
ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド 第2回目, Russian new ICBM with hypersonic glider scramjet engine missile: Avangard (2)

ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド アバンガード アヴァンガード アヴァンガルド 第2回目, Russian new ICBM with hypersonic glider scramjet engine missile: Avangard (2)


ロシアは、ソ連時代から米国のミサイル防衛(MD)やSDIを突破するための策を練ってきた。約20年以上に渡り研究開発を行った結果、2019年以降に登場する新型ICBMには、核弾頭を有翼のスクラムジェットエンジン搭載型飛翔体化し、滑空、機動、巡航飛行を行う、かつてない新型ミサイルが登場する。この極超音速グライダー型ミサイルはどんな形状なのか?それについて、分析する。「ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド 第1回目」からの続きです。

For breaking through Missile Defense system, Russia has developed new ICBM for 20 years, with hypersonic cruise Re-entry Vehicle assisted by scramjet engine.

Russia has devised measures to break through the US Missile Defense (MD) and SDI since the Soviet era. As a result of research and development for more than 20 years, the new ICBM which appeared after 2019 has a winged warhead with scramjet engine. This missile will be able to glide, cruise flight, mobility and We have never seen before. What shape is this hypersonic glider type missile? We analyzed this.


1.ロシアが極超音速ミサイル配備へ 迎撃困難との見方も

2018年12月26日、新聞各社が、ロシアのアバンガルド 新型ICBMの発射成功とミサイル配備に関する記事を公表した。これらの記事の内容は、2019年に向けてロシアがアバンガルド及び新型ICBM配備を進めると書いた、「ロシアの新型ICBM 極超音速グライダー型スクラムジェットエンジンミサイル:アバンガルド 第1回目」で指摘した通りである。


[2018.12.27, 朝日新聞] ロシアが極超音速ミサイル配備へ 迎撃困難との見方も


[2018.12.27, MBS NEWS] ロシア、極超音速ミサイルシステムの発射実験成功
「これは大きな成功で、大きな勝利です」(ロシア プーチン大統領)

Russia: Watch Successful Public Test-Launch of Avangard Hypersonic Missile









Stela ロケット(Kondor-E, SHS-2フェアリング型), SS-19, UR-100N UTTKh 

  1. サイロからホットローンチを行っている。
  2. 最初に開いた四角いフタは、サイロ発射時の炎とガスを逃がすための穴の内の一つと見られる。また映像から、炎とガスを逃がす穴は、3~4個程度かそれ以上開けてある。
  3. 前回紹介した様に、発射された新型ICBMは、Stela ロケット(Kondor-E, SHS-2フェアリング型)、SS-19を転用した物である。
  4. これが最終試験とするならば、「新型ICBM」と表現しているにも関わらず、その自体は、SS-19をミサイルのベースとして使い、弾頭のみ特殊化(=アバンガルド)して、機動化、滑空化しているものと考えられる。




結果として、アバンガルドは、ロシアの極超音速飛行研究を行っている、CIAM(Central Institute of Aviation Motors in Moscow)中央航空力学研究所 が開発した、極超音速飛行及びスクラムジェットエンジン実験機:IGLA飛翔体シリーズのGLL-8 (GLL-VK)をベースにしている可能性が高いという結論に至った。IGLAとは、CIAMが計画している極超音速実験機の総称のことである。「Issgedovatelyaskii Giperzvukovoi Letatelyania Aparrat」と呼ばれ、英語では「Research hypersonic vehicle」の意味を指す。


しかし、その形状は、アルバトロスICBM計画の機動再突入弾頭を応用した緊急救助物資システムと外見が極めて良く似ている。加えて、後述する他の理由もあり、アルバトロスICBMから派生したと判断した。つまり、アルバトロスICBM → IGLA飛翔体 → アバンガルドと進化した可能性が高く、IGLA飛翔体に着目すれば、アバンガルドの概要を追う事が出来ると思われる。

IGLA飛翔体 GLL-8(GLL-VK)のモックアップ

上記のIGLA GLL-8と比較すると形状が極めて似通っている

詳細は後述するが、まとめると以下の理由から、アルバトロスICBM → IGLA → アバンガルドに進化した可能性が高いと筆者は考える。

  1. アルバトロスICBMが、冷戦時代のSDIによるレーザーや力学的破壊による、ICBM迎撃システムに対処するために弾頭を機動化させるコンセプトで開発された物であり、技術の有用性は、現在のBMD対抗にも転用可能なコンセプトである。アバンガ―ドは、滑空や機動化した再突入弾頭により、BMDを突破コンセプトで開発されている。両者は極めて良く似たコンセプトと目的を持っている。技術的資産が流用された可能性が高い。
  2. アルバトロスICBMの機動再突入弾頭は、極超音速飛行及びスクラムジェットエンジン実験機:IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)に外見上、非常に似ており、アルバトロスICBMの技術が流用された可能性が高い。
  3. アルバトロスICBM、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)、アバンガ―ドは、3者共に、SS-19 ICBMという同じ弾道ミサイルによって打ち上げられ、滑空、巡航を行うコンセプトの共通点持っている。
  4. アバンガルドは、前回の記事で紹介した様に、動力飛行や巡行機能を持っていると見られる。実際、開発中の情報がニュースとして取り上げられている。空気吸い込み式の極超音速飛行用エンジンを搭載しているならば、速度域からして、スクラムジェットエンジンであろう。
  5. IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)を開発したCIAMは、世界初のスクラムジェットエンジン実験機「GLL Holod」の飛行試験に成功した組織である。アバンガルドが滑空のみならず極超音速飛行での動力飛行機能を持っているならば、CIAMを研究開発組織としてプロジェクトに組み込む可能性が高い。その場合、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)の技術を流用して開発を行うのが自然である。
  6. もちろん、CIAM以外の組織が、アバンガルドの開発に関わった可能性もあるが、アバンガルド開発開始時の1998年、ロシア財政危機の真っただ中であり、全く経験や実績がない新規組織を組み込むよりは、財政面と技術面で合理的である。
  7. アバンガルド開発開始時の1998年、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)の飛行試験計画がなされており、これは、アバンガルドの飛行コンセプトと極めて良く似ている。
  8. 開発時期についても、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)計画とアバンガルドの開発計画は一致しており、矛盾はない。
  9. 以上は、最大ケースで想定をしており、スクラムジェットエンジンが搭載されず、ICBMが与えた初期運動エネルギーのみで滑空及び機動を行う可能性もある。

4.IGLA飛翔体 GLL-8(GLL-VK)は、アバンガルドに進化したか

下記に、1990年代後半(1997年~1999年頃)のロシア国内外で行われた学術会議や論文等で示された、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の概要を示す。集めた資料によると、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)は1990年代後半当時、将来的にSS-19 ICBMに搭載した上で、実飛行を伴うフルフライトの試験を行う計画を立ててた事が判明した。

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) 飛翔体概要図

SS-19 ICBMに搭載された IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) 

アルバトロスICBM計画とIGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) の計画は、酷似している

これは、アルバトロスICBMの機動弾頭計画にて、SS-19を使用したのと同じ構成である。更に、示された計画図は、アルバトロスICBM時とほぼ同じであり、フェアリング内部に収められた飛翔体は、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)と全く同じであった。

また、2018年12月他において、アバンガルドを打ち上げたのもSS-19 ICBMのフェアリングを変更した派生型であり、3者は共通している。

つまり冷戦時代に、米国のSDIを回避するために開発した、アルバトロスICBMの子孫が、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)であり、そして2000年代、米国がBMD計画を立ち上げた際に、それらを回避する能力を持つ滑空・機動弾頭として開発されたアバンガルドは、このIGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)を基に作られた可能性が高い。

  1. 2000年代初頭にロシアは複数回の有翼の機動飛翔体試験を行った。
  2. ロシアの発表では新しいRVの開発は1998年に始まったが、1980年代にスタートした基本研究・開発の成果であると述べている。

と記述されているが、アルバトロスICBMの子孫が、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)であり、そこから開発されるのがアバンガルドと考えると、これらの説明は、矛盾がない。





当時の財政危機のため、当時、冷戦時代の軍事技術や航空宇宙技術を海外向けに、なりふり構わず売っていた事は有名である。米国のAtlas Vロケットの第1段エンジンにRD-180ロケットエンジンを採用、技術輸出のやり取りをしたのもこの頃であった。

1995年には、Kh-31 超音速対艦ミサイルの輸出契約がなされており、かつての敵国であった米国に、自国の第一線で配備されているミサイルを輸出している。米国は、ターゲットドローンとして改修を行い、MA-31として、1996年~2007年の期間、標的として運用した。敵国で配備されている実機のミサイルを相手から買ってきて、実際に迎撃する試験や訓練を行えるのだから、不思議な出来事もあったものである。

Kh-31 超音速対艦ミサイルを改修した、MA-31 ターゲットドローン


実際、米国NASAとロシアのCIAMは、冷戦後に共同研究を行っている。CIAMは、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)を開発以前に、1991年11月、世界初のスクラムジェットエンジン実験機「GLL Holod」の飛行試験に成功し、速度記録マッハ5.8を打ち立てた。

米国は、NASAのスペースプレーン計画:X-30 National Aero-Space Plane(NSAP)が打ち切られた後、より安価な研究代替手段として、ロシアの技術に目を付けた。「GLL Holod」に続く、研究開発として「Holod」計画が立ち上がり、1994年~1998年まで、NASAはCIAMと共同研究を実施して、デュアルモードスクラムジェットエンジンの試験を行い、これにより技術とノウハウが西側に移転された。最終テストは、1998年に実施され、SA-5ミサイル先端に搭載したHolodの実飛行試験を行っている。(NASAによると、推力飛行は達成されなかった)


SA-5 地対空ミサイルを改修し、先端にHolodを搭載した
CIAM/NASA 共同研究のスクラムジェットエンジン試験機

6.IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)飛翔体から、アバンガルドの性能を推測する

「IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)=アバンガルド」という単純な図式とはならないとは言え、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)を調べることで、多くの事が判明すると考え、以下に情報をまとめる。

6-1.発射母機ICBM:SS-19(UR-100N UTTKh


◆ SS-19 (UR-100N UTTKh, Stiletto) ICBM 性能値
  • 直  径:2.5 m
  • 全  長: 27 m
  • 発射重量:105.6 ton
  • ペイロード  :MIRV×6個, 3,355 kg
  • 射程距離:10,000 km
  • 推進装置:2段式 液体ロケットエンジン+PBV
  • 発射方式:サイロ発射型




前回の記事で、SS-25等についても試験飛行に供されたという記事があったため、SS-25の性能値についても下記に示す。固体燃料ロケットモーターが使用されており、直ぐに発射できるが、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)が液体水素を使用する(後述)ことを考えると、施設の整った所以外での実戦的発射は厳しい物になるだろう。また、直径も1.7mであり、SS-19より小さい。


◆ SS-25 (RT-2PM/Topol) ICBM 性能値
  • 直  径:1.7 m
  • 全  長:21.5~20.5 m
  • 発射重量:45.1 ton
  • ペイロード  :単弾頭, 1,000 kg
  • 射程距離:10,500~11,000 km
  • 推進装置:3段式 固体ロケットモータ+PBV
  • 発射方式:車両移動式

6-2.飛行パターン(SS-19 ICBM, IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK))

IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の極超音速滑空、極超音速飛行、

IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)は、SS-19 ICBMにて打上げられ、上記の様な飛行パターンを取る計画であった。この飛行パターンは、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の試験飛行のものではあるが、距離のスケールは、6000km以上もあり、実際のICBM(有効射程5500km以上と定義される)と性能的に遜色はない。


高度縦軸は、110kmの縮尺であるが、距離横軸は、6000kmの縮尺である事に注意されたい。IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)飛行パターン計画図から、以下の事が分かる。

  1. SS-19 ICBMで打ち上げられ、高度約110kmの大気圏、宇宙空間の境界ギリギリで、下降を開始する。
  2. 横軸距離約500km地点で、IGLAが連結したSS-19自体の進行方向を下向きに制御してやっている。
  3. 横軸距離約1000km地点で、IGLAを分離。分離時の高度79km、速度5916 m/s。
  4. 約2000kmまで、高度79km~約45kmまで滑空、グライダーとして機能。
  5. 約2000kmで、滑空の引き起こしを開始、約3000km手前から、目標に向かって、滑空を開始。
  6. 約2000km~約5900kmまで、滑空を実施。
  7. 約5900kmの地点において、マッハ10の飛行速度まで減速したら、スクラムジェットエンジンを点火して、動力飛行・巡航を開始する。
  8. 約6300kmの地点において、パラシュートにより機体を回収。(実戦においては、そのまま落下と考えられる)

ICBMの再突入速度は約7km/sと一般的に言われるが、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)は、速度5916 m/sで分離されるため、約1km/sほど、速度が遅いことが分かる。これは、単純な核弾頭よりも、有翼であり、エンジン・燃料も搭載しているIGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の方が、重量的に重いからであろう。

その後、滑空を行うために、距離を伸ばすごとに、運動エネルギーは徐々に奪われる。マッハ10の飛行速度まで減速したら、スクラムジェットエンジンを点火する。点火時の作動動圧は、5000kg/m2 である。この後、高度40~30kmの間を、数百kmの距離をただの滑空ではなく、動力飛行・巡航を行う。

IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の計画では、滑空がその大半を占めており、スクラムジェットエンジンにて動力飛行を行うフェーズは、全体の数%に過ぎない。しかしながら、動力を持って機動が出来るということは、到達地点の自由度を上げるため、対処する相手からすると厄介な問題である。

スクラムジェットエンジンを搭載した想定は、最大ケース想定であり、スクラムジェットエンジンが搭載されず、ICBMが与えた初期運動エネルギーのみで滑空及び機動を行う可能性もある。アバンガルドは、最終段階でスクラムジェットエンジンを搭載しているかは不明だが、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の飛行パターンは参考になる資料であろう。


IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) 飛翔体概要図


  1. 本体(HFTB : Hypersonic Flying Test Bed)
  2. 液体水素タンク
  3. ラダー
  4. スクラムジェットエンジン
  5. フラップ
  6. 球状圧力タンク(窒素)
  7. 球状圧力タンク(ヘリウム)
  8. パラシュート格納部
  9. テレメトリーシステム
  10. 圧力供給システム

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) 機体 概要値
  • 機体長:6284 mm
  • 翼長さ:3000 mm
  • 翼面積:11.1 m2
  • エレボン面積:0.78 m2
  • ラダー面積 :1.14 m2
  • 翼のヨーイング角度:75.55°
  • 機体重量:2200kg
  • 飛行速度:~マッハ15
  • 巡行高度:~70km
  • 燃焼時間:20~50 s



IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)には、円錐形のMIRVを搭載できる様に見える

なお、IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)の計画図として、垂直尾翼を小さくした物も存在する。これはフェアリングに搭載するためか、空力を考慮してこうなったかは不明だが、その図を下記に示す。

IGLA GLL-8(GLL-VK)垂直尾翼スモール版


アバンガルドを発射するICBMには、SS-19が使用されているのは先及び前回指摘した通りであるが、その格納用フェアリングは、宇宙ロケットである、Stela ロケット(Kondor-E)のSHS-2型フェアリングが使用されている。

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)機体の縮尺を合わせて、フェアリングに対して描画、作図した。

SHS-2型フェアリングとIGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)


ここから、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)機体の全長は、SHS-2型フェアリングに収まることが分かる。フェアリング内のペイロード搭載ハッチングエリアは、人工衛星を格納する部分であり、細長い人工衛星というのは、ほとんどない。分離機構に干渉しなければ、多少突き出ていても成立すると見られる。前回、短縮版のSHS-1型フェアリングも紹介したが、あちらは、先端ギリギリまでペイロードを搭載可能であった。



Kh-90 GELAは、超音速巡航飛行用のラムジェットエンジンを搭載した機体であり、ICBMの飛翔の様な、より高速度領域の極超音速飛行に使用することは、現実的ではない。この事実も含めて、本記事は、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)の発展型が、アバンガルドであると考えるが、一部にKh-90 GELAの設計が取り入れられた可能性もあるのではないかと考える。


Kh-90 GELA 概要図

具体的には、Kh-90 GELA は、空中発射母機から発射する巡航ミサイルとして、ウエポンベイの中に収める必要があり、両翼は折り畳み機構を採用している。IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)やアバンガルドについても、そのままではフェアリング内にペイロードとして搭載するのは、スケールの関係上難しいため、超音速飛行で実績のある折り畳み機構が採用された可能性があるのではないか。

下記にYoutubeの動画リンクを示すが、Kh-90 GELAの開発元となった、AS-19 Koalaの開発時における両翼折り畳み機構の作動試験を見ることが出来る。(01:53~)

Kh-90 Meteorit-A (AS-19 KOALA)

AS-19 KOALAの両翼展開試験の様子


IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) のものとされるスクラムジェットエンジン(液体水素燃料型)

◆ 液体水素燃料型スクラムジェットエンジン

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) のものとされるスクラムジェットエンジンを上記に示す。3基を並列に搭載している。燃料は液体水素であり、これは高圧のヘリウムで加圧して、燃焼室に供給される。


  • エンジン寸法:2285×560×513 mm
  • エンジン重量:200 kg
  • 燃料消費率:1 kg/s
  • インレット面積:0.26 m2
  • 内部最小面積:0.09 m2
  • ノズル比:1.45


以下に、IGLAの作動領域図を示す。NASPは、米国NASAのスペースプレーン計画:X-30 National Aero-Space Planeのことである。(前述した様に計画中止)




この様な問題を解決するため、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) のスクラムジェットエンジンを大幅に改修しない状態で炭化水素燃料、つまり常温貯蔵出来、充填密度もあり、扱いが容易な燃料で代替できないか、1997年時点において、既に検討している。



◆ 炭化水素燃料型スクラムジェットエンジン



C9H20 ノナンの構造式


このため、アバンガルドが、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) をベースにしたとすれば、より取扱いが簡単な炭化水素燃料に変更された可能性がある。検討された研究では、仮にタンクが水素燃料と同じ大きさであれば、17kgの液体水素燃料の代わりに、220kgのC9H20を搭載し、燃料消費率1kg/sにおいて、812kmの距離をスクラムジェットエンジン作動状態で巡航飛行することが可能とされている。






ロシアは、IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)性能を基に、より強力なアバンガルドを開発したと見られる。その性能は、6章で示した様に、極めて強力である。既存のICBMの様な単純な弾道飛行ではなく、滑空を行い、スクラムジェットエンジンで動力飛行するという、迎撃する側からは対処が困難な、神出鬼没の厄介な兵器である。





コーネル大学の研究者であるGeorge Lewisは、米国の迎撃ミサイルは、約100km以上の宇宙空間でのみ迎撃が可能である。しかしあがら、ブーストグライド兵器の軌道において、ほぼ全ての滑空部分は、100km未満の高度で実施される。既存のGBIまたは、SM-3ミサイルによる迎撃は、これではほぼ不可能となる。約40kmの高度まで迎撃できる、THAAD-ERシステムが開発されたとしても、高度な軌道を行うため難しいかもしれない。弱点があるとすれば、ブーストグライド兵器は、再突入によって加熱されると早期警戒衛星から再び観測される可能性があるかもしれない、と述べている。



一方で、DARPAでは、極超音速兵器に対応する「グライドブレイカー」(Glide Breaker)の防衛構想を募集中だ。「グライドブレイカーの目的は超音速、極超音速の脅威全体に有効な米防衛体制を高めることにある」とDARPAが説明している。



[1] SS-25 (RS-12M Topol), http://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/ss-25/
[3] CIAM/NASA Mach 6.5 scramjet flight and ground test, R Voland et al., AIAA, 1999
[4] Recent flight test results of the joint CIAM-NASA Mach 6.5 scramjet flight program,  Voland et al., AIAA, 1998
[5] Russian next gen stealth hypersonic ramjet/scramjet cruise/anti-ship missiles.
[6] GLL-8 (GLL-VK), http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/gll-8.htm
[7] Boeing/Zvezda-Strela MA-31,
[8] The possibility investigation of strut fuel feed system use in scramjet combustors on results of tests with hydrocarbon fuel, CIAM Technical Report NO.4, VL Semenov, 1997
[9] A hypersonic flying laboratory proposed by TsIAM and LII institutes during the 2000s, Anatoly Zakh, 2013
[10] Х-90 / ГЭЛА (AS-19 «Koala»), http://testpilot.ru/russia/raduga/gela/
[11] Метеорит, ракета 3М25 / Х-80 - SS-NX-24 SCORPION / AS-X-19 KOALA / SSC-X-5,
[12] http://forum.keypublishing.com/forum/modern-military-aviation/missiles-and-munitions/40042-as-19-koala-missile
[13] Российский аэрокосмический самолет (РАКС),
[14] A cruise missile X-90 Koala,
[15] This Is How the U.S. Military Wants to Shoot Down Russian or Chinese Hypersonic Missiles,
[16] 極超音速ミサイル迎撃手段の開発始まる-進化するミサイル防衛技術,航空宇宙ビジネス短信・T2
[17] https://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/avanguard.htm

English Version

For breaking through Missile Defense system, Russia has developed new ICBM for 20 years, with hypersonic cruise Re-entry Vehicle assisted by scramjet engine.

Russia has devised measures to break through the US Missile Defense (MD) and SDI since the Soviet era. As a result of research and development for more than 20 years, the new ICBM which appeared after 2019 has a winged warhead with scramjet engine. This missile will be able to glide, cruise flight, mobility and We have never seen before. What shape is this hypersonic glider type missile? We analyzed this.

1.Russia to deploy hypersonic missiles, some believe it will be difficult to intercept

On December 26, 2018, newspapers published articles about the successful launch of Russia's new Avangard ICBM and missile deployment. The content of these articles was about Russia's progress in deploying Avangard and new ICBMs for 2019.

[2018.12.27, 朝日新聞] ロシアが極超音速ミサイル配備へ 迎撃困難との見方も

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced on Thursday that the new Avangard hypersonic missile, which had been rushed into development in response to the U.S. "nuclear strategy review," will be fielded in 2019. It is capable of carrying a nuclear warhead and is said to be difficult to intercept by the U.S. missile defense system. If deployed, the deployment could lead to an intensification of the nuclear arms race between the U.S. and Russia.
 On the same day, the Russian military conducted a successful test launch against a target on the Kamchatka Peninsula, about 6,000 kilometers from the midwestern province of Orenburg. Mr. Putin, who witnessed the test firing at the Defense Ministry facility in Moscow, said, "It is impossible to capture the enemy's missile defense system, which is expected to be used by the enemy. It's a big victory," he said, stressing the ability to neutralize the U.S. missile defense system. He declared that the missile will be deployed to the Russian military next year and praised himself as "the best New Year's present for Russia.
 According to the Russian government, Avangard flies at hypersonic speeds of Mach 20 while dodging enemy missile defense systems, which makes it extremely difficult to intercept, according to the Russian government. The development of Avangard was announced by Mr. Putin in March in response to the Nuclear Strategy Review announced by the United States in February, which included the development of new small nuclear weapons and nuclear cruise missiles. (Moscow - Ryosuke Ishibashi)


[2018.12.27, MBS NEWS] ロシア、極超音速ミサイルシステムの発射実験成功
This is a great success, a great victory." (Russian President Vladimir Putin)
 The final launch test of the Avangard hypersonic missile system was conducted on April 26. The missile was launched from the southern Russian province of Orenburg, and it has landed on a target in the Kamchatka region of the Far East.
 President Vladimir Putin confirmed the launch in Moscow, congratulated the development team and announced that Avangard will be deployed next year. Avangard was announced by Putin in March of this year as being capable of "breaking through all kinds of missile defense networks.
 Russia has been developing hypersonic missiles that are considered difficult to intercept, partly because of its history of strongly opposing the U.S. missile defense network it is deploying in Europe and elsewhere.
 On March 20 this month, President Vladimir Putin expressed concern about the U.S. ground-based missile interceptor system, Aegis Ashore, which is set to be introduced in Japan, on the grounds that it could be diverted for offensive purposes. (27th, 02:08)


Russia: Watch Successful Public Test-Launch of Avangard Hypersonic Missile

President Vladimir Putin said, "A breakthrough is needed against the qualitative and quantitative growth of Russia's other military capabilities.

Avangard, as a gliding flyer, has great maneuverability in the cross-range direction as well as in the downrange direction, like ballistic missiles. It is maneuverable and can potentially improve the warfare system. In general, high dynamic pressure and heat loads in ICBM warhead re-entry cause mis-impacting errors.

For example, it has been found that, when designed as a lifting body, it can extend its cross-range capability by 35 km under normal re-entry conditions (within boosted temperature and dynamic pressure conditions). Under a shallow re-entry condition of -20°, a cross-range capability of 250 km can be achieved. This remains within normal acceleration limits.

Such a flying object is subjected to severe thermal condition loading. However, by using a new composite material, the severe thermal protection problem in long flights has been solved. This protects the wing under the formation of plasma on re-entry. Its surface temperature reaches 1600-2000 degrees Celsius, in which wing control is reliably implemented. Like a fireball, it will enter the target like a meteorite. In fact, it is said that the people in Siberia who live near the landing site mistook the test vehicle for a meteorite.

The official video shows a CG of the fuselage's exterior, but it does not show the actual aircraft. However, this video does not show the actual fuselage. "The fuselage's appearance is classified and we cannot show its true appearance, but everything went well," it was announced.

2.Discussion on the Avangard launch test on December 26, 2018


New ICBM: Flying images of Avangard

Stela rocket (Kondor-E, SHS-2 fairing type), SS-19, UR-100N UTTKh 

Here's what the author was able to read from this video.

  1. A hot launch is being performed from the silo.
  2. The first square lid opened appears to be one of the holes in the silo to allow the flames and gas to escape from the silo launch. The video footage also shows that there are about three or four holes or more holes drilled in the silo to allow the flame and gas to escape.
  3. As It was introduced last time, the new ICBM launched is a Stela rocket (Kondor-E, SHS-2 fairing type), SS-19.
  4. If this is the final test, it is thought that the SS-19 is used as the base for the missile, and only the warhead is modified (i.e., Avangard) to make it mobile and glide, despite being described as a "new ICBM.

3.Is Avangard's true identity an evolution of the Albatross ICBM mobile reentry vehicle?

In the previous article, we showed that the origin of Avangard is the mobile reentry vehicle of the Albatross ICBM development project. In the previous article, we showed that the real identity of Avangard is the origin of the Albatross ICBM project.

In the course of organizing and collecting the information, we found hints in the academic literature. By integrating this information with news articles, the contours of Russia's new ICBM and new reentry warhead emerged.

As a result, Avangard was able to identify a series of experimental hypersonic flight and scramjet engine test aircraft: the IGLA flying vehicle series, developed by the Central Institute of Aviation Motors in Moscow (CIAM), which conducts hypersonic flight research in Russia. IGLA is the generic term for CIAM's planned hypersonic experimental vehicle, most likely based on the GLL-8 (GLL-VK). It is called "Issgedovatelyaskii Giperzvukovoi Letatelyania Aparrat," which in English means "research hypersonic vehicle.

The vehicle was developed as an experimental vehicle for hypersonic flight and scramjet engines at cruising speeds from Mach 6 to 14. Its main purpose is described as an experimental vehicle for the development of future space planes.

However, its shape is very similar in appearance to the Albatross ICBM project's mobile re-entry warhead-based emergency rescue system. In addition, for other reasons discussed below, it was determined that it was derived from the Albatross ICBM. In other words, it is highly likely that it evolved from Albatross ICBMs, then IGLA flying machines, then Avangard, and if we focus on the IGLA flying machines, we will be able to follow the outline of Avangard.

Mock-up of the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)

Emergency rescue material system based on the Albatross ICBM project's mobile re-entry warhead
Compared to the IGLA GLL-8 above, the shapes are very similar

Details will be discussed below, but in summary, the author believes it is more likely to have evolved from Albatross ICBM to IGLA to Avangard for the following reasons

  1. The Albatross ICBM was developed with the concept of making the warhead mobile to deal with ICBM interceptor systems with Cold War-era SDI lasers and mechanical destruction, and the utility of the technology is a concept that can be transferred to current BMD counterparts. The Avangard has been developed with the concept of breaking through BMDs with gliding and mobile reentry warheads. Both have very similar concepts and objectives. It is very likely that technical assets have been diverted.
  2. The Albatross ICBM's mobile reentry warhead is very similar in appearance to the Hypersonic Flight and Scramjet Engine Test Vehicle: the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), and it is likely that Albatross ICBM technology has been appropriated.
  3. The Albatross ICBM, the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), and Avangard all three share the same concept of being launched by the same ballistic missile, the SS-19 ICBM, which glides and cruises.
  4. Avangard is believed to have powered flight and cruising capabilities, as described in a previous article. In fact, information about its development has been in the news. If it has an air-sucking hypersonic flight engine, it would be a scramjet engine, given its speed range.
  5. CIAM, which developed the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), is the organization that successfully flight-tested the world's first experimental scramjet engine, the GLL Holod. If Avangard has the capability of powered flight in hypersonic flight as well as gliding, CIAM is likely to be included in the project as a research and development organization. In that case, the natural course of action would be to divert technology from the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) for development.
  6. Of course, it is possible that an organization other than CIAM could have been involved in the development of Avangard, but in 1998, when Avangard development began, Russia was in the midst of a financial crisis, and it would be more rational from a financial and technical standpoint than incorporating a new organization with no experience or track record.
  7. In 1998, when Avangard development began, the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) flight test program was underway, which was very similar to the Avangard flight concept.
  8. The IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) program and Avangard's development plan are consistent with each other in terms of development timing.
  9. The above is based on the maximum case scenario, and it is possible that Avangard will not be equipped with a scramjet engine and will glide and maneuver solely on the initial kinetic energy provided by the ICBM.

4.Has the IGLA flying object GLL-8 (GLL-VK) evolved into Avangard?

The following is an overview of the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) as presented in academic conferences and papers held in Russia and abroad in the late 1990s (around 1997-1999). According to the gathered data, IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) was planned in the late 1990s to be installed on the SS-19 ICBM in the future for full-flight tests with actual flights.

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) 飛翔体概要図

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) on board the SS-19 ICBM

Albatross ICBM (SS-19) at the time of the project
The Albatross ICBM project and the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) project are very similar

This is the same configuration as the SS-19 used in the Albatross ICBM mobile warhead program. Furthermore, the plans shown were almost identical to those used during the Albatross ICBM, and the flying object contained inside the fairing was exactly the same as the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK).

In December 2018 and elsewhere, the Avangard was also launched in December 2018, a modified derivative of the SS-19 ICBM's fairing, and the three share a commonality.

In other words, the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) is a descendant of the Albatross ICBM, which was developed during the Cold War to evade U.S. SDI, and Avangard, which was developed in the 2000s as a glide and maneuvering warhead capable of evading them when the U.S. launched its BMD program, was most likely based on the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK).

The source article presented in the previous article,
  1. In the early 2000s, Russia conducted multiple tests of winged, maneuverable flying machines.
  2. The Russian announcement states that the development of the new RV began in 1998, but is the result of basic research and development that began in the 1980s.

These explanations are not contradictory when one considers that the descendant of the Albatross ICBM is the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) and Avangard is being developed from it.

The statement in the source article that "The changeable RV and ICBM integration test is believed to have been demonstrated in the seventh flight test of SS27 in 1999" is also not unlike the statement in the source article, when you consider that the flight and basic tests and other tests trailing from the Albatross ICBM were included or conducted outside the SS-19.

Comparison of the published flight description diagrams of the IGLA test aircraft (top) and the Avangard test aircraft (Topol-M-equipped form) (bottom). From this, it can be seen that the two aircraft are similar.

5.Some information came out of Russia in the late 1990s because of the financial crisis?

In the late 1990s, Russia was suffering an economic downturn following the collapse of the Soviet Union. In fact, it was around that time that the Russian financial crisis also occurred. (On August 17, 1998, the Kiriyenko government and the Russian Central Bank suspended foreign debt payments for 90 days, the ruble fell, etc.) This financial crisis would continue until the 2000s.

It is well known that due to the financial crisis of the time, Russia sold military and aerospace technologies of the Cold War era to foreign countries without a care in the world. At this time, the RD-180 rocket engine was adopted as the first stage engine for the U.S. Atlas V rocket, and it was during this period that we exchanged technology for export.

In 1995, the Kh-31 supersonic anti-ship missile was contracted to export its own front-line deployed missiles to the United States, a former enemy of the United States. The U.S. refurbished it as a target drone and operated it as the MA-31, as a target for the period 1996-2007. It's a strange thing to be able to buy actual missiles deployed in enemy countries from them and actually test and train to intercept them.

MA-31 target drone with a modified Kh-31 supersonic anti-ship missile

Under such circumstances, they must have wanted to attract investment and cooperation not only in business, but also in terms of research funding. As a result, they may have actively promoted their research to the outside world, and as a result, these materials may have emerged as academic materials.

In fact, the U.S. NASA and Russia's CIAM conducted joint research after the Cold War; CIAM successfully flight-tested the world's first scramjet engine test aircraft, the GLL Holod, in November 1991, setting a speed record of Mach 5.8, before developing the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK).

The United States turned to Russian technology as a cheaper research alternative after NASA's Spaceplane Program: the X-30 National Aero-Space Plane (NSAP) was terminated. Following the "GLL Holod", the "Holod" program was launched as a follow-up to the "GLL Holod", and from 1994 to 1998, NASA collaborated with CIAM to test a dual-mode scramjet engine, which transferred technology and know-how to the West. The final test was conducted in 1998 and involved live flight testing of the Holod mounted on the tip of the SA-5 missile. (According to NASA, no thrust flight was achieved.)


SA-5 surface-to-air missile refurbished and tipped with Holod,
 a joint CIAM/NASA scramjet engine test

6.IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) flying machines to infer Avangard's performance

Even though it is not a simple picture of "IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) = Avangard," I believe a lot can be learned by examining IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) and summarize the information below.

6-1.ICBM: SS-19 (UR-100N UTTKh)

The following is a summary of the performance of the SS-19, which is a launch vehicle ICBM.

◆ SS-19 (UR-100N UTTKh, Stiletto) ICBM
  • Diameter: 2.5 m
  • Total length: 27 m
  • Firing Weight: 105.6 tons
  • Payload: 6 MIRVs, 3,355 kg
  • Range: 10,000 km
  • Propulsion: 2-stage liquid rocket engine + PBV
  • Firing System:Silo-Firing Type

SS-19 during ground transportation

The SS-19 is capable of carrying six 550kT MIRVs, but under the START II Treaty, this was to be reduced to one shot.

In December 1995, the Commander of the Strategic Rocket Forces, Colonel Igor Sergeyev, announced that the service life of the SS-19 would be extended by 10-25 years; those manufactured and deployed in the 1980s would be deployed until 2005. Therefore, the SS-19 should be retired around 2015.

Since the previous article reported that the SS-25 and others were also used for test flights, the performance values of the SS-25 are also shown below. Solid-fuel rocket motor is used, and it can be launched immediately, but considering that IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) uses liquid hydrogen (see below), the actual launch outside of a well-equipped place will be a tough one. It is also smaller than the SS-19, with a diameter of 1.7 meters.

If the SS-25 had ever been launched with the SS-25, it would have been only for elemental testing, or it would have been launched with Avangard itself modified to store liquid fuel. (See below.)

◆ SS-25 (RT-2PM/Topol) ICBM performance values
  • Diameter: 1.7 m
  • Overall length: 21.5 to 20.5 m
  • Firing Weight: 45.1 tons
  • Payload : Single warhead, 1,000 kg
  • Range: 10,500-11,000 km
  • Propulsion System: 3-stage Solid Rocket Motor + PBV
  • Firing System:Vehicle Mobile

6-2.Flight Pattern (SS-19 ICBM, IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK))

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) hypersonic glide, hypersonic flight, and
Flight pattern plan for the scramjet engine cruise test

The IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) was planned to be launched by the SS-19 ICBM and to follow the flight pattern described above. Although this flight pattern was based on a test flight of the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), the distance scale is more than 6,000 km, and the performance is comparable to that of an actual ICBM (defined as having an effective range of more than 5,500 km).

The flight pattern of Avangard is thought to be similar to that of Avangard, and this is an extremely useful reference. After launching out of the atmosphere, it reenters and glides into the atmosphere. It would act as a glider, and in the final stage, it would ignite its scramjet engine at hypersonic speed to perform powered flight and cruise.

Note that the vertical altitude is on a scale of 110 km, while the horizontal distance is on a scale of 6,000 km.

  1. The SS-19 is launched by an ICBM and begins its descent at an altitude of about 110 km, just before the boundary of the atmosphere and space.
  2. At about 500 km, the SS-19, which was connected to the IGLA, controlled its direction of travel downward.
  3. The IGLA is separated from the SS-19 at an altitude of 79km at the time of separation. Altitude of 79 km and speed of 5916 m/s at the time of separation.
  4. It functions as a glider, gliding from 79km to about 45km, up to about 2000km.
  5. At about 2000 km, the glider starts to cause a glide, and about 3000 km before, it starts to glide toward the target.
  6. Glide from about 2000 km to about 5900 km.
  7. At about 5900 km, the aircraft decelerates to Mach 10, then ignites the scramjet engine and starts powered flight and cruise.
  8. At about 6300 km, the aircraft was recovered by parachute. (In a real battle, the aircraft is considered to fall as is.

ICBMs are generally said to have an ICBM reentry speed of about 7 km/s, but the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) will be separated at a speed of 5916 m/s, which means it will be about 1 km/s slower. This is probably because the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), which is winged and also carries an engine and fuel, is heavier than a simple nuclear warhead.

The aircraft would then be gradually deprived of kinetic energy as it increased its distance to glide. Once the aircraft is slowed down to Mach 10 flight speed, the scramjet engine is ignited. When ignited, the dynamic pressure is 5000 kg/m2. After this, the aircraft will perform a powered flight/cruise, rather than just gliding, over a distance of several hundred kilometres at an altitude between 40 and 30 kilometres.

In the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) plan, gliding accounts for the majority of this, with only a few percent of the phases being powered by scramjet engines. However, the ability to maneuver with power is a tricky problem for the opponents to deal with, as it increases the freedom of reach.

The scramjet-engined assumption is a maximum case assumption, and it is possible that the vehicle may not have a scramjet engine and may glide and maneuver solely on the initial kinetic energy given by the ICBM. It is unclear whether Avangard is equipped with a scramjet engine in the final stage, but the flight pattern of the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) may be a useful resource.

6-2.Airframe shape

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) 飛翔体概要図

The aircraft is a hypersonic glider with three scramjet engines.
The Japanese translation of the figure and the summary values are shown below.

  1. HFTB : Hypersonic Flying Test Bed
  2. Liquid hydrogen tank
  3. HFTB rudder unit
  4. Scramjet engine
  5. Flap
  6. Spherical bottle(Nitrogen)
  7. Spherical bottle(Helium)
  8. Parachute container
  9. Telemetry system equipment
  10. Pressurized feed system

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) Aircraft Summary
  • Length: 6284 mm
  • Wing length: 3000 mm
  • Wing area: 11.1 m2
  • Elevon area: 0.78 m2
  • Ladder area: 1.14 m2
  • Wing yawing angle: 75.55
  • Weight: 2200 kg
  • Flight Speed: ~Mach 15
  • Cruising altitude: ~70km
  • Burning time: 20 to 50 s

The fuselage weight is 2000 kg, and the original fuselage is fueled by liquid hydrogen and has a fuel-carrying weight of 200 kg. The flight speed is ~mach 15 and the cruise altitude is ~70km.

At first glance, this aircraft appears to have no room to spare, but the drawings show that the area beyond the tanks has plenty of room. Therefore, I guess that it would be possible to mount a MIRV (nuclear warhead) on the tip of this aircraft as shown below.

The IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) appears to be able to carry a conical MIRV.

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) plan also includes a smaller vertical tail. It is not clear if this was done for the purpose of fairing or for aerodynamics, but the plan is shown below

IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) Small Vertical Tail Wing Version

6-3.Airframe shape and fairing

Although SS-19 is used for the ICBM to launch Avangard as pointed out previously and last time, the fairing for the retraction uses SHS-2 type fairing of Stela rocket (Kondor-E) which is a space rocket.

The scale of IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) was adjusted to the fairing and the drawing was made.

SHS-2型フェアリングとIGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)

SHS-2 Fairing (for satellites)

From this it can be seen that the total length of the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) airframe fits into the SHS-2 type fairing. The payload hatching area in the fairing is where the satellite is stored, and there are very few satellites that are long and narrow. If it does not interfere with the separation mechanism, it is expected to be feasible even if it sticks out a little. In our previous article, we also introduced the SHS-1 fairing, a shortened version of which can carry a payload to the very tip of the fairing.

It seems to be able to fit inside the fairing, but the vertical tail fins need to be folded here. Other than that, however, the scale can be retracted with some minor scale modifications.

By the way, in a previous article in the Asagumo Shimbun, it was reported that the RV is a development of the AS19 "Koala" and was developed based on a hypersonic cruise missile named "Kh90". The basic design by the Razga Design Bureau was modified to fit for high-speed and high-altitude cruise flight. The statement reads.

The Kh-90 GELA is a ramjet-powered aircraft for supersonic cruise flights, and its use for hypersonic flight in the higher speed range, such as ICBM flying, is not practical. Including this fact, this article considers the Avangard to be a development of the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), but it is possible that some of the Kh-90 GELA design may have been incorporated into the Avangard.


Kh-90 GELA

Specifically, the Kh-90 GELA, as a cruise missile launched from an air-launched carrier, must be housed in the weapon bay, with both wings employing a folding mechanism; for the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) and the Avangard, as it is, it is carried as a payload in the fairing It is difficult to fold both wings because of the scale, so the folding mechanism which has been proven in supersonic flight may be adopted.

You can see the operation test of the folding mechanism of AS-19 Koala, the original developer of Kh-90 GELA, in the following Youtube movie. (01:53-)

Kh-90 Meteorit-A (AS-19 KOALA)

AS-19 KOALA's double-wing deployment test

6-4.Scramjet engine

Scramjet engine (liquid hydrogen fuel type), which is attributed to the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK)

◆ Liquid hydrogen fueled scramjet engine

A scramjet engine, attributed to the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), is shown above, with three units in parallel. The fuel is liquid hydrogen, which is pressurized with high-pressure helium and fed to the combustion chamber.

The injectors are of the strut type and inject hydrogen in parallel with the airflow. A regenerative cooling mechanism is incorporated, which appears to gasify the liquid hydrogen and inject it into the air.

Scramjet Engine (Liquid Hydrogen Fuel Type)
  • Engine dimensions: 2285 x 560 x 513 mm
  • Engine weight: 200 kg
  • Fuel consumption: 1 kg/s
  • Inlet area: 0.26 m2
  • Minimum internal area: 0.09 m2
  • Nozzle ratio: 1.45

According to CIAM's analysis, IGLA can be used in the altitude range of 70 to 20 km and the flight speed is expected to be between Mach 18 to Mach 5.

NASP is X-30 National Aero-Space Plane of NASA's Spaceplane Program. (As mentioned above, the project has been cancelled.)

Diagram of IGLA's operating area

However, the use of liquid hydrogen presents another problem. It evaporates easily, needs to be done just before launch, and requires pre-cooling of the supply. A special liquid hydrogen supply system is needed. The volume of the insulator tank is bulky and the density of the fill-up is limited, so a rapid-response firing system is required. In other words, military applications, which require a rapid-response launch system, would be extremely difficult to handle.

Even though solid-fueled rockets have evolved, Russia has traditionally used liquid fuel for large ICBMs. The use of liquid hydrogen as fuel for final-stage engines is not likely to cause much resistance, but it would be cumbersome, for example, because of the need to set up supply ports on the internal fuselage for liquid hydrogen through fairings. In the case of silos, this can be dealt with by installing supply facilities, but it is not practical to deal with this issue for mobile vehicle-mounted ICBMs.

In order to solve these problems, we have already been studying in 1997 whether the scramjet engine of IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) can be replaced with hydrocarbon fuels, i.e., fuels that can be stored at room temperature, have good filling density, and are easy to handle, without major modifications.

It is quite possible that Avangard will not have a scramjet engine and will use only the initial kinetic energy provided by the ICBM for gliding and maneuvering, but this is a maximum case scenario.

A scramjet engine would certainly allow cruising and maneuvering in the final stage, but it would be more advantageous to simply provide glide and maneuverability in terms of reliability and CEP in the final stage, rather than installing an extra engine. If the engine is shut down at the end of the landing phase, the inlet becomes a mere air resistance.

◆ Hydrocarbon Fueled Scramjet Engine

CIAM has been studying whether hydrocarbon fuels can be used as alternatives to liquid hydrogen. Specifically, they have studied JP-7, CH4: methane, C8H18: octane, C9H20: nonane, etc.



What is important here is that we investigated whether we could switch to hydrocarbon fuel without changing the fuselage and engine configuration. As a result, the injectors for fuel injection were converted to hydrocarbon fuel, and replacing the fuel with C9H20 was expected to improve the operating performance of the aircraft.

Therefore, if Avangard had been based on the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK), it could have been converted to a hydrocarbon fuel that is easier to handle. The studies reviewed suggest that if the tanks were the same size as the hydrogen fuel, it would be possible to carry 220 kg of C9H20 instead of 17 kg of liquid hydrogen fuel for a cruise flight of 812 km at a fuel consumption rate of 1 kg/s with the scramjet engine operating.

Comparison of performance values for IGLA using hydrocarbon fuels

Injectors for IGLA modified for hydrocarbon fuels

Hydrocarbon fuels are easy to handle, but they are limited in their operational speed range, which is narrower than that of liquid hydrogen. The maximum practical speed range is limited to about Mach 10 as shown below.

Diagram of the relationship between Isp and maximum Mach number for various fuels

7.Russia deploys a powerful new ICBM. What is the U.S. response?

The Russians appear to have developed a more powerful Avangard based on the IGLA GLL-8 (GLL-VK) performance. Its performance, as shown in Chapter 6, is extremely powerful. Rather than a simple ballistic flight like existing ICBMs, it glides and is powered by a scramjet engine, a nasty, unearthly weapon that is difficult for the interceptor to deal with.

The Russians have issued a press release with the words "a hypersonic missile that can go under any missile defense system" and "a hypersonic missile that cannot be shot down".

Trajectory comparison between a gliding, powered reentry vehicle and a conventional ballistic missile

In every world, military technology development is a tussle, but to provide this type of defense, the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA) is already trying to launch a corresponding study.

The MDA has publicly acknowledged that current interceptors are not capable of dealing with controllable hypersonic missiles. "The MDA has publicly acknowledged that the current means of intercepting hypersonic missiles are not capable of dealing with controllable hypersonic missiles, and it has acknowledged the need to develop methods that are optimized for hypersonic missiles in the future," James Acton, director of nuclear policy studies at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, told NationalIntrest.

George Lewis, a researcher at Cornell University, said U.S. interceptor missiles can only be intercepted at distances of about 100 kilometers or more in space. However, nearly all of the glide portion of the boost-glide weapon's trajectory takes place at altitudes below 100 km. Existing GBI or SM-3 missiles would be nearly impossible to intercept. Even if a THAAD-ER system could be developed that could intercept the missiles at an altitude of about 40 km, it would be difficult to intercept them due to their advanced trajectories. A weakness, he said, is that boost-glide weapons could be observed again from early warning satellites if they are heated by reentry.

The MDA calls for the implementation of research and development of an interceptor that allows for high G flight control at hypersonic speeds, arguing that a method of "controlling flight at hypersonic speeds with minimal kinetic energy loss while maximizing flight control" is needed, and requests $120.4 million for hypersonic weapons measures in the FY 2019 budget.

In terms of content, it assumes a speed range of Mach 5 or higher and an altitude of 50 kilometers or more, with interceptors less than 1 meter or more than 5 meters in size, according to the report.

Meanwhile, DARPA is seeking proposals for a "Glide Breaker" defense concept for hypersonic weapons. As DARPA explains, "The purpose of the Glide Breaker is to enhance the U.S. defense posture to be effective against the entire range of hypersonic and hypersonic threats.

The development of intercontinental ballistic missile technology and defense technology has entered a new phase in the development of intercontinental ballistic missile technology.


[1] SS-25 (RS-12M Topol), http://missilethreat.csis.org/missile/ss-25/
[3] CIAM/NASA Mach 6.5 scramjet flight and ground test, R Voland et al., AIAA, 1999
[4] Recent flight test results of the joint CIAM-NASA Mach 6.5 scramjet flight program,  Voland et al., AIAA, 1998
[5] Russian next gen stealth hypersonic ramjet/scramjet cruise/anti-ship missiles.
[6] GLL-8 (GLL-VK), http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/gll-8.htm
[7] Boeing/Zvezda-Strela MA-31,
[8] The possibility investigation of strut fuel feed system use in scramjet combustors on results of tests with hydrocarbon fuel, CIAM Technical Report NO.4, VL Semenov, 1997
[9] A hypersonic flying laboratory proposed by TsIAM and LII institutes during the 2000s, Anatoly Zakh, 2013
[10] Х-90 / ГЭЛА (AS-19 «Koala»), http://testpilot.ru/russia/raduga/gela/
[11] Метеорит, ракета 3М25 / Х-80 - SS-NX-24 SCORPION / AS-X-19 KOALA / SSC-X-5,
[12] http://forum.keypublishing.com/forum/modern-military-aviation/missiles-and-munitions/40042-as-19-koala-missile
[13] Российский аэрокосмический самолет (РАКС),
[14] A cruise missile X-90 Koala,
[15] This Is How the U.S. Military Wants to Shoot Down Russian or Chinese Hypersonic Missiles,
[16] 極超音速ミサイル迎撃手段の開発始まる-進化するミサイル防衛技術,航空宇宙ビジネス短信・T2
[17] https://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/avanguard.htm

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