
ATACMSとイスカンデルに似た弾道ミサイルを開発する北朝鮮, North Korea developing solid fuel ballistic missiles similar to ATACMS and Iskander missile, Missile Test Haven NK

North Korea developing solid fuel ballistic missiles similar to ATACMS and Iskander missile, Missile Test Haven NK






1. ATACMSとイスカンデルミサイルに似ているが、中身は異なる北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル

2. ATACMS、イスカンデルミサイルと北朝鮮の新型短距離弾道ミサイルの比較

 ・2.2 ATACMSモドキの新型SRBMは、北極星1号の固体燃料ロケットモーターを流用している?
 ・2.3 イスカンデルに似たKN-23 SRBM

3. ATACMSモドキ、KN-23、北極星1号は、固体燃料ロケットモーターの製造設備を共用したファミリー化か?

4. 北朝鮮の固体燃料ロケットモーター式弾道ミサイルの歴史

5. 北朝鮮の固体燃料ロケットモーター技術水準

6. 弾道ミサイルの複数同時開発を実施する北朝鮮


 ・7.1   製造設備を共用して開発、既存品の量産化
 ・7.2   固体燃料ロケットモーター技術の成熟化
 ・7.3   北朝鮮の伝統的な液体燃料ロケットエンジン式の開発手法を踏襲した確実な技術開発


 ・8.2.タックスヘイブンならぬ、ミサイルテストヘイブン国家 北朝鮮

9. References



北朝鮮が、弾道ミサイル試験を立て続けに複数回行っている。2019年5月4日を皮切りに、2019年8月16日までに、大口径誘導多連装ロケットを除いたSRBMだけに絞っても、合計12回もの弾道ミサイル発射試験を行った。これは異常なペースである。また、そこで打ち上げられたのは、米国のMGM-140 ATACMSやロシアのイスカンデルに似た外見の弾道ミサイルであり、装備体系の内容も不可解である。


  1. ATACMSやイスカンデルに似た外見の弾道ミサイルは、それらの技術を丸パクリしたものなのか?
  2. 何故、これほど立て続けに複数回弾道ミサイルの試験をしているのか?


・驚愕、韓国が北朝鮮に弾道ミサイル供与か 中国やロシア製ではなく韓国陸軍も装備する米軍ATACMSに酷似

・北朝鮮のミサイル、米国製と酷似で“機密漏洩”疑惑浮上! もし「某国」が横流しなら…東アジアの安保環境“激変”の大事態


  1. 固体燃料ロケットモーターの胴径や長さが異なり、ATACMSやイスカンデルに搭載されている推進装置(ロケットモーター)と別物であることが分かる。
  2. 北朝鮮のロケット技術は、液体燃料式ロケットエンジンが主流であった。技術的蓄積が少ない固体燃料ロケットモーター技術を成熟させるために実環境下での実証試験を複数回行っている可能性がある。
  3. 液体燃料ロケットエンジン式弾道ミサイルの開発の歴史を固体燃料ロケットモーターにおいても踏襲し、確実に大型化した固体ロケットモーター開発の可能性がある。


  1. 歴史が証明する魔法のアイテム「核兵器と弾道ミサイル」の入手
  2. 外貨獲得のためのインセンティブが働いている可能性
  3. 世界最高の「ミサイルテストヘイブン国家」に上り詰めた北朝鮮


公開された画像から得られる情報より北朝鮮の新型ミサイルを比較検証する。ドイツのNorbert Brügge氏は、世界中のロケット技術の画像や性能表をまとめている事で有名だが、彼が画像解析したATACMSに似たSRBM及びイスカンデルに似たSRBM(KN-23)について転載した上で考察する。





米国 MGM-140 ATACMSの概要

Norbert Brügge氏の画像解析からは、ATACMSモドキ弾道ミサイルの胴径は、1.1mであることが分かる。アメリカのATACMSは、胴径が0.67mである。この時点で、既に推進装置である固体燃料ロケットモータ含めて、違うものであるという事が分かる。北朝鮮の新型弾道ミサイルは、倍以上寸法は大きい。








北極星1号(Pukkuksong-1, KN-11)は、北朝鮮が2016年に発射試験に成功した、潜水発射型弾道ミサイル(SLBM)であるが、Norbert Brügge氏の画像解析から、北朝鮮のATACMSモドキは、この北極星1号と胴径が同じであり、寸法から判断して、第1段目に同じ固体燃料ロケットモーター を搭載している物と考えられる。

Norbert Brügge氏の画像解析 ATACMSモドキ vs 北極星1号



2.3.イスカンデルに似たKN-23 SRBM



ATACMSモドキと同じく、Norbert Brügge氏の画像解析からは、イスカンデルに似たKN-23弾道ミサイルの胴径は、1.1mであることが分かる。



これらのNorbert Brügge氏の解析画像をまとめると以下の通りになる。中身の固体燃料ロケットモーターについては推定なので、目安としての役割しかないが、胴径と長さについては、参考になる。

Norbert Brügge氏の解析画像をまとめ


  1. 北極星1号(KN-11)の第1段目を流用してATACMSモドキが作られた可能性が高い。量産効果でコストも下がり、信頼性も向上するだろう。この手法は、新規開発を行わなくて良いので、短期間で開発可能である。
  2. イスカンデルモドキ KN-23は、KN-11やATACMSモドキと同じく胴径1.1mであるが、ロケットモーターの全長が異なる。












【関連記事】北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル開発, North Korea Balistic missile development





その後、引き続きソ連が弾道ミサイル輸出を拒否していたが、第4次中東戦争において、北朝鮮はエジプトに対して軍事援助を実施した見返りに、少なくとも2基のスカッドミサイル(R-17, SCUD-B)を北朝鮮に獲得する。これをリバースエンジニアリングしてコピーしたのが、北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル技術の歴史の始まりである。この後、スカッドミサイルを始めとした、液体燃料ロケットエンジン式弾道ミサイルで成功を収め、固体燃料ロケットモーター式は、一旦北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル開発のメインストリームから外れる事となった。

次に、北朝鮮が固体燃料ロケットモーター式の開発に着手したのは、「KN-02短距離弾道ミサイル」である。これは1996年にシリア経由で入手したロシア製のトーチカ弾道ミサイル(OTR-21, Tochka)を元にリバースエンジニアリングして開発したものと考えられている。ここでも正規ルート(ロシア)からではない手法で入手している。

KN-02は、2000年代にかけて試射等を行ったが失敗を繰り返した。最終的に発射が成功したのは2007年6月である。その後、2013年まで改良を繰り返し、現在までに射程約160kmの性能を得ている。しかしながら、この射程は同じ短距離弾道ミサイルのカテゴリーにある、スカッドミサイル(R-17, SCUD-B)の射程が約300kmであることと比べると見劣りする性能である。小型の弾道ミサイルであるが、元となるOTR-21 トーチカの入手から開発完了まで11年。改良を含めると、17年近くかかっている。

KN-02の元となった OTR-21 トーチカ 及び ロケットモーター図

その後、大きく取り上げられたロケットモータ式は、2016年の潜水艦発射型弾道ミサイル(SLBM)発射実験である。北極星1号(Pukkuksong-1, KN-11)と呼ばれるこのSLBMは、水平距離500kmを飛行した。グローバルセキュリティーによると、射程は1250kmに達すると見積もられている。


続く2019年5月には、ロシアのイスカンデル(9K720 Iskander)弾道ミサイルに外見が酷似した、KN-23弾道ミサイルが発射される。立て続けに短い期間内に3発が発射されたが、最も遠距離まで飛んだものは、高度約50km、水平距離約420kmを飛行した。

そして今回、アメリカのATACMS地対地ミサイル(MGM-140 ATACMS)に外見が酷似した短距離弾道ミサイル(SRBM)が発射された。

これらの経歴から分かる様に、OTR-21 トーチカをリバースエンジニアリングして開発したKN-02開発には、長い年月がかかったが、北朝鮮の2016年に北極星1号発射に成功してからの一連の固体燃料ロケットモーター式弾道ミサイルの開発は、かなりの速度で進展している。(北極星の試験自体は2015年から行われていた)




日本でも、1994年に宇宙開発事業団によって開発された H-2ロケット、その両脇に付いている固体燃料ロケットブースター(SRB)のモーターケースには、NT150-4高張力鋼が使用されていた。しかし、改良版である2001年に開発されたH-2AロケットのSRB-Aには、炭素繊維強化プラスチック(CFRP)で製造されたモーターケースが採用されている。この様に、大型固体燃料ロケットモーターを製造するには、特殊鋼か複合材の技術が必要となる。より性能を向上させるための、先端技術は、複合材技術である。

北朝鮮の特殊鋼の製造に関する情報はないが、モーターケースに使用する複合材の研究開発については、北朝鮮の化学材料研究所が2010年~2012年の間に、KN-11 SLBMの固体燃料ロケットモーター開発に関与したとされてる。この研究所は、少なくとも2010年から、FRP製ロケットモータの研究開発に取り組んでいる。2013~2014年に少数生産のプロトタイプを、2015~2016年に生産実稼働に入り、2017年後半に研究段階から、量産体制に移行するため、新たな工場建設が始まったと伝えられている。金正恩委員長も、この工場に訪れて生産を指示したというニュースが報道されている。

左側に置かれているのは、複合材 FRP製モーターケース

4D C/Cに関するパネルを見る金正恩委員長




つまり、既に北朝鮮の固体燃料ロケットモーター式弾道ミサイルのモーターケースには、より高性能を実現する複合材が使用されている可能性が高い。これにより品質の良い耐圧鋼を製造しなくても、巨大な圧力容器を製造することが可能となる。金正恩委員長が視察した際の写真からは、ロケットノズルに対して、炭素繊維強化炭素複合材である、4次元カーボンカーボン(4D C/C)ノズル製造の可能性も伺える。












Norbert Brügge氏の解析画像をまとめ

先に述べた様に、Norbert Brügge氏の解析から、ATACMSモドキ、イスカンデルモドキ(KN-23)、北極星1号(KN-11)の胴径は全て同じである。そして、ATACMSモドキは北極星1号と同じロケットモーターを使用していると見られる。ここから以下の事が推定される。

  1. ロケットモーターの新規開発・新規設計は必要ない。既存品を流用することで、低コストに新たな装備体系(SRBM)を実現できる。
  2.  同じロケットモーターを共用して使用することで、実機テストを繰り返し、信頼性を上げ、量産効果でコストも下がる。(一般的な工業製品と同じ原理)
  3. イスカンデルモドキ(KN-23)は、他とロケットモーターの全長が異なると見られるが、胴径1.1mで同じなので、製造設備の変更を最小限に抑えて製造が可能。
  4. 複数開発を行っているが、製造設備が共用されていなら、製造リソースの取り合いは軽減される。









1. 液体燃料ロケットエンジン式弾道ミサイルの特徴












  1. 1980年代:短距離弾道ミサイルのスカッド(SCUD-B)をコピー。(射程約300km)
  2. 1990年代前半:スカッドの液体燃料ロケットエンジンを大型化し、大型のノドンを開発した。(射程約1500~2000km)
  3. 1990年代後半:固体燃料ロケットモーター式弾道ミサイルである、OTR-21 トーチカ(射程約百数十km)のコピー。
  4. 1998年:1~3を組み合わせて、テポドン1号を開発。(射程約2000~2500km)

  第3段目:OTR-21 ミサイル(あるいは、固体燃料ロケットモータ式キックモーター)

※ なお、OTR-21 トーチカのコピーであるKN-02は、2004年4月の発射試験に失敗しているため、図の様に1998年発射のテポドン1号の第3段として搭載されたかどうか疑問が残るが、スケール的には、スカッドミサイルを第2段目に第3段目のキックモーターとしての何らかのロケットモーターは、搭載された可能性が高い。そしてそれは、固体燃料ロケットモーターの技術が無かった北朝鮮にとっては、OTR-21に由来する技術と推測される。



スカッド S5.2ロケットエンジンとノドンエンジンの比較図



仮に、単純な薄肉円管の円周方向応力σを考えた場合でも、σ=Pr/t (P:内圧, r:円管半径, t:壁面材料厚)のため、内圧一定として、半径を増加させた場合、応力レベルを同等にするためには、材料厚も1.625倍しなければならない。伝熱状態も変わるので再生冷却も単純には行かない。ターボポンプ単純に吐出圧を保ったまま巨大化出来ない。これに対し、北朝鮮は、エンジン内圧をS5.2よりも低下させ、70kgf/cm2 → 56kgf/cm2 (推定)に妥協する事で、大型化を達成したと考えられている。


詳しくは、スカッドミサイルのロケットエンジンについて図面等を含めて解説した、The Aerospace Engine Review Vol.7 OKB-2 Scud Engines」をお読み頂きたい。




1. 歴史が証明する魔法のアイテム「核兵器と弾道ミサイル」の入手



2. 外貨獲得
  1. 現在、弾道ミサイル技術を開発できる多くの国は、ミサイル技術管理レジーム(MTCR)や条約・法律等により技術の輸出制限をかけている。しかし北朝鮮は、弾道ミサイルの輸出規制に関する国際的な枠組みには加入していない。
  2. 輸出制限がかかっている状況でも、一見平和な顔をしつつ裏では、弾道ミサイル技術(及び関連技術)を欲しがっていは国々は確実に存在する。
  3. 北朝鮮が弾道ミサイルを開発して海外に売りさばくことで、それらの国々から外貨を獲得できる。
  4. 実際、北朝鮮はスカッドミサイルの輸出で、外貨を獲得してきた過去がある。イランイラク戦争では、イランにスカッドミサイルを販売していたが、同時に敵側のイラクにも売るという、なりふり構わず販売していた可能性が専門家から指摘されている。
  5. 外貨を得る場合、「輸出ルートをどうするか」という問題はあるが、陸上輸送、海上輸送のみならず、空輸等あらゆる手段を模索すると考えられる。例として、1993年に北朝鮮は、145基のノドンミサイルを5億ドルでイランへ輸出する売却契約を結び、1994年中頃から順次出荷されたが、イランへの輸出は、2基のジャンボジェット機を通じて行われたという記録がある。
  6. 関連技術やデータというソフト部分、例えば設計図、試験データ等だけなら、インターネットによる通信やデジタル媒体を通じて送ることが出来、輸出のハードルは下がる。

8.2.タックスヘイブンならぬ、ミサイルテストヘイブン国家 北朝鮮



  1. 自国で弾道ミサイルを開発したいので、「実証された」技術情報が欲しい国
  2. 弾道ミサイル開発をしたいが、発射試験のリスクは取りたくない国(国際的批判)











[1] 9К52 Луна-М - FROG-7,
[2] 9К79 Точка - SS-21 SCARAB,
[3] http://dfnc.ru/katalog-vooruzhenij/nazemnye-raketnye-kompleksy/9k79-1-tochka-u/
[4] ロケットチャンバー用210kgf/mm2級 超高張力鋼の開発, 松崎明博
[5] 7.5Ni-4Co系 超強力鋼NT150-4鋼の開発, 多田光一郎 著
[6] ロケットにおける材料と接合, 清藤晋一郎 著
[7] Expansion of North Korea’s Solid Fuel Ballistic Missile Program: The Eight Year Old Case of the Chemical Materials Institute, JULY 25, 2018
[8] 北朝鮮の弾道ミサイル開発, North Korea Balistic missile development, Orbit seals
[9] The North-Korean/Iranian Nodong-Shahab missile family (based on the unknown Soviet missile - here provisionally designated as R-17K) Norbert Brügge, Germany, 24.04.2019
[10] The Aerospace Engine Review Vol.7 OKB-2 Scud Engines
[11] Fast, low and hard to stop: North Korea’s missile tests crank up the threat level, Simon Denyer August 15 2019
[12] N.Korea missile test a needless provocation
[13] What we really know about the North Korean spacerockets and ballistic missiles, Norbert Brügge
[14] M39 Army Tactical Missile System (Army TACMS), FAS
[15] SOME TYPICAL SOLID PROPELLANT ROCKET MOTORS Memorandum M-712 (Version 2.0) Ir. B.T.C. ZANDBERGEN December 2013,
[16] ミサイル技術管理レジーム, 外務省,
[17] High Performance Rocket Motor Cases
[18] CARBON FIBER, http://www.avio.com/en/innovation/carbon-fiber/
[19] 北朝鮮がATACMSに酷似した新型短距離弾道ミサイルを公開, JSF, 2019/8/11(日) 9:56
[20] 北朝鮮版ATACMS短距離弾道ミサイル2回目の発射, JSF, 2019/8/17(土) 8:57


English Version

North Korea has conducted multiple tests of ballistic missiles similar to ATACMS and Iskander in rapid succession. This article discusses North Korea's accelerated development of solid-fuel rocket motorized ballistic missiles in recent years.

【Related Articles】



1. North Korean ballistic missiles similar to ATACMS and Iskander missiles, but different in content

2. Comparison of ATACMS, Iskander missiles and North Korea's new short-range ballistic missiles

 ・2.1 SRBMs similar to ATACMS
 ・2.2 Is the new SRBM of the ATACMS-modeling vehicle diverting the solid-fuel rocket motor of Polar Star 1?
 ・2.3 KN-23 SRBM similar to Iskander missile

3. North Korean ATACMS、KN-23 and Polar Star1 are family of shared solid fuel rocket motor manufacturing facilities?

4. The history of North Korea's solid fuel rocket motorized ballistic missiles

5. North Korea's Solid Fuel Rocket Motor Technology Level

6.  North Korea's simultaneous development of multiple ballistic missiles

7.Practical test of solid fuel rocket motor technology (Reasoning 1)

 ・7.1   Share manufacturing facilities for development and mass production of existing products
 ・7.2   Maturation of Solid Fuel Rocket Motor Technology
 ・7.3   Reliable technological development following North Korea's traditional liquid-fuel rocket engine development method
 ・Coffee Break: rocket engine development on the Nodong missile

8.North Korea's Military Buildup and Foreign Currency Gain (Reasoning 2)

 ・8.1.Objectives of North Korea's Ballistic Missile Test
 ・8.2.North Korea, a missile test haven state, not a tax haven

9. References

1.North Korean ballistic missiles similar to ATACMS and Iskander missiles, but different in content

North Korea's Short Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM), similar to the ATACMS and Iskander ballistic missiles

North Korea has conducted multiple ballistic missile tests in rapid succession; starting on May 4, 2019, and ending on August 16, 2019, a total of 12 ballistic missile tests have been conducted, even if we focus only on SRBMs, excluding large-caliber guided multiple-launch rockets. This is an extraordinary pace. Also, the ballistic missiles launched there were ballistic missiles similar in appearance to the U.S. MGM-140 ATACMS and Russia's Iskander, and the content of their equipment systems is baffling.

It is not economically rational for North Korea, which is fundamentally strapped for development funds and has limited human resources and resources, to develop multiple missiles with similar objectives, scale, and equipment systems in parallel. This article discusses these issues.

There are two main issues that will be addressed in this article.
  1. Are ballistic missiles that look similar to ATACMS and Iskander in appearance, or are they a whole lot of technology from those?
  2. Why is NK testing ballistic missiles so many times in a row?

1.Are ballistic missiles that look similar to ATACMS and Iskander in appearance, or are they a whole lot of technology from those?

・驚愕、韓国が北朝鮮に弾道ミサイル供与か 中国やロシア製ではなく韓国陸軍も装備する米軍ATACMSに酷似

Shockingly, South Korea provides ballistic missiles to North Korea, much like the U.S. ATACMS, which is also equipped by the South Korean Army, not made in China or Russia.

・北朝鮮のミサイル、米国製と酷似で“機密漏洩”疑惑浮上! もし「某国」が横流しなら…東アジアの安保環境“激変”の大事態

North Korean missiles, much like those made in the U.S., are suspected of "leaking" secrets! If a Country is Diversionary, a Major Change in the East Asian Security Environment

Skipped articles like the one above have been posted online. However, we can't be sure of this just because of the similarity in appearance. If they are exactly the same, we can say so, but we can't judge it from the published photos. To begin with, image analysis has shown that the length and body diameter are different.

We believe that these missiles are similar in appearance but not in content. The reasons for this are discussed in this article, but in summary, they are as follows.

  1. The solid fuel rocket motors have different body diameters and lengths and are different from the propulsion systems (rocket motors) on the ATACMS and Iskander.
  2. North Korea's rocket technology has been dominated by liquid-fueled rocket engines. Multiple demonstrations under real-world conditions may have been conducted to mature solid-fuel rocket motor technology, for which there is little technological accumulation.
  3. North Korea's rocket technology has been dominated by liquid-fueled rocket engines. Multiple demonstrations under real-world conditions may have been conducted to mature solid-fuel rocket motor technology, for which there is little technological accumulation.

2.Why is NK testing ballistic missiles so many times in a row?

The reasons and objectives for North Korea's development of these technologies will also be discussed in this article, but in summary, they are as follows

  1. Obtaining the magical items that history has proven to be the magic items: nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.
  2. Possibly incentives to acquire foreign currency are at work
  3. North Korea has risen to become the world's best 'missile test haven nation'

2.ATACMS, Iskander missiles vs. North Korea's new short-range ballistic missiles

A comparative examination of North Korea's new missiles based on information from published images. Norbert Brügge of Germany, who is famous for compiling images and performance tables of the world's rocket technologies, considers the ATACMS-like SRBM and the Iskander-like SRBM (KN-23) that he analyzed in his image analysis.

2.1.SRBMs similar to ATACMS

Comparative analysis of the ATACMS rocket motor and solid fuel rocket motor

Dimensional analysis of the launchers and missiles of the ATACMS-model


USA MGM-140 ATACMS Overview

Norbert Brügge's image analysis shows that the ATACMS-modified ballistic missile has a fuselage diameter of 1.1 meters. The US ATACMS has a fuselage diameter of 0.67m. At this point, we can already see that the propulsion system, including the solid-fuel rocket motors, is different. The dimensions of North Korea's new ballistic missiles are more than twice as large.

Some may argue that the design was applied as is by enlarging the size scale, but it is obvious from the development of Japan's H-2B and the Nodong missile that simple enlargement of both the propulsion system and the fuselage is not enough. (*See "7.3. Reliable Technological Development Following North Korea's Traditional Liquid-Fuel Rocket Engine Development Methodology," which will be discussed below.

The propulsion system, in particular, is a new design, even if the structure is as simple as a solid fuel rocket motor, if the dimensions are different. Therefore, the North Koreans are not copying the ATACMS as is.

From the tip, the ATACMS looks similar, but from the back, the impression is different.

Comparison of ATACMS and the North Korean version of ATACMS

There are differences in tail shape, back fuselage shape, thrust deflector (TVC), etc.

2.2.Is the new SRBM of the ATACMS-modeling vehicle diverting the solid-fuel rocket motor of Polar Star 1?

More importantly, the relationship with Polar Star 1 is suspect. (See below in "4. History of North Korea's Solid Fuel Rocket Motorized Ballistic Missiles.")

Arctic Star-1 (Pukkuksong-1, KN-11) is a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) that North Korea successfully tested for launch in 2016; however, based on Norbert Brügge's image analysis, North Korea's ATACMS modus operandi has the same fuselage diameter as the Arctic Star-1, and judging by the dimensions It is thought that the same solid fuel rocket motor is installed in the first stage.

Norbert Brügge's image analysis of the NK ATACMS vs. Polar Star 1

Well, in ballistic missile and rocket development, propulsion system development requires new development even if the dimensions are different, but if NK ATACMS uses the same solid fuel rocket motor as Polar Star 1, there is no need to develop and design a new rocket motor. It is reasonable and convincing that a new equipment system (SLBM) can be realized at low cost by utilizing existing products.

By using the same rocket motor, tests are repeated on actual equipment, reliability is improved, and costs are reduced due to the effects of mass production. This is the same principle as for ordinary industrial products. If this image analysis is correct, it is very likely that NK ATACMS was built by using the first stage of Polar Star 1 SLBM.

2.3.KN-23 SRBM similar to Iskander missile

Comparative Analysis of Iskander and KN-23 Fuselage Diameter and Solid Fuel Rocket Motor

Dimensional analysis of Iskander and KN-23 launchers and missiles

As with NK ATACMS, Norbert Brügge's image analysis shows that the fuselage diameter of the KN-23 ballistic missile, similar to the Iskander, is 1.1m.

The Russian Iskander has a fuselage diameter of 0.91m (some say 0.95m), and at this point, the solid-fuel rocket motor, which is the propulsion system, is already different in size from that of ATACMS. It means the same body diameter as ATACMS and Polar Star1.

3.North Korean ATACMS、KN-23 and Polar Star1 are family of shared solid fuel rocket motor manufacturing facilities?

These images from Norbert Brügge's analysis can be summarized as follows. The solid fuel rocket motor inside is only an estimate, so it can only be used as a guide, but the body diameter and length are useful.

Summary of Norbert Brügge's analysis

The image analysis shows that they all use the same rocket motor with a body diameter of 1.1m. We can infer the following

  1. The first stage of Polar Star 1 (KN-11) was most likely appropriated to create the NK ATACMS. The mass production effect would lower the cost and improve reliability. This method does not require new development and can be developed in a short period of time.
  2. The NK Iskander KN-23, like the KN-11 and NK ATACMS, has a fuselage diameter of 1.1m, but the overall length of the rocket motor is different.

Regarding the second one, the KN-23 is the same size with a fuselage diameter of 1.1m, but the total length of the rocket motor is different. However, it is very important that the same 1.1m diameter rocket motor is used. In the case of solid fuel rocket motors, if the propellant grain cannot be integrally molded in the length direction, the motor can be manufactured in pieces.

The following is an example of a space rocket, and you can see from the cross-sectional drawing that the motor is manufactured in sections. In case of metal motor case, it is also possible to manufacture motor case and segments separately like space shuttle SRB, and then integrate them with O-rings at the end.

Cross sectional view of the solid fuel rocket booster of Titan rocket

Cross-sectional view of the space shuttle's solid fuel rocket booster

Metal rocket motor parts are manufactured in segments by consolidating them.
The Space Shuttle Challenger exploded after combustion gas leaked from the O-ring that sealed the gap between the two, and it is too well known.

As long as the body diameter is the same, whether the motor case is made of metal or composite material, mass production is possible using the "block bonding method" where the case and grain are manufactured separately and finally inserted like a cartridge.

For motor cases made of either metal or composite materials, the manufacturing equipment in the plant only needs to be extended in the longitudinal direction, so it is possible to manufacture motor cases with relatively small changes in the manufacturing equipment. In addition, the same is expected to be true for the test facilities. In other words, the possibility that the rocket motor is made into a family is inferred.

Manufacturing a ballistic missile with a variety of ballistic missiles while keeping the body diameter the same is a question of "Why are they testing multiple ballistic missiles in such a short period of time?" as will be explained below. We believe that this also provides an answer to the question of

4.The history of North Korea's solid fuel rocket motorized ballistic missiles

First, I have explained the NK ATACMS and the NK Iskander. I will now explain the status of the development of North Korea's solid fuel rocket motors, explaining the history and other aspects of the development of the rocket motors in sequence and making inferences.

North Korea's first introduction of surface-to-surface missile technology occurred around 1970. It demanded that the Soviet Union import short-range ballistic missiles, the level of technology in the early 1960s, but at least the Soviet Union rejected the initial demand. Instead, they exported unguided surface-to-surface rockets, the FROG-5 and FROG-7A, from 1969-1970. (They were simply ballistic rockets, not missiles, since they had no guidance system attached.)

【Related Article】

North Korea seems to have mastered the basic technology of ballistic missiles by modifying these rockets to be able to carry chemical warheads. Thus, in the 1970s, North Korea already possessed the technology to operate chemical weapons using rockets.

However, the FROG-5 and FROG-7A, in addition to having no guidance, were also old technology for solid-fuel rockets. Also, the propellant appears to be a "double-base propellant". This type of propellant is brittle in physical properties and difficult to be enlarged. (i.e., it is not possible to make larger, longer-range missiles like composite propellants).

FROG-7A unguided rocket launch (top) and solid fuel rocket motor (bottom)

The spin stability is adopted to stabilize the attitude of the vehicle even without guidance. Therefore, there are four rocket motor jets in the head side, and the rotation force is applied while propelling the vehicle.

Subsequently, the Soviet Union continued to refuse to export ballistic missiles, but in the Fourth Middle East War, North Korea acquired at least two Scud missiles (R-17, SCUD-B) for North Korea in return for providing military aid to Egypt. This was reverse-engineered and copied, which was the beginning of the history of North Korean ballistic missile technology. This was followed by successes with the Scud missile and other liquid-fuel rocket-engine ballistic missiles, and the solid-fuel rocket motor type was once removed from the mainstream of North Korea's ballistic missile development.

The next step in North Korea's development of a solid-fuel rocket motor-powered missile was the KN-02 short-range ballistic missile. This is believed to be a reverse-engineered development based on the Russian-made Tochka ballistic missile (OTR-21, Tochka), which was obtained via Syria in 1996. Again, it was obtained by a method that was not from the legitimate route (Russia).

The KN-02 conducted test firings and other tests throughout the 2000s, but repeatedly failed. The final successful launch was in June 2007. Since then, it has been repeatedly improved until 2013, and now has a range of about 160 km. However, this range is inferior to the range of the Scud missile (R-17, SCUD-B), which is in the same short-range ballistic missile category and has a range of about 300 km. Although it is a small ballistic missile, it took 11 years from the acquisition of the original OTR-21 Tochka to the completion of its development. Including improvements, it took nearly 17 years to complete the development of the OTR-21 torchka.

The original OTR-21 bogie and rocket motor diagram of KN-02

The rocket-motor type that has since been heavily featured is the 2016 submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) test, dubbed Polar Star1 (Pukkuksong-1, KN-11), which flew at a horizontal range of 500 km. The range is estimated to reach 1,250 km, according to Global Security.

The Polar Star 2 (KN-15), a mobile, ground-launched ballistic missile, was next successfully launched in February 2017. It was launched with a lofted launch and successfully flew at an altitude of 550 km and a horizontal distance of 500 km. It was also launched a second time in May of the same year. The North Koreans claim that the range is over 2,000 km. This one had a larger aircraft than the Arctic Star 1.

It will be followed in May 2019 by the launch of a KN-23 ballistic missile, which is very similar in appearance to the Russian Iskander (9K720 Iskander) ballistic missile. Three of these missiles were launched within a short period of time in quick succession, but the one that flew the furthest flew to an altitude of about 50 kilometers and a horizontal distance of about 420 kilometers.

This time, a short-range ballistic missile (SRBM), very similar in appearance to the US ATACMS surface-to-surface missile (MGM-140 ATACMS), was launched.

As these histories show, the development of the KN-02, a reverse-engineered version of the OTR-21 Tochka, took many years to develop, but the development of a series of solid-fuel rocket motorized ballistic missiles since North Korea's successful launch of the Polar Star-1 in 2016 has progressed at a significant rate. (The Arctic Star test itself had been underway since 2015.)

As will be discussed below, North Korea's development of a series of solid-fuel rocket-motor ballistic missiles has progressed one by one since the 2010s, after the KN-02, a small solid rocket motor, was on the verge of commercialization.

5.The technological level of solid fuel rocket motors in North Korea

The motor cases of solid fuel rocket motors for space rockets and large ballistic missiles used to be made of special steels that can be used as high-temperature and high-pressure pressure vessels, such as ultra-high-tensile steel. However, in recent years, composite materials, especially reinforced transition plastic (FRP), have been increasingly used because lighter motor cases can fly farther.

In Japan, NT150-4 high tensile strength steel was used for the motor case of the H-2 rocket developed by the National Space Development Agency of Japan (NASDA) in 1994 and the solid fuel rocket booster (SRB) which was attached to both sides of the rocket. However, the SRB-A, an improved version of the H-2A rocket developed in 2001, uses a motor case made of carbon fiber reinforced plastic (CFRP). In this way, special steel or composite technology is needed to manufacture large solid fuel rocket motors. The advanced technology to improve the performance is composite technology.

We do not have information on North Korea's production of special steel, but as far as research and development of composite materials for motor cases is concerned, North Korea's Institute for Chemical Materials is reported to have been involved in the development of the KN-11 SLBM solid-fuel rocket motor between 2010 and 2012. The institute has been working on research and development of FRP rocket motors since at least 2010, with a small number of prototypes produced in 2013-2014, production in 2015-2016, and the construction of a new factory in the second half of 2017 to move from the research stage to a mass production system, according to It has been reported. News reports say that Chairman Kim Jong-un also visited the plant and directed its production.

Chairman Kim Jong-un visits the Institute for Chemical Materials
On the left is a composite FRP motor case

Chairman Kim Jong-un looks at the panel on 4D C/C

Chairman Kim Jong-un being briefed on the carbon nose cone

Surface-to-air missiles and other tactical missile-class composite motor cases and panels of ballistic missiles displayed on top of them

Enlarged view of the ballistic missile panel

In other words, North Korea's solid fuel rocket motorized ballistic missile motor cases are already likely to use composite materials that provide higher performance. This would make it possible to produce huge pressure vessels without the need to produce quality pressure-resistant steel. Photographs taken during Kim Jong-un's visit suggest the possibility of manufacturing a 4D carbon carbon (4D C/C) nozzle, a carbon fiber-reinforced carbon composite, for a rocket nozzle.

Based on this circumstantial evidence, it should be assumed that the company already has the technology to manufacture large solid-fueled rocket motors using composite motor cases, and its technical capabilities are at a high level. However, their development experience is still very young at 10 years. (In contrast, they have about 40 years of experience in liquid-fuel rocket engine development.

6.North Korea to Develop Multiple Simultaneous Ballistic Missiles

As described in the history of North Korea's solid-fuel rocket-motor ballistic missiles, the speed of North Korea's recent ballistic missile development has been extremely fast and massive. In addition, it is also developing a liquid-fuel rocket-powered missile with a larger range. (Though negotiations with the United States may currently have frozen the ICBM connection.

For example, if we look at just the solid-fuel rocket motor system alone, there are at least two models in parallel development: the Iskander-like KN-23 (first flight in May 2019) and the ATACMS-like SRBM (first flight in August 2019), which appear to be largely the same in terms of scale and application. What does this mean?

If a country with enormous economic power like the United States, it has often been seen that a prototype race has been held and the weapons that have produced excellent results have been adopted. However, it is not economically rational for North Korea, which has been subject to economic sanctions and has basically no money to spare for development, to develop multiple missiles of similar objectives, scale, and equipment system at the same time, given its limited human resources and limited resources.

What exactly is fueling North Korea's ballistic missile development? The following reasoning is made in this regard.

Examples of prototype competition in fighter jet development (YF-23 (top) and YF-22 (bottom))
The competition format allows you to hire the best overall results, but it's expensive.

7.Practical test of solid fuel rocket motor technology (Reasoning 1)

I believe that recent launches may have involved multiple real-world demonstrations to mature solid fuel rocket motor technology, for which there is little technological accumulation.

There is also the possibility of developing a reliably larger solid fuel rocket motor, following the development of a liquid fuel rocket engine ballistic missile.

7.1.Share manufacturing facilities for development and mass production of existing products

Summary of images analyzed by Norbert Brügge
All of them have the same body diameter of 1.1 m, and can be developed and mass-produced by sharing existing manufacturing facilities.

As mentioned earlier, based on Norbert Brügge's analysis, NK ATACMS, NK Iskander (KN-23), and Polar Star 1 (KN-11) all have the same body diameter. And NK ATACMS seems to use the same rocket motor as Polar Star 1. The following can be inferred from this

  1. No new development or design of a new rocket motor is required. A new system (SRBM) can be realized at a lower cost by using existing products.
  2. The same rocket motor can be used for repeated tests to improve reliability and reduce costs through mass production. (Same principle as for ordinary industrial products)
  3. NK Iskander (KN-23) is thought to have a different overall length of the rocket motor than the others, but since the body diameter is the same at 1.1m, it can be manufactured with minimal changes in manufacturing equipment.
  4. However, since the body diameter is the same as that of the KN-23, changes in manufacturing equipment can be minimized.

An example of a large rocket motor case made of a carbon fiber-wrapped composite material

If the diameter is the same size in the direction of the diameter, it is highly likely that the existing equipment can be modified to change the manufacturing process by changing only the length.

7.2.The Maturation of Solid Fuel Rocket Motor Technology

North Korea has been developing its own ballistic missiles by copying and expanding its own liquid-fueled rocket engine technology, such as the R-27 and other liquid-fueled rocket engines, which are the Soviet and Russian Scud series and SLBMs. Originally, the mainstay of North Korea's ballistic missiles was the liquid-fueled type.

However, liquid-fuel rocket-engine ballistic missiles cannot store propellant tanks for long periods of time, even years, and require propellant to be injected into the tanks before launch, which is not a quick fix. On the other hand, solid-fuel rocket motor missiles can generally be stored for 10 or 20 years and can be launched immediately. (However, it is unclear whether solid propellant from North Korea has this level of durability.

For this reason, it appears to have dropped out of the development of a more real-world technology, a large ballistic missile with a solid fuel rocket motor. But its history is short-lived.

The liquid-fuel rocket motor technology is a method that has been accumulating experience for the North, which has been cultivated since North Korea got its hands on ballistic missiles in earnest until today. On the other hand, the technology for large solid-fuel rocket motors was developed within the last 10 years. Therefore, it is a new technology, and the accumulation of technical know-how is thought to be considerably inferior to that of the liquid rocket motor.

Therefore, it is possible that the multiple launches in recent years may be due to the fact that multiple real-world demonstration tests have been conducted to mature the solid fuel rocket motor technology, which has less technological know-how accumulated in recent years. The following section summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of liquid and solid propulsion systems and explains why.

1. Characteristics of Liquid-Fueled Rocket Engine Ballistic Missiles

Advantages: reliable quality assurance

Prior to launch, liquid-fueled rocket engines can be tested for ground combustion. Successful launches can be mounted on missiles and rockets. A ground-based CFT (full-scale tank-stage firing test) can also be performed in advance. In this way, the quality of the propulsion system can be assured before the flight.

Disadvantages:Requires liquid fuel injection and is not ready-to-use. Unsuitable for long-term storage in a ready-to-use state (with propellant).


AdvantagesHighly responsive. Suitable for long-term storage.

DisadvantagesQuality assurance for individual machines is not possible. Quality assurance is required with statistics.

Solid-fuel rocket motors are disposable engines that are ignited by filling a pressure vessel with propellant (grain), or in other words, explosives. Because it cannot be used repeatedly, a combustion test to confirm the quality of the engine with the actual device is not possible. Therefore, the success or failure is a one-shot deal.
For this reason, a lot is made with the same quality, and a solid fuel rocket motor other than the actual engine is tested to indirectly ensure the quality.

In this way, there are differences from the conventional liquid-fueled rocket motor, and it is possible that multiple trials and flight experiments have been repeated to develop reliable quality assurance technology. (e.g., by flying a solid-fuel rocket motor (= ballistic missile) and conducting data collection tests)

7.3.Development of reliable technology following North Korea's traditional liquid-fuel rocket engine development method

Historically, North Korea's liquid-fueled rocket-engine ballistic missile has been a pretty solid development. (It may be that they simply didn't have the funds to do so) The following is an overview diagram and flow of the development of the Taepodong. Rather than developing all stages of the project as a new development, it has been steadily combining the technologies it has developed with those it has completed.

The technological development process leading to North Korea's Taepodong 1
Ensuring reliability by combining technologies that have been developed, rather than developing all stages of a new product.

  1. 1980s: copy of the Scud (SCUD-B) short-range ballistic missile. (Range: about 300 km)
  2. Early 1990s: Scud's liquid-fueled rocket engine was enlarged and a larger nodong was developed. (Range about 1,500 to 2,000 km)
  3. Late 1990s: a copy of the OTR-21 Tochka, a solid-fuel rocket motorized ballistic missile with a range of about a hundred-plus km.
  4. 1998: the Taepodong 1 was developed by combining 1 to 3. (Range:approximately 2000-2500 km)

 ▼ Composition of Taepodong 1
              First stage: nodong missile
         Second Stage: Scud Missile
     Third stage: the OTR-21 missile (or solid fuel rocket motorized kick motor)

*Note that the KN-02, a copy of the OTR-21 Torchka, failed its April 2004 launch test, so it is questionable whether it was installed as the third stage of the 1998 Taepodong 1 launch, as shown in the figure, but in terms of scale, the Scud missile was used as a third stage kick motor for the second stage A rocket motor of some sort was likely to have been installed. And it is presumably a technology derived from the OTR-21 for North Korea, which did not have solid fuel rocket motor technology.

As an aside, the wreckage recovered by the ROK Navy has shown that the first stage of the Unha-3, the next one, was in fact the first stage of the larger Unha-3, which did not develop a new large engine from the beginning, but instead clustered four nodong engines. This was a simple combination of four nodong engines clustered together, with each pump feeding propellant to the combustion chambers, rather than a single turbopump to each of the four combustion chambers.

In this way, the preceding liquid-fuel rocket-engine ballistic missiles have been steadily developed, step by step, to obtain larger and newer technologies, then combine existing products, two steps forward and one step back. The solid-fuel rocket motor may also be developed steadily by using equivalent products and conducting multiple tests.

Comparison of Scud S5.2 rocket engine and Nodong engine
It turns out that the North Koreans have almost simply enlarged the S5.2 rocket engine

◆Coffee Break: Rocket Engine Development on the Nodong

As in the case of the H-2B rocket, it is difficult to provide the same functions by enlarging the structure while reducing the thickness and weight as much as possible, as in the case of the H-2B rocket, where the development of a larger-than-expected fairing was more difficult than expected. North Korea has developed an engine for the Nodong that is 1.625 times larger (40 to 65 cm) in nozzle diameter than the S5.2 engine.

Even if the circumferential stress σ of a simple thin-walled tube is considered, σ = Pr/t (P: internal pressure, r: radius of the tube, t: wall material thickness), the material thickness should be increased by 1.625 times to equalize the stress level when the radius is increased with constant internal pressure. Since the heat transfer state changes, regenerative cooling does not go simply. A turbo pump cannot be made into a giant pump while maintaining discharge pressure. It is believed that the North Koreans were able to achieve this by reducing the internal pressure of the engine from 70kgf/cm2 to 56kgf/cm2 (presumably), which was a compromise to the S5.2.

Comparison of effective exhaust velocity of rocket engines with flight altitude 
(Soviet-made RD-103 is misspelled as RD-203.)

For more information, please read "The Aerospace Engine Review Vol.7 OKB-2 Scud Engines", which explains the Scud missile rocket engine, including drawings and other details.

8.North Korea has become an advanced country in ballistic missile development, expanding its military and earning foreign currency (Reasoning 2)

8.1.The Purpose of North Korea's Ballistic Missile Test

They are attempting to test a number of ballistic missiles despite the United Nations Security Council resolutions being made. Since it has already been subjected to economic sanctions, any further deterioration of the situation is a tall order. It is not surprising, then, that they are thinking that it would be better to create a product that can be sold and earn foreign currency. I suspect that the following two main ideas are at work.

1. Obtaining the magical items that history has proven to be magical: nuclear weapons and ballistic missiles.

China's Mao Zedong said, "We will make nuclear weapons even if we don't wear pants" (meaning that we will have nuclear weapons no matter how poor we become, to be precise, a curvature of what then-Foreign Minister Chen Yi said, "We will have nuclear weapons even if we have to pawn our pants"), and carried out ballistic missile, nuclear, and space programs under the banner of "both bullets and one star". As a result, the country has come to be recognized by the international community.

In addition to China, if we look at emerging nuclear powers such as India, Pakistan, etc., history has proven that if they get these two magic items, ballistic missiles and nuclear weapons, they will be tolerated in the end, even if they are temporarily condemned by the international community. North Korea is expected to aim for a similar approach and is expected to step up its development. Of course, it will not only increase deterrence, but it will also lead to an actual military buildup.

2. Acquisition of foreign money
  1. Currently, many countries that are able to develop ballistic missile technology impose export restrictions on the technology through the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), treaties and laws. North Korea, however, is not a member of the international framework for ballistic missile export restrictions.
  2. Even with the export restrictions in place, there are certainly countries that want ballistic missile technology (and related technologies) behind the scenes while putting on a seemingly peaceful face.
  3. If North Korea develops and sells ballistic missiles abroad, it can acquire foreign currency from those countries.
  4. In fact, North Korea has a history of earning foreign currency by exporting Scud missiles. During the Iran-Iraq war, experts have pointed out that it may have sold Scud missiles to Iran, but at the same time, it may have sold them to the enemy side, Iraq, without any pretense of selling them.
  5. In the case of obtaining foreign currency, there is the question of "what routes to export", but it is believed that they will seek all kinds of means, including air transportation as well as land and sea transportation. As an example, in 1993, North Korea signed a sale agreement to export 145 Nodong missiles to Iran for $500 million, with shipments beginning in mid-1994 in phases, but records show that exports to Iran were made through two jumbo jets.
  6. The hurdles to export are lowered, as only the softer aspects of related technology and data, such as blueprints and test data, can be sent through Internet communications and digital media.

8.2.North Korea, a missile test haven state, not a tax haven

Without selling the ballistic missiles themselves, North Korea may also have a method of earning foreign currency by providing technical information and missile test sites to other countries. There is no other country in the world that conducts ballistic missile tests as frequently and in large numbers as North Korea does. If it were to do so, it would likely be subject to international sanctions and relations with its neighbors would deteriorate.

North Korea is already under UN sanctions, economic sanctions, and relations with its neighbors have reached a point where they can't afford to deteriorate any further. In other words, it has nothing to lose. As a result, it has risen to become the world's best "missile test haven state" rather than a tax haven.

For example.
  1. Countries that want "proven" technical information because they want to develop ballistic missiles in their own country.
  2. Countries that want to develop ballistic missiles, but don't want to take the risk of launch tests (international criticism)

North Korea, a missile test haven state, not a tax haven North Korea can also earn foreign currency by receiving testing commissions. It can obtain test data on proven actual aircraft that it has actually flown.

If North Korea wanted to test components of a ballistic missile developed by a certain country on an actual aircraft, it could undertake the test for a fee and provide test data from actual firing. In fact, during the development of the Nodong missile in 1993, only two launch tests of the actual missile were conducted, and the Nodong was certified as commercially viable with the test data intact. There have been cases in the past where it has been presumed that development data was shared and cooperated with Middle Eastern countries to make up for the lack of data on launch tests.

In particular, the solid-fuel rocket motorized ballistic missile, which is the focus of this study, is a relatively simple industrial product with a pressure vessel filled with solid propellant. If the solid propellant is left to North Korean production, and a contract is signed with North Korea for the design of the geometric shape of the pressure vessel and internal grain, the various parts, and the design of auxiliary equipment, etc., to be handed over to North Korea for prototyping and testing (putting aside for the moment the issue of protecting development information), then we can approach North Korea with the intention of possessing a ballistic missile. The country will be able to go from manufacturing to testing without having to have a large scale plant in the beginning.

In the case of a motor case made of FRP, they could order a motor case made of the filament coils that they had designed and have it manufactured by North Korea. Even if the ordering country does not have the equipment to mold large, high-quality, pressure-resistant metal for rocket motors, they can still manufacture a composite motor case by using the same materials, large FRP molding equipment, and ovens.

Thus, the above is based on the assumption that if such a scheme exists, North Korea could easily outsource the development of ballistic missiles from other countries by embarking on a solid-fuel rocket motor type, which is significantly simpler in structure than the liquid-fuel type. It appears to be a simple engine. This is because the remarkable simplicity of the rocket engine requires significantly fewer parameters to be changed in testing than the liquid-fueled rocket engine.

It is often said that "Solid rockets are a mass of know-how", but I do not think so, because it depends on the material technology to a large extent. If we can get a handle on producing the barriers to materials technology (composites, insulation, propellant grains, etc.), North Korea can build something similar to the US and Russia. Easier than a liquid fueled system. That deadly effort is beginning right now.

In recent years, with the advent of high-performance 3D printers and NC lathes, more and more industrial products have been digitized and made into software. In the past, it was said, "You can't make a product with just a blueprint", but now this common sense is about to be reversed. We are shifting to an era in which we can make things as long as we have information.

In the current tide of the times, other countries are buying information on North Korean ballistic missile designs and manufacturing them in their own countries. (The design information has been proven in tests), or it is possible that in the future we could see North Korea sending design information developed by another country to North Korea, which would manufacture the missile, and North Korea would even be contracted to test the actual device.



[1] 9К52 Луна-М - FROG-7,
[2] 9К79 Точка - SS-21 SCARAB,
[3] http://dfnc.ru/katalog-vooruzhenij/nazemnye-raketnye-kompleksy/9k79-1-tochka-u/
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