
ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド 第1回目, Russian new ICBM with hypersonic glider scramjet engine missile: Avangard (1)

ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド アバンガード アヴァンガード アヴァンガルド 第1回目, Russian new ICBM with hypersonic glider scramjet engine missile: Avangard (1)


For breaking through Missile Defense system, Russia has developed new ICBM for 20 years, with hypersonic cruise Re-entry Vehicle assisted by scramjet engine.

Russia has devised measures to break through the US Missile Defense (MD) and SDI since the Soviet era. As a result of research and development for more than 20 years, the new ICBM which appeared after 2019 has a winged warhead with scramjet engine. This missile will be able to glide, cruise flight, mobility and We have never seen before.







■ MDに対抗するロシアの新型ICBM開発に関するニュース記事

[2007.12.26, The New York Times] WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; Russia: Ballistic Missile Test-Fired 
A Russian submarine in the Barents Sea successfully test-fired a new ballistic missile, hitting a target on the Kamchatka Peninsula on Russia's Pacific coast minutes later, the Defense Ministry said. The RSM-54, or Sineva, is a hybrid ballistic missile that in its final stages becomes a modified cruise missile. In that guise, the missile can elude antimissile systems that rely on a ballistic trajectory for their calculations. The launching was the second such test-firing of the Sineva in less than a week. 

[2012.05.24, 産経新聞] ロシア軍 試作型弾道ミサイル発射・成功 欧州MDで迎撃不可能 

[2012.12.14, 日経新聞] ロシア、18年末までに新型ICBM開発 

[2015.11.11, 産経新聞] 露、米ミサイル対抗で新戦力構築へプーチン大統領が表明 

[2017.10.01, Business Insider] ロシア「新型ICBM」の発射試験に成功、その性能は? 
ロシアは9月12日にも地下サイロから「実験的な弾頭」を搭載したICBMの発射実験を行っているが、今回の試験では移動式の発射台を使用したとロシア国営イタルタス通信は報じた。 「ロシアの『実験的な』再突入体の詳細は不明だ」とナショナル・インタレストは伝えた。さらに敵のミサイル防衛システムを突破できるよう設計された機動可能な再突入体の可能性があると加えた。



ロシアは、ソ連時代から機動再突入弾頭の研究を行っていた。その第1世代は、1980年代後半まで開発を実施していた、アルバトロス ICBM(Альбатрос)に搭載が計画されていた機動再突入弾頭である。これは当時、宇宙空間にレーザー衛星を配備しミサイルを迎撃する等の構想を打ち出した、米国のSDIプログラムに対抗するためのもので、機動・巡航・滑空可能な核弾頭を持ったICBMを開発する計画であった。

開発計画では、高度100km突入時に速度約5.8~7.5km/sで、1000km程度の範囲で機動が行う設計となっていた。通常、ICBMは、再突入核弾頭をPBV(Post Boost Vehicle)によって、飛翔中に宇宙空間において、着弾目標方向に射出される。複数弾頭ある場合は、それぞれの弾頭の軌道を振り分ける。




NPO TsNIIMASHでは、アルバストロスICBM計画の機動再突入体を平和利用し、15~1.5時間以内に、420~2500kgの緊急救助物資を届ける計画を2000年~2003年にかけて、提案している。ただし、この開発計画のソースは、nevskii-bastion.ru のみのものであり、そのまたソース元がばらけているため、その詳細については不明である。


(発射機はSS-19 ICBMと見られる)

SS-19 ICBMを打上げて、先端の物資搭載飛翔体が滑空を行い、世界各地に緊急援助物資を届けるというのは、政治的にも経済的にも成立しない荒唐無稽な計画である。ロシアにとっての想定敵国である米国は、早期警戒衛星等によってICBMや弾道ミサイル発射検知を24時間体制で監視している。その様な状況において、先制攻撃とも米国側に取られかねないリスクを冒し、ICBMを発射して、数十分以内に緊急援助物資を運ぶ必要性は何処にあるのだろうか?そもそも経済的に1回発射すれば確実に数十億円の費用がかかる。そこまでして届けたい緊急援助物資とは何だろうか?



近年では、低層用のMDシステムを掻い潜るため、下記画像の様な弾頭が考案されている。この弾頭は、高速機動戦闘ユニット:Скоростной маневрирующий боевой блок(High-speed maneuvering combat unit)と呼ばれている。画像は、再突入弾頭のスケルトンモックアップを示している。


弾頭をこれまでのMIRV(Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicle:多弾頭各個目標再突入弾)の様に単純円錐形状とせず、先端に角度を付けて揚力発生形状として、後方のタブの弾頭内から外部への出入れにより落下時に機動可能なものと推察される。




  1. ロシアは、21世紀初頭から複数回のICBMの発射試験を実施してきた。
  2. 米国のMDシステムを回避するために新型ICBMを開発しており、ロシア側はその点に何度も言及している。
  3. 2004年2月28日のICBM試験では、SS-19またはSS-25 Topol が使用された。 
  4. 再突入弾頭が機動・巡航することでMDシステム突破を狙うタイプである。
  5. 再突入弾頭は、既存の極超音速巡航ミサイルを基に開発が行われた。
  6. 巡航用としてスクラムジェットエンジン技術が使用されている可能性がある。
  7. 再突入弾頭は、1998年から開発が開始されたが、1980年代からの基礎研究成果が盛り込まれている。



[2008.10.22, 週刊オブイェクト] 情報が錯綜するロシアのMD突破用弾道弾技術 http://obiekt.seesaa.net/article/108456542.html 

[2005.06.23, 朝雲新聞] 軌道変更可能な大気圏再突入体(露) 対ミサイル防衛網を突破 
[柴田 実(財)防衛技術協会・客員研究員]

朝雲新聞以外の記事を見てみよう。別の記事、Russian strategic nuclear forcesにおいては、2004年2月28日のICBM試験について、次の様に書かれている。

[2004.02.18, Russian strategic nuclear forces] Russian strategic forces took part in a large-scale exercise 
At about 12:00 MSK on February 18, 2004, a UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) missile was launched from a silo at the launch pad 175/2 of the Baykonur launch site toward the Kura site in Kamchatka Peninsula. The launch was successful and the warhead reached its target.
On February 19th the First Deputy Chief of Staff announced that during the exercise Russia tested a warhead of a new type. No further details were disclosed, but it appears that it was a maneuverable warhead tested during the UR-100NUTTH launch. 

[2005.02.07, Russian strategic nuclear forces] Putin's miracle weapon revisited 
The Rocket Forces reportedly tested a new missile warhead, which, in President Putin's words, were capable "hitting targets at an intercontinental depth," "with a hypersonic speed, high precision and the opportunity of deep maneuvre in terms of height and course". It was heralded as Russia's response to the U.S. missile defense and the Russian military proudly claimed that the new warhead can penetrate any missile defense system.
Details of the test have never been officially (or otherwise) disclosed, but it is belived that the new weapon in question was a maneuverable warhead for the SS-19/UR-100NUTTH missile (although some reports say it was a SS-25/Topol missile warhead).
It turns out that the test may not be quite the success it was reported at the time. Yuri Solomonov, the General Designer of the Moscow Instinute of Thermal Technology, is reported as saying that the warhead burned up in atmosphere over the Svobodnyy launch site. 
試験詳細は正式には公表されていないが、新型兵器はSS-19 / UR-100NUTTHミサイルのの機動弾頭であると考えられている(一部の報告はSS-25 /トーポルミサイルの弾頭)。試験は成功してない可能性もある。ユーリ・ソロモノフは、Svobodnyy発射場で大気中で弾頭が燃え尽きたと報じている。


[2013.01.18, Russianspaceweb.com] Russia jump-starts hypersonic flight research 
Yet, in the first decade of the 21century, both national and Western media reported testing in Russia of maneuverable hypersonic warheads carried by the Topol-M ballistic missile. Little is known about these systems, however, Russian military officials have continued referring to highly maneuverable vehicles serving as upper stages of newest ballistic missiles. They are reportedly capable of avoiding enemy's anti-missile defenses thanks to their ability to maneuver widely during their descent. It is unclear whether these devices are gliders using the aerodynamic forces to maneuver, or they have a propulsion system. 



米国では、米空軍とDARPAが極超音速飛翔体として、Falcon HTVを開発している。ピースキーパーICBMから発生したミノタウルスIVロケットを用いているが、ロシアもこれに相当する極超音速巡航型再突入弾頭を搭載した新型ICBMを開発していると見るべきである。(年代的に、先にソ連・ロシアが計画、米国が追随していると見るべきだが)

運用目的の違いとしては、米国側のFalcon HTVは、PGS(Prompt Global Strike)構想の一環として開発されており、通常弾頭搭載を前提とするが、ロシア側は再突入弾頭を迎撃されないため、MDシステム突破のために開発を実施しており、その弾頭は「核弾頭」ということだ。

5.新型ICBMに搭載される、アバンガルド 極超音速滑空ミサイル、大型ICBMサルマート、質と量の装備体系を開発するロシア




  1. 大型ICBM:サルマート
  2. 極超音速滑空ミサイル(弾頭、再突入体):アバンガルド
  3. 極超音速空対地ミサイル:キンジャール
  4. 原子力巡航ミサイル:ブレヴェストニク
  5. 原子力魚雷:ポセイドン
  6. レーザー兵器:ぺレスウェート











  1. 最初の映像に移っている作業風景は、アバンガルドを格納しているICBMのフェアリング?(フェアリングは、映像を公開が問題ない部分ではある)
  2. 打上げ機は、UR-100Nファミリー(SS-19 ICBM)の1種であり、衛星打上げ機として使用されている、Strela(Kondor-E, SHS-2フェアリング型)に搭載して試験が行われたと見られる。
  3. ICBMで打ち上げられた後に、再突入体を分離する方式である。
  4. アバンガルドは、分離後、滑空するグライダー型再突入体である。
  5. エンジンを搭載した動力飛行しているかどうかは、映像からは読みとれない。
  6. 衛星と逐次データリンク・通信を行い、迎撃を回避可能としている。






6.UR-100N-UTTKh ICBM(SS-19)に搭載され試験が実施されたアバンガルド


実際の外観、そしてCGで描写される映像から、第1段目はロケットエンジンノズル4個、第2段目は、ロケットエンジンノズル1個+バーニア4個から、SS-19によって試験がなされていると分かる。これらのロケットエンジンは、それぞれ第1段目「RD-0233 / RD-0234」、第2段目「RD-0235(14/15D113)」及びバーニア「RD-0236 (15D114)」に対応している。



Stela ロケット(Kondor-E, SHS-2フェアリング型)


SS-19には様々なファミリーがあり、今回公開されたアバンガルド飛行試験で使用されたのは、その中でも、Strela ロケット(Kondor-E, SHS-2フェアリング型)と呼ばれる機種である。Strelaは、UR-100N-UTTKh ICBM(SS-19)を最小限の改修で衛星打上げロケットに改造した機体だ。1500kgまでの人工衛星を63°傾斜角の低軌道に打ち上げることが出来る。なお、ホットローンチによるサイロ発射型のため、上記写真・映像では機体表面が焦げているのが分かる。

SHS-2フェアリングは、底辺Φ1550 mm, 高さ4600 mm のペイロード容積である。この中に搭載されて打ち上げられたものと考えられる。







次回:ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド 第2回目, Russian new ICBM with hypersonic glider scramjet engine missile: Avangard (2)

[1] プーチン大統領が明らかにしたロシアの新型核兵器,
[2] https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/russia/
[3] http://spacechasm.clan.su/publ/24-1-0-200
[4] http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_fam/ur-100n.htm
[5] http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/strela.htm
[6] https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/ss-19/
[7] https://fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/icbm/ur-100n.htm

For breaking through Missile Defense system, Russia has developed new ICBM for 20 years, with hypersonic cruise Re-entry Vehicle assisted by scramjet engine.

Russia has devised measures to break through the US Missile Defense (MD) and SDI since the Soviet era. As a result of research and development for more than 20 years, the new ICBM which appeared after 2019 has a winged warhead with scramjet engine. This missile will be able to glide, cruise flight, mobility and We have never seen before.


1.Russia aims to break through missile defense with new ICBMs

Russia is seeking to evade ICBM interception by US missile defense (MD). As shown in the news article below, Russia has already announced as early as 2012 that it will develop a new ICBM to counter MD by the end of 2018 (and, in the latest article, by 2019).

For Russia, the US MD is seen as a threat to upset the military balance between the East and West. This is evidenced by its repeated opposition to MD systems deployed in Romania, Japan, and South Korea in the past, and thus obtaining the means to break through MD is a key challenge for Russia to maintain a balance of nuclear forces with the United States. President Putin has mentioned MD countermeasures on many occasions in the past and has expressed confidence in the MD breakthrough.

From these news articles, it appears that the new ICBMs being developed by Russia are in their final stage, i.e., their nuclear warheads are equipped with the ability to change their flight course midway through their maneuvering and piloting, thus enabling them to slip through the MD.

■ News article on Russia's development of a new ICBM to compete with MD

[2007.12.26, The New York Times] WORLD BRIEFING | EUROPE; Russia: Ballistic Missile Test-Fired 
A Russian submarine in the Barents Sea successfully test-fired a new ballistic missile, hitting a target on the Kamchatka Peninsula on Russia's Pacific coast minutes later, the Defense Ministry said. The RSM-54, or Sineva, is a hybrid ballistic missile that in its final stages becomes a modified cruise missile. In that guise, the missile can elude antimissile systems that rely on a ballistic trajectory for their calculations. The launching was the second such test-firing of the Sineva in less than a week. 

[2012.05.24, 産経新聞] ロシア軍 試作型弾道ミサイル発射・成功 欧州MDで迎撃不可能 
Defense sources told Interfax news agency that the new weapons are designed to break through European missile defense networks. The missile is believed to be an improved version of the Topoli-M and Yasul class of ICBMs already deployed by the Russian Strategic Missile Forces and can change its flight course midway to prevent interception, they said.

[2012.12.14, 日経新聞] ロシア、18年末までに新型ICBM開発 
The commander of Russia's military and strategic missile unit, Karakayev, revealed for the first time on April 14 that he plans to develop a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) capable of carrying a nuclear warhead by the end of 2018, according to the Russian news agency. Russia is opposed to the missile defense (MD) systems planned by the United States in Europe and elsewhere, and the commander stressed that Russia's strategic strike capability "can neutralize the combat capabilities of MD systems to the maximum extent possible. The new ICBMs are "heavy ICBMs" that use solid fuel and have high destructive and delivery capabilities. It will be a replacement for the already-deployed Yarus and Topoli-M ICBMs, which have tested the new ICBMs in the prototype stage several times in 2012.


[2015.11.11, 産経新聞] 露、米ミサイル対抗で新戦力構築へプーチン大統領が表明 
He announced that the first step would be to build an interceptor system for MD. Russia is highly wary of the US MD program, and in June, Putin announced, among other things, that he plans to deploy more than 40 additional intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) by the end of the year as a countermeasure.

[2017.10.01, Business Insider] ロシア「新型ICBM」の発射試験に成功、その性能は? 
ロシアは9月12日にも地下サイロから「実験的な弾頭」を搭載したICBMの発射実験を行っているが、今回の試験では移動式の発射台を使用したとロシア国営イタルタス通信は報じた。 「ロシアの『実験的な』再突入体の詳細は不明だ」とナショナル・インタレストは伝えた。さらに敵のミサイル防衛システムを突破できるよう設計された機動可能な再突入体の可能性があると加えた。 
Russia has also tested launching an ICBM with an "experimental warhead" from an underground silo on September 12, but this time the test used a mobile launcher, Russia's state-run Itar-Tass news agency reported. The National Interest reported that "details of Russia's 'experimental' reentry vehicle are unclear. It added that it could be a mobile re-entry vehicle designed to be able to break through enemy missile defense systems. 

2.History of Soviet-Russian Planned Mobile Reentry Warheads 1: Albatross ICBM

The classic methods of circumventing MD systems include multiple warheads, carrying multiple decoy warheads (e.g., radar-reflecting metal deposition balloons), and launching them into a lofted orbit (high orbit). Recently, nuclear warheads like the DF-21D (Dongfeng 21D) being developed by China, which have fins on their warheads, have appeared on the scene that allow them to change their trajectory to a certain extent when placed in terminal guidance.

Russia has been researching mobile reentry warheads since Soviet times. The first generation of these warheads was planned for installation on the Albatross ICBM (Альбатрос), which was under development until the late 1980s. The plan was to develop a mobile, cruise and glide ICBM with a nuclear warhead to counter the US SDI program, which at the time envisioned the deployment of laser satellites in space to intercept missiles.

In the development plan, the ICBM was designed to maneuver at a speed of about 5.8-7.5 km/s at an altitude of 100 km and over a range of about 1,000 km. Normally, an ICBM is launched by a post-boost vehicle (PBV) into space in the direction of its target while in flight. If there are multiple warheads, the trajectory of each warhead is assigned.

On the other hand, a winged re-entry warhead on the tip of an Albatross ICBM, which can be maneuvered aerodynamically, has wings and can change its own trajectory without the use of PBVs. In other words, it can be guided to the end by itself. Its ability to scrape the back of MD systems and SDI's designed to intercept warheads that perform a simple ballistic flight, evading and scraping the intercept.

Flight tests of Albatross ICBMs conducted between 1990 and 1992

This development program was discontinued in the early 1990s with the end of the Cold War and the collapse of the Soviet Union. However, as you can see in the image, flight tests were carried out and technology was accumulated, and there are traces of trial and error by the development team to find out if the technology could be used for something.

TsNIIMASH, a non-profit organization, has proposed a plan between 2000 and 2003 for the peaceful use of the mobile reentry vehicle of the Alvastros ICBM project to deliver 420-2500 kg of emergency rescue supplies within 15-1.5 hours. However, the source of this development plan is nevskii-bastion.ru only, and because of its disparate sources, the details of this plan are not known.

Emergency rescue material system based on the Albatross ICBM project's mobile re-entry warhead
Two different types appear to have been invented

A rocket for launching emergency rescue material systems using a mobile reentry warhead
The launcher appears to be an SS-19 ICBM

Launching an SS-19 ICBM and having a tipped materiel-carrying flyer glide through the air to deliver emergency aid to various parts of the world is a ridiculous plan that is neither politically nor economically viable. The U.S., Russia's assumed adversary, monitors ICBM and ballistic missile launch detection with early warning satellites and other equipment around the clock. Under such circumstances, what is the need to launch ICBMs and deliver emergency relief supplies within a few minutes at the risk of being taken as a first strike by the US? To begin with, one economic launch would certainly cost billions of yen. What kind of emergency relief supplies would we want to deliver that far?

If such a proposal actually existed, it shows how the former Albatross ICBM development team tried and tried to force their way into the budget during the Russian economic crisis.

3.History of Soviet-Russian Planned Mobile Reentry Warheads 2: Fast Mobile Combat Units

In recent years, warheads such as the one in the image below have been devised to get through the MD system for low layers. This warhead is called the Скоростной маневрирующий боевой блок (High-speed maneuvering combat unit). The image shows a skeleton mock-up of the re-entry warhead.

Low-layer MD System Evasion Mobile Warhead
(Manufacturer's Brochure:http://russianforces.org/MARV_Makeyev.pdf

The warhead is not shaped like a simple cone like the conventional MIRV (Multiple Independently-targetable Reentry Vehicle), but instead has an angled tip that generates lift, so that when it falls by moving in and out of the rear tab of the warhead to the outside It is presumed to be mobile.

The tab appears to be a gas pressure driven system in terms of pressure tanks and plumbing in place. According to the manufacturer's description, the nose performs a rotational maneuver in the direction of rotation, allowing for cross-range maneuvering, and appears to be intended for use against targets with a robust air defense system.

4.New Russian ICBMs have reentry warheads to cruise and maneuver

However, the MD countermeasures Russia is attempting to implement in the 2020s seem to be an advanced technology that goes even further. Over the years, since the late 1990s, several news articles have reported that Russia is developing a new ICBM to break through the MD system. Taken together, the following information emerges from these articles.

  1. Russia has conducted multiple ICBM launch tests since the early 21st century.
  2. New ICBMs have been developed to bypass the US MD system, and the Russians have mentioned this on numerous occasions.
  3. The SS-19 or SS-25 Topol was used in the February 28, 2004 ICBM test. 
  4. This type of reentry warhead aims to break through the MD system by maneuvering and cruising.
  5. The reentry warhead was developed from an existing hypersonic cruise missile.
  6. Scramjet engine technology may have been used for cruising.

Combining and integrating what is conveyed from the news articles, we can see that Russia's new ICBM is developing something of considerable technical difficulty, with a reentry warhead gliding after launch and a scramjet engine that allows powered flight, which would allow it to break through the MD system.

The following is a summary of the news articles that provide evidence for these An article posted by Blogger JSF in 2008 about information on the new ICBM and reentry warhead sums up this type of news article.

[2008.10.22, 週刊オブイェクト] 情報が錯綜するロシアのMD突破用弾道弾技術 http://obiekt.seesaa.net/article/108456542.html 
The following article is featured here, although the link is broken.

[2005.06.23, 朝雲新聞] 軌道変更可能な大気圏再突入体(露) 対ミサイル防衛網を突破 
[柴田 実(財)防衛技術協会・客員研究員] 
Russia launched the SS25 "Topol" intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) from the Plessk launch facility on February 18, 2004, and subsequently launched a prototype propulsorized change-of-orbit (RV) system in the sky. According to recent official Russian announcements, this prototype flying vehicle was a winged RV that sought to break through an anti-missile defense network built with ground-based interceptor missiles. These statements and launch exercises reiterated Russia's traditional and consistent emphasis on maintaining and future strengthening of its strategic nuclear deterrent. The launch of a missile carrying a prototype RV provided the basis for President Putin's statement that "in the near future, such a system will be capable of destroying targets at intercontinental distances at hypersonic speeds and with high precision, not to mention the ability to change both altitude and trajectory. 
The RV changed its trajectory during atmospheric reentry through combustion propulsion. The Russian announcement stated that the development of the new RV began in 1998, but that it was the result of basic research and development that started in the 1980s. According to unconfirmed reports, the RV is a development of the AS19 "Koala" and is based on the hypersonic cruise missile named "Kh90". The basic design by the Razga Design Bureau was modified to fit for high-speed and high-altitude cruise flight. 
Official reports have stated that several Russian companies were involved in the design of this RV. The original AS 19, with a range of 3,000 kilometers, had a high-speed, high-altitude cruise capability and was intended to be fitted to the Tu160 bomber, but design work was halted after the collapse of the Soviet Union. According to unofficial reports, the RV was intended to test and evaluate a design that would use scramjet propulsion technology to cruise and fly at an altitude of over 100,000 feet at Mach 6. The RV was tested on the SS25 ICBM, but the final design will reportedly be installed and operated on the SS27 "Topol M". The initial RV, named "GELA" (an acronym for hypersonic research flyer), flew in 2001, while a change-of-orbit RV and ICBM integration test is believed to have been demonstrated during the seventh flight test of SS27 in 1999.GELA flew several times, including an airborne launch from a Tu95MS aircraft Even the conventional RV heads of ICBMs are technically difficult to intercept with ground-based interceptors, but once the RVs have been detached from the ICBMs, intercepting them will be extremely difficult. 
Minoru Shibata, Visiting Researcher, Japan Defense Technology Association]

Let's look at articles other than Asagumo Shimbun. In another article, Russian strategic nuclear forces, the February 28, 2004 ICBM test was described as follows.

[2004.02.18, Russian strategic nuclear forces] Russian strategic forces took part in a large-scale exercise 
At about 12:00 MSK on February 18, 2004, a UR-100NUTTH (SS-19) missile was launched from a silo at the launch pad 175/2 of the Baykonur launch site toward the Kura site in Kamchatka Peninsula. The launch was successful and the warhead reached its target.
On February 19th the First Deputy Chief of Staff announced that during the exercise Russia tested a warhead of a new type. No further details were disclosed, but it appears that it was a maneuverable warhead tested during the UR-100NUTTH launch. 

[2005.02.07, Russian strategic nuclear forces] Putin's miracle weapon revisited 
The Rocket Forces reportedly tested a new missile warhead, which, in President Putin's words, were capable "hitting targets at an intercontinental depth," "with a hypersonic speed, high precision and the opportunity of deep maneuvre in terms of height and course". It was heralded as Russia's response to the U.S. missile defense and the Russian military proudly claimed that the new warhead can penetrate any missile defense system.
Details of the test have never been officially (or otherwise) disclosed, but it is belived that the new weapon in question was a maneuverable warhead for the SS-19/UR-100NUTTH missile (although some reports say it was a SS-25/Topol missile warhead).
It turns out that the test may not be quite the success it was reported at the time. Yuri Solomonov, the General Designer of the Moscow Instinute of Thermal Technology, is reported as saying that the warhead burned up in atmosphere over the Svobodnyy launch site. 

Russianspaceweb.com also refers to this type of Russian mobile warhead as follows.

[2013.01.18, Russianspaceweb.com] Russia jump-starts hypersonic flight research 
Yet, in the first decade of the 21century, both national and Western media reported testing in Russia of maneuverable hypersonic warheads carried by the Topol-M ballistic missile. Little is known about these systems, however, Russian military officials have continued referring to highly maneuverable vehicles serving as upper stages of newest ballistic missiles. They are reportedly capable of avoiding enemy's anti-missile defenses thanks to their ability to maneuver widely during their descent. It is unclear whether these devices are gliders using the aerodynamic forces to maneuver, or they have a propulsion system. 


These reports are consistent with the contents of a 2005 report in the Asagumo Shimbun. To summarize the information, the one thing they have in common is that a re-entry warhead detached from an ICBM will be used to carry out the cruise. It may also be equipped with a scramjet engine to enable powered flight, rather than just a gliding glider.

The mechanism of the new reentry warhead could be interpreted as a parabolic trajectory (cruising and maneuvering) against the trajectory of a conventional reentry warhead falling down, thus creating a non-linear trajectory that would evade the MD's intercept system. The addition of a third factor other than simple gravity and aerodynamics is thought to be the mechanism that creates a discrepancy in the meeting points calculated and predicted on the MD's side, making interception difficult.

In the United States, the US Air Force and DARPA are developing the Falcon HTV as a hypersonic flyer. It is using a Minotaur IV rocket generated from a Peacekeeper ICBM, and Russia should be seen to be developing a new ICBM with a hypersonic cruise reentry warhead equivalent to this one. (Chronologically, the Soviet Union and Russia should be seen as planning it first, with the United States following suit.

The difference in operational objectives is that the US side's Falcon HTV is being developed as part of the Prompt Global Strike (PGS) initiative and is designed to carry a conventional warhead, while the Russian side is developing it to break through the MD system because it will not be intercepted by a re-entry warhead.

5.Russia to develop Avangard hypersonic glide missiles, large ICBM Sarmat, and quality and quantity equipment systems for the new ICBM.

The author had heard that a new ICBM with a scramjet-powered re-entry warhead was being developed in Russia. However, the true nature of the project was a complete mystery, and it was only leaked through news articles and other sources.

The first time the development of a new ICBM saw the light of day in public was announced by President Vladimir Putin in his annual address to the Federal Assembly in Moscow on March 1, 2018. The announcement showed that there was indeed a re-entry warhead capable of the mysterious MD system evasion trajectory that Russia has been developing for years. And it was an official endorsement of the forthcoming fielding of the warhead.

In this annual State of the Union address, the following new weapons were announced

  1. Large ICBM : Sarmat
  2. Hypersonic Glide Missile (Warhead and Reentry Vehicle): Avangard
  3. Hypersonic Air-to-Surface Missile: Kinjar
  4. Nuclear Cruise Missile: Brevestnik
  5. Nuclear Torpedo: Poseidon
  6. Laser Weapon: Pereswait

What is noteworthy here is that Russia, which cannot counter the United States with conventional forces, is attempting to develop a weapon system and game-changing technology that have never been seen before. In particular, the means of delivering nuclear weapons will continue to be a strategic trump card for Russia, which cannot counter with conventional forces. Therefore, it must avoid being shot down by missiles and other missiles from MD systems, only to disable ICBMs.

Therefore, with this announcement, two new types of ICBMs (new warheads) have been announced. These two types of new ICBMs are believed to be developed to deploy both quality and quantity equipment systems at the same time.

◆Large ICBM : Sarmat

The first is the large ICBM: the Sarmat. It is believed to be a large ICBM (200-ton class) capable of carrying a large number of nuclear warheads, and is thought to be designed as a strategy to avoid attacks from missiles intercepted by the MD system by launching a saturation attack on enemy territory with a large number of nuclear warheads. This is an equipment system that emphasizes "quantity". The Sarmat is intended to replace the obsolete SS-18 (R-36).

Stalin once said that "quantity is as good as quality," and this is a weapon that truly embodies this statement. As mentioned in the third item, however, the reentry warhead will be equipped with limited mobility devices, such as mobile combat units, as well as the Avangard warhead, which will be discussed later.

In addition, the Sarmat ICBM, due to its sheer size, has the capability of a "partial orbital bombing system". Russia has doubts about the survivability of solid-fueled mobile ICBMs. That is because solid-fueled mobile ICBMs are so large that they can be carried by vehicles, so they have to be compacted together and have to take a ballistic trajectory over the North Pole. However, the Arctic Ocean side is more likely to be intercepted because the U.S. military has deployed many MD systems and sensors in Alaska and elsewhere.

Therefore, the Russians will have a partially maneuverable bombing system on the heavy ICBM Sarmat, which has high performance (specific thrust) with liquid fuel and is allowed to be large enough to be launched from silos. This is a method of launching a nuclear warhead into the U.S. via Antarctica on the other side, rather than the shortest ballistic flight course. Once launched into satellite orbit, the nuclear warhead would be re-entered before orbiting the Earth once. (The reason for not orbiting the earth is so as not to violate the 1967 Outer Space Treaty, which bans nuclear weapons in space. A large ICBM Sarmat would be able to do this. All of this is to bypass the MD system.

◆Hypersonic Glide Missile (Warhead and Reentry Vehicle): Avangard

The second is a new ICBM warhead, the hypersonic gliding missile (warhead or reentry vehicle): the Avangard. Avangard is a maneuverable glider or fictitious reentry vehicle mounted on the tip of an ICBM that can avoid intercepting missiles by performing sophisticated maneuvers on its own. It is an unprecedented equipment system that places an emphasis on quality. Together with the earlier Sarmat, it attempts to maintain both quality and quantity.

Avangard hypersonic glide missile

Here is what I was able to read from this video.

  1. The work scene that moves into the first video is the fairing of the ICBM that houses Avangard? (Fairing is the part where releasing the footage is not a problem.)
  2. The launcher is a member of the UR-100N family (SS-19 ICBM), and is believed to have been tested on board Strela (Kondor-E, SHS-2 fairing type), which is used as a satellite launcher.
  3. The method is to separate the reentry vehicle after it is launched by ICBM.
  4. Avangard is a glider-type re-entry vehicle that glides after separation.
  5. It is not clear from the images whether it is powered by the engine or not.
  6. It is possible to avoid interception by sequential data links and communications with satellites.

Avangard is a glider-type re-entry vehicle that glides after separation.

It is not clear from the video whether powered flight is possible or not, but after the ICBM is launched, it glides at hypersonic speed as a glider and is guided to the target. The video shows that the glider communicates with the satellite through data links to provide information on interceptions and other events on the way to the target, enabling evasive maneuvers.

CG of Avangard hypersonic glide missile

The fairing section of the Avangard-equipped ICBM?

Data link and communication from the satellite allows the selection of an interception avoidance course

CG of Avangard gliding like a glider
I don't know if it has an engine for powered flight

6.UR-100N-UTTKh Avangard which was installed and tested on the ICBM (SS-19)

The video released to the public reads the rocket launched during the Avangard test. The UR-100N-UTTKh (SS-19) ICBM is the one that launched Avangard. This ICBM is a model that is also used as a space rocket.

The first stage has four rocket engine nozzles, and the second stage has one rocket engine nozzle and four burners. These rocket engines correspond to the first stage "RD-0233 / RD-0234", the second stage "RD-0235 (14/15D113)" and the vernier "RD-0236 (15D114)", respectively.

Test launch at ICBM
You can see 4 first stage nozzles, 1 second stage nozzle + 4 burners


Stela rocket (Kondor-E, SHS-2 fairing type)

The launch of the SS-19

There are various families of SS-19s, and the one used in the Avangard flight tests released here is called the Strela rocket (Kondor-E, SHS-2 fairing type).Strela is a UR-100N-UTTKh ICBM (SS-19) With minimal modification, it can launch a satellite up to 1500kg into a low orbit with 63 degrees inclination. Because it is a hot-launch silo launcher, the surface of the vehicle is scorched in the photo and video above.

The payload volume of the SHS-2 fairing is 1550 mm in diameter and 4600 mm in height. It is thought that the fairing was launched in this volume.

Strela's fairing schematic (SHS-1 and SHS-2)

Stela's Fairing (SHS-2)

7.Is the new ICBM reentry warhead a glider-type nuclear warhead with a scramjet engine?

Did the Russians succeed in developing a mobile and cruising reentry warhead?
If it succeeds, what shape is it in?

As we organized and gathered information, we found hints in the academic information. By integrating this information with news articles, the contours of Russia's new ICBM and new re-entry warhead have emerged.

In the next article, we will introduce the analysis.

NEXT:Russian new ICBM with hypersonic glider scramjet engine missile: Avangard (2)

[1] プーチン大統領が明らかにしたロシアの新型核兵器,
[2] https://missilethreat.csis.org/country/russia/
[3] http://spacechasm.clan.su/publ/24-1-0-200
[4] http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau_fam/ur-100n.htm
[5] http://space.skyrocket.de/doc_lau/strela.htm
[6] https://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/ss-19/
[7] https://fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/icbm/ur-100n.htm

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