SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft
 ・5.2 Witty Wings / JCW F-15 Eagle Fighter aircraft
 ・5.3 UNIMAX Helicopters/Osprey

6. Introduction of the recently released Hobby Master die-cast

 ・6.1   F-2A support fighter, 3rd Air Self-Defense Force, 60th anniversary painting
 ・6.2   F-117 Nighthawk USAF stealth fighter
 ・6.3   J-11BH Multi-purpose fighter aircraft Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force
 ・6.4   Su-34 Fullback Russian Federal Air and Space Forces Syria 2015
 ・6.5   F-35C Lightning II VFA-101 Grim Reapers U.S. Navy
 ・6.6   T-38 Talon NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration 901
 ・6.7   MiG23MS, U.S. Air Force, 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron, RED49
 ・6.8   F-5F Tiger II U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School
 ・6.9   F-15DJ Eagle Air Self-Defense Force, New Tahara Air Base, 2010
 ・6.10 F-14A Tomcat, 84th Fighter Squadron, Jolly Rogers
 ・6.11 Su-35 Flanker E. Avtubinsk 2012
 ・6.12 F/A-18E Super Hornet VFA-31 Tomcatters
 ・6.13 1/200 Space Shuttle Orbiter

7. References

Many of Hobby Master's products are available on Amazon, but the die-cast is sold with only a sketchy product image of a "compositional painting viewed from the side". Since the reference image is just a side view, first-time buyers may not be sure what they'll receive, but like the actual photo, it's a highly finished product.


Actual diecast model (above) and
A reference image of a diecast model for sale on Amazon (below)

1.1/72 Jet fighter diecast model

There are various types of die-cast models of aircraft, including 1/48, 1/72, 1/100, 1/200, etc. Among them, the "1/72 Jet Fighter Die-Cast Model" is the same size as a standard jet fighter plastic model, but not too large or too small.

The propeller type reciprocating fighters of WWII and the jet passenger planes such as ANA and JAL look the same, but the jet fighters of the post-war period have different flight speeds and various shapes of fuselages to suit the missions, and each of them are rich in individuality.

After the introduction of computer-controlled fly-by-wire technology, the variety of fuselage shapes seemed to increase dramatically, since it became possible to control the fuselage without being statically stable. In this article, I will focus on the "1/72 jet fighter die-cast models" which have a variety of fuselage shapes and are of a good size.

2.Plastic models and diecast models

The most famous models of jet fighters are the plastic models available at toy stores. Tamiya (made by Italeri), Hasegawa, Fujimi Models, Trumpet, and many others are sold in Japan and abroad. Plastic models of fighter jets have the following characteristics

2.1 Characteristics of Fighter Aircraft Plastic Models

  1. Cheaper because it's not a finished product. (Unfinished parts sold.)
  2. Various models, including minor ones, are sold because of the low manufacturing cost.
  3. Since they are plastic, the molds can be made to allow for fine manufacturing and expression in the products.
  4. As it is an unfinished product, you need to assemble it yourself. Therefore, the degree of completion depends on the creator. On the other hand, customization is also possible.
  5. The unit price is inexpensive, but if you buy sprays, paints, and adhesives, it costs a good deal of money.
  6. They are plastic, so they are fragile. They are not very durable.

The unit purchase cost is low, but it takes time and money to complete the product because it is unfinished. And the degree of completion depends on the creator, so you have to train to make it well. Because it is made of plastic, it is likely to be broken only by hitting something or wiping dust. These features may be a bit of a chore for those who don't have time to make a plastic model and simply want to decorate their models.

Therefore, we would like to recommend "diecast models" to those who do not have the energy to make a plastic model, but want to decorate their fighter models. It has the following features.

2.2 Characteristics of Die-Cast Fighter Aircraft

  1. You get a finished product right away, no assembly or coloring required. The only cost is the initial purchase cost.
  2. Because it is a finished product, it is more expensive than a plastic model. (Around 10,000 to 15,000 yen)
  3. The quality of this model is about the quality of an intermediate plastic model.
  4. Depending on the model, the fuselage is painted in complex colors, which is difficult to achieve.
  5. Since the fuselage base is a metal model, it is not good at detailed manufacturing and expression. (However, recent die-cast models are integrated with plastic parts.
  6. Because it is a metal model, it is not easy to break. They are highly durable.

Die-cast models do not have the same level of perfection as the plastic models made by professionals and experts. However, in recent years, the quality of the models are better than the middle class models because of the improved skills of the Chinese ladies who make them. In addition, compared to mere plastic models, the fuselage is made of metal, so it is more durable. Above all, it is attractive that you can buy it and decorate it immediately.

This is a perfect product for those who want only the finished product because assembly and coloring are troublesome.

3.Outline of die-cast models

In this section, I will discuss the characteristics of die-cast models, an overview of the industry, and recent trends. It is only in recent years (since the mid-2000s) that the variety of diecast models has increased and their quality has improved significantly. This is because it has become possible for grandmothers (model craftsmen) in China to produce on a large scale, and the quality has gradually improved during the production process, making it possible to supply high quality finished models at low cost. This was not possible in the 1990s.

In the past, inexpensive finished solid models were often simple, unrefined, slapdash resin models, wiped with a single spray-on color and decals applied.

3.1 What is a die-cast model?

Die casting is one of the die casting methods, and is a casting method for mass production of high-precision castings in a short period of time by pressing molten metal into a metal mold. This method is also called die casting. The metal models made by this method are "die-cast models".

Generally, zinc alloy is the metal used for die-cast models of fighter aircraft. Compared to other alloys, zinc alloy die-castings are thinner and more precise. High purity zinc must be used as it may deteriorate over time due to the presence of trace impurities (lead, cadmium, tin, etc.). Zinc has the advantage of easy gloss plating and its strength is higher than that of aluminum alloys under pressure.

Because of its high specific gravity, it is not useful for weight reduction, but because dimensional accuracy is important for fighter die-cast models that are displayed as ornaments, there is no problem with its high weight.


An example of an automobile model (left) and an industrial product (right) made of zinc die-cast

3.2 Die-cast models are produced in small numbers

The 1/72 fighter die-cast models are not mass-produced. The most common lot size is between 1,000 and 1,200 pieces per product, and the least common is between 600 and 800 pieces. The smallest lot is around 600-800 pieces. This means that the number of lots per product is about this many for shipments to the whole world, not just one country.

There is little demand for expensive models like die-cast models. In addition, the assembly and painting of die-cast models requires extremely precise and sophisticated technology and labor. Because the product is a "fighter model", it is only natural that the higher level of detail is better. Such a product is not suited to mass production.

If this is just a character toy (an imaginary product) for children, it doesn't matter if it's slightly deformed or not, as long as they can recognize the character from the outside, it will be a viable product. Even if the quality is lowered, the product will sell. It can be mass-produced cheaply.

For example, the quality of Anpanman's toys, "The geometric placement of Anpanman's eyes, mouth, and nose is out of alignment! How many consumers would argue that this is a good thing, as long as the quality of the character is such that buyers can recognize the pattern? As long as the buyer can recognize the character's pattern, that's all that matters. The same is true for figures of beautiful girls. As long as the quality is such that the buyer can recognize the character. This is because these are all imaginary products, and there is no reality to compare them to.

However, purchasers of fighter die-cast models demand a faithful representation of reality. There is no end to the amount of information that can be gathered from reality. There are many ways to paint a plane, bright color, dark color, matte color, matte finish, etc. The same plane may be modified or not, depending on its age.

I've been told "This numbered plane doesn't come with this equipment! I've seen some advanced maniacs claiming that they are. What a horrible thing. Because it models something that exists in reality, it needs to be built up and is unsuitable for mass production.

Hobby Master Comparison of Mitsubishi F-1 Support Plane and the actual F-1 Support Plane

Some people complain about the details.
It's more satisfying to build your own plastic model when you get to that point.

3.3 Die-cast models are in low demand and notional buyers are selective

The demand for diecast models is small. The reason for this is that the number of people who want expensive and precise models like diecast models is limited, and the assumed buyers are extremely selective.

For example, the Israeli F-15I may sell well to Israeli collectors, but whether collectors from other countries will want it or not is a delicate matter. American collectors want the F-15E more than the F-15I, and the percentage of Singapore collectors who want the F-15SG is high.

If you are not that particular about the F-15E, you can buy any model you want. However, if you are a beginner to an intermediate die-cast swamp, even if it is a die-cast model of the same F-22 fighter jet, you will find that the Elmendorf Air Force Base is better than the Tyndall Air Force Base because it is cooler! I'm sure he'll say that. There is almost no difference between the two models in terms of paint, etc., and the only big difference that I can see is in the unit markings on the tail fins and aircraft numbers...


Differences between F-22 fighters Elmendorf and Tyndall

The panels appear to be painted differently from each other except for their affiliation. Since the color pattern of the fuselage's air-traffic control camouflage appears to be the same, I guess that the coloring is done by using a common painting jig.

3.4 Die-cast models are quickly becoming scarce

Except for the less popular models, die-cast models of fighters don't last long, and it's rare to be able to buy them a year later. They are not mass-produced, and once made, they are not re-produced. Re-production is hopeless. They are almost a seasonal product.

In addition, die-cast manufacturers who produce models under license from fighter jet manufacturers have permission to produce the number of units. This means that the better the manufacturer, the more difficult it is to re-produce. Even if there is a re-production, it is only for a different aircraft number from the same unit, and it will not be re-produced as is.

For this reason, once a lot is produced, the production is finished, so if you want a die-cast model, it is better to buy it as soon as possible. It is because of the inevitable shortage of products.

3.5 Dies and Profitability of Die-Cast Models

As mentioned above, die-cast models are not mass-produced products. Therefore, once a die is made, it must be used multiple times to make it profitable. In other words, a number of different variations of the same fighter model are made and sold in different lots by changing the fighter unit (tail wing markings, identification numbers, etc.), the country of deployment, or the color of the aircraft. They would use all the molds, change the fuselage's paint and logo, and sell them.

Once upon a time, Gaincorp released a die-cast model of the Su-47 Berkut. At the time I thought to myself, "How did that happen? The Su-47 was an experimental aircraft, and as there was only one model made, and it was not possible to produce a different coloured version, we wondered if it would be financially viable to make a die for a single model and sell it as a die-cast model.

However, since the color of the fighters were all in black, and the painting of the fuselage was rather simple, the company may have thought that it would be profitable to reduce the cost of painting and integration.

Diecast model of Su-47 by Gaincorp

3.6  Price of diecast models

Between 2008 and 2009, inexpensive products were priced in the 5,000 to 6,000 yen range, and the average price of products such as Hobby Master was in the 7,000 to 8,000 yen range.

However, due to the subsequent depreciation of the yen, wage increases for Chinese grandmothers who are contracted to manufacture products, soaring zinc alloy prices, and improvements in quality, the price of new products on the market today has risen to around 10,000 to 15,000 yen. It can be said that product price inflation has doubled in the last ten years.
(This is the same trend as in the case of anime figures.

3.7  Quality improvement of die-cast models (2000s - 2010s)

It can be said that the quality of die-cast fighter models has improved considerably in the last 15 years. Large-scale production by Chinese grandmothers (model craftsmen) has become possible, and the quality has gradually improved during the production process, making it possible to supply high quality finished models at low cost. This was not possible in the 1990s.

A typical example of this is the Hobby Master, which will be discussed later, but there is a level of difference between the Dragon Wings F-15, which was released 10 years ago, and the Witty Wings and JCWings F-15. However, as mentioned earlier, the price has gone up for them.

In recent years, brands such as "Calibre Wings" (price range is around 20,000-25,000 yen) have emerged, which have improved quality but are in a higher price range, and the author expects inflation to continue to gradually replace any improvement in quality levels.

Calibre Wings Su-24M diecast model

Despite the Su-24M being a minor model, one of the features that cannot be found in other manufacturers is the reproduction of the jet engine intakes and exhaust vents when parked on the ground, from the red covers included to the smudged fuselage, making this a complete die-cast model with a high degree of perfection. The landing gears and other parts in flight and landing conditions can be replaced by the magnetic detachable system, which does not put any strain on the model and does not cause any damage to it, thus opening up new horizons. The blister package also opens and closes with magnets instead of Velcro, which explains why the price is a bit higher.


A prototype die-cast model of the F-16 being developed by Calibre Wings. The jet engine is detachable, and the company is pursuing a quality that is different from other diecast models.


3.8  Die-cast model production countries

Until now, most of the die-cast models were produced in "Made in China". However, in recent years, due to the rise of labor cost, some of them have moved from China to other countries.

Hobby Master recently moved the country of production to Bangladesh. For this reason, for example, the F-117 fighter line-up has been shifted from "Made in China" to "Made in Bangladesh" in the middle of its series.

3.9  Unauthorized die-cast models

If it is not labeled as such, it is a diecast model product manufactured without permission.

In the case of ANA, there is no doubt that the products sold by All Nippon Airways are the officially licensed products.

On the other hand, even if the package says "JAL" or "ANA" on it, if it doesn't say "Official Licensed Product", there is a high possibility that it is manufactured without a license.

Whether it's a copy or an unauthorized product, when a new manufacturer sells a die-cast model that you've never heard of before and the lineup doesn't last, it's likely to be one of those cases. It is likely that they are engaged in a one-hit wondering game.

3.10 Copies of diecast models

Just as with figures, imitation fighter jet diecast models are available on the market. They are made by diverting molds that are no longer in use and re-producing them. These are molds that have gone out of business or have been leaked from the original company.

For example, we haven't heard of any new products lately, and the F/A-18F U.S. Navy VFA-2 Bounty Hunters released in 2013 was the last product I remember, but there was a lineup of the Su-47 in GAINCORP's WORLD AIRCRAFT series. (See above.)

This was already out of print in the 2000s, and just like the normal die-cast, it was only produced once and not re-produced, and since the original plane was an experimental plane, there are no other variations, but there are copies (fakes) manufactured afterwards that are circulating.

Gaincorp die-cast model of Su-47 (real)

 Su-47 diecast model (fake)

I've never held the copy in my hand, so I'm not sure how complete it is, but it appears to use the same mold. Moreover, the original real one didn't have a base, but the copy is sold with a better product grade, with the base included in the copy.

Originally, GAINCORP's die-cast models had fixed landing gear and were intended to be displayed in a tarmac state. For this reason, with a few exceptions, the pedestal is not included. However, the F/A-18F U.S. Navy VFA-2 Bounty Hunters, which was released in 2013, comes with a pedestal, and it is thought that the pedestal is also included in the copy as an extension of the mold.

I once bought a "1/48 FC-1 JF-17 fighter die-cast model" (a super-7, MiG-21 fighter that had been demonized) in a souvenir shop when I was visiting a military museum in China as a tourist. A sample was laid out in a glass case, and I bought it because I thought it was a well-done diecast, both in terms of paint and gimmick, from the author's point of view. The package was not a transparent package with only illustrations and Chinese characters of FC-1.

The price was not much more than 1,000 yuan (several thousand yen), and I remember that it was quite expensive souvenir for Chinese people at that time. In fact, a shopkeeper asked me, "Are you really going to buy it? (I don't know what he said in Chinese, but that's the nuance).

After I returned home, I compared it with the picture on the net, and I found that it was exactly the same as the 1/48 FC-1, which was sold by GAINCORP in 2005, and the structure of the base which makes the model fly is the same. However, the packaging, of course, is not the same as that of GAINCORP.

From these circumstantial evidences, it seems that the die-cast (genuine) is basically a one-time production, but when the die is leaked (or deliberately) after it is no longer used, copies are rampant. As I mentioned earlier, this is a souvenir sold to a museum, an official Chinese national museum, which is a place of authority (?) in its own right. But this is what is happening.

To be honest, I'm not sure about the quality of the die-cast copies, because I had the FC-1 copy, but not the real GAINCORP one, so I couldn't compare. China is a country that has been improving the quality of its products by following the principle of "there is no reason why imitations can't be as good as the real thing".

GAINCORP FC-1 Fighter Aircraft Diecast Model (1/48)

3.11 Types and Trends of Die-Cast Models

Over the past 10 years, diecast model manufacturers have released a wide variety of diecast fighter aircraft models. As a result, the famous jet fighters of the West, such as the F-14, F-15, F-16, F-4, and F/A-18, seem to have been exhausted. It seems that the Su-27 series, which is the famous fighter plane of the eastern countries, has also been released, and the demand for these fighters has been increased by the change of the fuselage painting.

In the past 10 years, we have been producing many different color variations of the famous fighters, but we can feel that we may have run out of material for color variations only.

Most of the famous fighters have been produced by other companies, so there are only minor jet fighters left. However, I think they are in a dilemma as to whether they can make a profit by releasing a minor fighter jet. I'm getting a story, but I don't know if minor fighters will sell well.

Gradually, however, there has been a shift to the manufacture of diecast models of more minor fighter aircraft. However, if a completely new fighter model is released, it will require a lot of money to make a mold, so I feel that companies are gradually releasing only fighters that can already produce a reasonable amount of variations at the moment. They can't afford to release experimental or newer models because they are not profitable.

Herpa finally decided to release Su-57 (T-50) PAK-FA, etc., at 1/72 scale, and it's only relatively recently that Hobby Master has released the F-35 fighter line-up. Since the new aircraft has only been in operation for a short time, there are few units to handle it, making it difficult to produce variations. If you want to put quality aside, the Airforce1 has released the Su-57 in China, though.

For example, JCW and Witty Wings have introduced the Eurofighter Typhoon from Europe, and the Swedish JAS-39, SAAB-37, SAAB-35 and other models have been introduced by Aviation 72.

I can't recommend the quality of Aviation72, but it is the only one (except for Diagostini-like 1/72 models sold in France) and the fact that they are introducing minor aircraft to the market seems to be aggressive.

Hobby Master seems to be focusing on the fighters from the eastern countries, with the MiG-25 and various Sukhoi type aircraft on the market. As I will discuss later, I have the impression that Hobby Master is developing new types of molds and is very aggressive in its product development.

Hobby Master's MiG-25 diecast model

Hobby Master, which is challenging the market with minor models
The first MiG-25 was a die-cast model of the Lt. Belenko defector's specifications


4.Hobby Master Hobby Master 1/72 Fighter Model (Blue Box)

There are many different types of fighter die-cast models, but this article will focus on 1/72 scale "jet fighters".

Die-cast models of 1/72 fighter jets are currently available from a variety of sources: Herpa, Century Wings, Dragon Wings, Witty Wings (bankruptcy), JCW (the replacement for Witty Wings?) Aviation72, Aviation72, Airfoce1, Gaincorp, UNIMAX, CORGI, Falcon Models and many more.

But one manufacturer stands out from the rest. The Hong Kong based company, Hobby Master. Due to the blue packaging, Hobby Master's 1/72 fighter die-cast models are commonly referred to as "blue boxes" in some online circles.

Hobby Master's fighter die-cast package (a.k.a. blue box)
It comes in a blister box that can be spread out so that the contents can be seen even when the box is unopened.

Hobby Master was established in 2006 and has been supplying the market with die-cast models since then.

It was around 2008 when Hobby Master started to produce more and more fighter models. Here is what I think Hobby Master is superior to other manufacturers. I'll explain in order below.

  1. Many kinds of fighters, minor fighters are also available.
  2. The quality is consistent.
  3. Focusing on the Japanese market.
  4. A pedestal to reproduce the state of flight is included as standard.
  5. It's a challenge against a rather cumbersome paint job.

4.1 Many types of fighter aircraft, minor fighters, etc

Hobby Master carries an extremely wide variety of die-cast fighter models. They range from the Century series to the most advanced modern jet fighters, and they range from the Century series to the most modern jet fighters.

As of February 2019, the following models of 1/72 scale jet fighter diecast are already available. Please check out the official website below for a link to the catalog.

Since April 2018, the web catalog has stopped being updated, so the above is not all of the models, but in the 12 years from 2006-2018, "at least" 37 models, for a total of 624 models, have been introduced to the market, and one company has that much product development capability. (I write "at least" because, as we'll see later, we see that manufacturers may not have the models they have created in their web catalogs.) Divided by one year, there are 52 models. This is a pace of 4.3 models per month.

The F-4 Phantom II fighter is a surprisingly high number, with 99 different models being introduced into the market. Of course, in addition to jet fighters, they are also developing and bringing to market other products such as reciprocating aircraft, vehicles, naval vessels, passenger aircraft, and action figures.

On the other hand, there are a large number of jet fighters, but there are also many different types of jet fighters, and other companies have decided that they are not profitable? It has introduced a series of minor models that it does not handle.

F-CK-1 Ching-kuo Fighter is a very minor Taiwanese fighter jet, which was developed with the technical assistance of the U.S., and its market is thought to be only in Taiwan. Hobby Master has been working on a die-cast model of this minor fighter jet.

F-CK-1 Fighter die-cast model

The above-mentioned features, such as the large number of models and types of fighter aircraft and the fact that the company also handles minor fighters, are unrivaled by other die-cast manufacturers. In addition, as we will discuss later, the way in which the company focuses on the Japanese market is also different from its lineup.

4.2 Stable quality

Some die casters have high quality in one model and low quality in another model.

The landing gears for the legs of the fighters are also more detailed than other companies. The landing gear is designed to be plugged and unplugged if the legs are thick, and the landing gear is designed to be a modular box to prevent breakage of thin and fine parts. This module box is also designed to prevent the parts from breaking when pulling them out.

4.3 Focusing on the Japanese market

Hobby Master is highly regarded for its efforts in the Japanese market. They have already released the following models in the market that other manufacturers never sell.

  1. Mitsubishi F-1 Support Aircraft
  2. Mitsubishi T-2 Supersonic Trainer
  3. Kawasaki T-4 Trainer
  4. Mitsubishi F-2 Support Fighter

In particular, the F-1/T-2 and the T-4 are worth mentioning, and there is not much demand for these at all outside the Japanese market. In addition, unlike the F-2, which might be able to be built based on the F-16's molds, the aforementioned fighter and trainer planes need to be built from scratch, and this is a product lineup that cannot be built without focusing on the Japanese market, even though they will be doing business with the rest of the world.

The company is not simply releasing the T-2 of the Air Self-Defense Force, but is putting a lot of effort into introducing the T-2 CCV research plane and even the Blue Impulse spec aircraft as products.

F-1 support fighter die-cast model

T-2 CCV research aircraft die-cast model

T-2 Aggressor die-cast model

F-2 support fighter die-cast model

T-4 Trainer die-cast model

4.4 A pedestal to represent the state of flight is included as standard

F-2 support fighter die-cast model and pedestal

To represent the state of flight, a pedestal is provided as standard. Basically, the pedestal is made of plastic, but in the case of heavier models (starting with the F-22 fighter jet, which was released in 2010), some of them are made of metal struts.

First of all, there are many die-cast models that do not have a pedestal for reproducing the flying conditions, and Herpa's die-cast models do not have a pedestal. And the pedestal is sold separately in the die-cast models made by Witty Wings and JCW.

In addition, most of the die-cast GAINCORP models do not have the pedestal, and they are fixed in the ground parking condition. In other words, the landing gear is not attached to the plane.

In this regard, the die-cast models by Hobby Master can have the landing gear opened and closed by changing the parts, and the pedestal is also included as standard. The pedestal itself is not as good as the Witty Wings or JCW stands sold separately, but it comes with a solid base, unlike the poor stands of the Aviation 72 and others.

This is a bit of a digression, but I have seen some finished plastic models that have taken the Hobby Master style pedestal (or is it licensed?). . However, it can be said that it was made so well that it was made in its own way.


It mimics the pedestal of the Hobby Master (?) RAH-66 Finished Comanche

4.5 It's a challenge against a rather cumbersome paint job

In die-cast models, there are various fuselage painting methods. It is not difficult to paint a fuselage in a single color gray, but it is a fact that there are difficult paints for some fuselages.

Hobby Master challenges not only the painting of single color but also the complicated and troublesome painting. The following pictures are the models which I think the painting must be very troublesome.


Examples of aircrafts coloration

4.6 Fighter-related manufacturers also use Hobby Master products for display purposes

The die-cast Hobby Master models on display at the exhibition

The picture above is an image of the model at the JA2018 exhibition. As you can see from this display, the XF-2A displayed in the model is a die-cast model made by Hobby Master, the first XF-2A, which was released in 2010. For the sake of comparison, I've lined up the following images.

A model of the exhibition and the first XF-2A made by Hobby Master

The AAM-3 air-to-air missiles, which are standard on both ends of the wings, have been removed and painted, and two ASM-2 anti-ship missiles are mounted on this model.

This XF-2A was sold for 8,000-9,000 yen at the time of 2010, but I guess that the quality and construction period of this model is better than assembling a plastic model or making a full scratch solid model from scratch, because it is made by Hobby Master.

5.The author's impressions of diecast model manufacturers (simplified)

I've written a long list of articles, but now that we're taking a break, I'd like to change the subject and write about my impressions of other diecast model manufacturers. I will mainly focus on specific model products that are better than Hobby Master's.

The models listed here are, in my opinion, of superior quality to Hobby Master's products. Although some of them are not available, they are all competing products, which means that each company has its own advantages and disadvantages.

5.1 Century Wings SR-71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft

Century Wings is a Japanese company that plans and produces in China, but they have made the SR-71, which no other diecast model maker has made before. Although it is a little expensive, this quality is very well made.

Century Wings SR-71 (NASA Specifications) Diecast model


5.2 Witty Wings / JCW F-15 Eagle fighter aircraft

Witty Wings has already gone out of business as a company (a brand called JC Wings (JCW) has been set up to replace it and is of the same quality? , the texture of the F-15 fighter lineup is very good.

The F-15J and F-15C fighters, as well as the paint on the F-15E Strike Eagle is uniform, but it's matte and luxurious. The vertical tail rudder and the horizontal tail moves, and the air brakes can be opened and closed with support, just like the original. The cockpit can be opened and closed in the same way, with the same up and down hydraulic cylinders and support. This is a big attraction.

On the other hand, the Hobby Master F-15 has a glossy and somewhat shiny surface, the air brakes are fixed and replaceable, the cockpit opens and closes with hinges, which is different from the reality (this is the same for the other series), and the rudder of the vertical tail fins and the horizontal tail fins are fixed and do not move at all, which is very disappointing.

And the Witty Wings F-15A, F-15C, and F-15J allow you to set the AIM-7 Sparrow air-to-air missiles on the launcher one by one, instead of the Hobby Master's method of inserting them into the fuselage hole, which is the same as the real one.

The Witty Wings F-15's fan blades can be seen through the air intake of the jet engine, but the Hobby Master's fan blades can only be seen on a flat surface. The F-15 from Witty Wings is better than the F-15 in this area.

If you want a high quality die-cast F-15, you should buy it while it's still in the market, though JCW may remanufacture it.

Die-cast model of the F-15E fighter plane made by Witty Wings 


This is a pedestal which is sold separately from the Witty Wings, and it is a product which can be fixed at the engine exhaust port and at the rear fuselage, so that the die-cast models can be dynamically displayed in a flying state with azimuth and roll angles.

This pedestal is compatible with other die-cast models (at least the Hobby Master matches), so you can buy it if you want to display other models, such as A-7, F-15, F-16, F/A-18, Su-27, etc. You can also buy pedestals for other fighters in the lineup such as A-7, F-15, F-16, F/A-18, Su-27, etc. We believe it can be used for manufacturer's die-cast displays of (See Amazon link below.)

Also, the quality of Su-27/Su-30 series seems to have been high. As for the F/A-18 series, it is not so bad, but the fact that they released the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet and EA-18 Growler as a die-cast model ahead of their competitors is highly appreciated.




5.3 UNIMAX Helicopters and Osprey

UNIMAX as a manufacturer of finished resin models rather than die-cast models. This company is famous for their precise modeling of helicopters. They have released minor products such as the Ground Self-Defense Force's AH-64D Longbow Apache in the past. (I think it's just a different color from the AH-64D, which just happens to be aimed at the Japanese market...)

As well as helicopters, I also recommend the Osprey models. There are few places that offer 1/72 scale models of the Osprey, so this is a valuable lineup.

In addition, recently, Hobby Master also produces the AH-64D Longbow Apache, and if the UNIMAX is hard to obtain, I thought that Hobby Master is also available.

UNIMAX Osprey diecast model

Hobby Master's AH-64D die-cast model


6.Introduction of the recently released Hobby Master die-cast

Finally, I'd like to mention a few recently released die-casts made by Hobby Master that I'd like to share with you. As you can see, they've released a pretty aggressive lineup, and yet they cycle quickly. I hope you get the reason why I recommend Hobby Master over other manufacturers.

6.1 F-2A support fighter aircraft Air Self-Defense Force 3rd Squadron - 60th Anniversary Painting

The F-2A painted aircraft was also on the cover of the December 2016 issue of Aviation Fan. It is not a simple offshore camouflage, but a digital offshore camouflage. The tail fins are painted in large red with the 3rd Squadron markings of Misawa Air Base.

The aircraft is equipped with domestic AAM-4 and AAM-5 air-to-air missiles. The finished product has been finished in digital camouflage, which is extremely cumbersome to paint. Even though it's based on the F-16, this is an F-2 support plane, and the fact that it's based on an F-2 support plane with these colors shows that Hobby Master has put a lot of effort into making this model for the Japanese market.



6.2 F-117 Nighthawk, USAF, stealth fighter

The F-117 series that have been released in succession. This is the F-117 series. There are some manufacturers who produce this in 1/200 scale, but for a long time, no manufacturer has appeared in 1/72 scale. It was produced by SUNSTAR, a die-casting manufacturer, but other manufacturers did not produce this series. As it should be, the total production of the F-117 is only 64 actual aircraft, so it is difficult to produce variations.

There have been variations such as the Gulf War version, the Holloman Air Force Base version, a commemorative version with the Stars and Stripes painted on the back of the fuselage, and a special gray version that was tested at Area 51.


6.3  Multi-purpose fighter aircraft Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force

It is the Chinese version of the Su-27 Flanker. Not only the major Russian version of the plane, but also the minor Chinese version of the plane. (Is it natural because it's a Hong Kong manufacturer?)

In addition to China's original grayish paint job, instead of the Russian style air control camouflage (blueish), the armament is also specially prepared for the Chinese version. As a medium-range AAM, the PL-12D with ramjet propulsion is included in the armament of the model, which shows the attention to detail.

6.4 Su-34 Fullback Russian Federal Air and Space Forces Syria 2015

Commonly known as the Strike Flanker, which is a letter from the F-15E Strike Eagle. It is the pride of Russia's large fighter-bomber. Diecast modeled to the specifications of the recent Russian Federal Air and Space Force, which bombed Syria.

The Su-34 has also been only available from Gaincorp for a long time, but finally Hobby Master has decided to model it. Of course, unlike the Gaincorp model, the landing gear can be opened and closed at will.

In the future, we can expect to see more enthusiastic models of the Su-33 and other shipboard fighters in their lineup as well.


6.5 F-35C Lightning II VFA-101 Grim Reapers U.S. Navy

The F-35C is the second manufacturer to make a die-cast model of the F-35C. Airforce1 had previously made a die-cast model with a folding wing mechanism, but I wonder how Hobby Master's F-35C will fare.

6.6 T-38 Talon, NASA, National Aeronautics and Space Administration 901

This is a die-cast model of the T-38 training plane used by NASA for astronaut training. This is an astonishing lineup of models.

NASA's version of the T-38 has been sold separately. This is the same maniacal lineup that chased the Space Shuttle Columbia on March 30, 1982 as a chaser in New Mexico.

Although it has already gone bankrupt, Witty Wings has also modeled the QF-16 (an F-16 target drone). It is an unmanned target modification of the F-16 used by the Air Force for exercises and other purposes. This one is still in stock.

Really, it's a mysterious lineup. It's interesting that even though the company has gone bankrupt, the stock is still in the store. It must have been very unpopular... I guess that only the people of the QF-16 operational unit of the United States Air Force like to buy it. After all, when the variations are in limbo, they will push forward in a minor direction and will have no choice but to trip.


6.7 MiG23MS U.S. Air Force 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron

An unusual die-cast model of the MiG-23. It is a MiG-23, but not an eastern model. USAF 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron specification model.

The U.S. Air Force 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron was a Cold War test and evaluation team that studied the flight characteristics of U.S. captured Soviet fighter aircraft. The team conducted tests and evaluations in secret at the Tonopah Test Facility near Groom Lake Air Force Base (Area 51), and tests were conducted at Area 51 for a period of time after it was disbanded.

This is a die-cast model of the MiG-23 that was captured and tested by the 4477th Test and Evaluation Squadron, which is a very maniacal setup product.



6.8 F-5F Tiger II U.S. Navy Fighter Weapons School

This is an F-5F fighter aircraft of the U.S. Naval Fighter Weapons School (Top Gun) Aggressor specification. The attached guidance bombs are quite large compared to the fuselage. It is an aggressor specification and the paint is unique.


6.9 F-15DJ Eagle Japan Air Self-Defense Force, New Tahara Air Base, 2010

F-15 Fighter Aggressor specification of JASDF. Aggressor has been moved from Shindawara base to Komatsu base, but this is the model used in 2010. This model is used in 2010.


6.10 F-14A Tomcat 84th Fighter Squadron Jolly Rogers

A long time ago, the only die-cast model of the F-14 fighter jet was Century Wings, but Hobby Master has been introducing more and more varieties to the market these days.

The U.S. Navy's 103rd Fighter Attack Squadron, a.k.a. the Jolly Rogers, is a popular model due to its unit markings, and while Century Wings had a shortage of the aircraft and quite a premium, Hobby Master's introduction of their products to the market may have eased the demand for them.




6.10 Su-35 Flanker E. Avtubinsk 2012

At a glance, it's hard to judge a Su-27 by its appearance. In fact, the Air Self-Defense Force initially mistook the Su-35 for the Su-27 in its airspace invasion missions. However, it is a fourth generation ++ fighter, one of Russia's most powerful fighters, which has been improved in many areas.

One of the major changes that can be seen from the outside is the addition of vector thrust nozzles to the jet engine, allowing for direct control of thrust direction. For this reason, special parts are included that allow the nozzle of the jet engine to bend.

The jet engine nozzles are ball movable, so even if you don't have to replace the parts, you can swing the jet engine nozzles as you like. Knowing this, I'm left feeling a little disappointed.

This aircraft is a faithful reproduction of the actual paint job that is deployed in the Russian military, however, there are other Su-35 series that were released by Hobby Master, and I personally prefer the Serzhukov or prototype camouflage.


6.11 F/A-18E Super Hornet VFA-31 Tomcatters

They are also coming out with variations on the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Many of the U.S. Navy systems are quite flashy. It might be more popular in the market.

The Witty Wings Eurofighter Typhoon that was released before had a lot of flashy vertical tail fins, but in the US and Europe, the demand is very high.

Of course, Hobby Master has a lot of less flashy stuff in their F/A-18E series. The good thing is that they offer a variety of variations.


6.13 1/200 Space Shuttle Orbiter

It's a little out of step with the 1/72 jet fighter die-cast models, but the Space Shuttle has also been die-cast. The payload bay can be opened and closed, and the price of the "Adult Superalloy Space Shuttle Endeavour", which was released about 10 years ago, is at a premium now, if you only want to buy the Orbiter, Hobby Master is a good choice.

So far, Atlantis, Discovery and Endeavour have been released. Lost in an accident, they don't carry the Columbia or Challenger. It seems that there are some minor differences in specifications depending on the year, so the 1992 Endeavour and 1998 Endeavour are released in duplicate.

The mechanism of opening and closing the payload bay is very elaborate, not to mention the massiveness characteristic of die-cast models. Also, the fact that the Canadian robot arm, despite its small size, has a lot of freedom and can be moved is amazing. It can also be folded up and tucked away in the payload, just like in reality.


By the way, "Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa no Otona no Chogokin" is not popular, and the price is the same as 10 years ago, maybe because of the surplus stock. It seems that you can still buy the first limited edition, and the price hasn't changed from 10 years ago.


7. References

[1] Hobby Master, http://hobbymaster.com.hk/
[2] Hobby Master Collector, http://hobbymastercollector.com/
[3] 青箱沼より愛を込めて, 第一回:ダイキャストモデルのすゝめ, http://foxtrot3.jp/post-449/
[4] THE FLYING MULE, http://www.flyingmule.com/
[5] KEN'S AIRMODEL WORLD, http://www.airmodel.jp/
[6] Calibre Wings, http://calibrewings.calibresmodels.com/
[7] http://twitter.com/CalibreWings
[8] Wikipedia, http://ja.wikipedia.org
[9] Century Wings, http://www.centurywings.com/

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