
MGM-31 パーシングII 中距離弾道ミサイル 核弾頭姿勢制御用スラスタ, MGM-31 Pershing II missile nuclear warhead thruster

MGM-31 パーシングII 中距離弾道ミサイル 核弾頭姿勢制御用スラスタ,
MGM-31 Pershing II missile nuclear warhead thruster


MGM-31 パーシングII、ソ連のSS-20ミサイルに対抗し、冷戦時代にアメリカ陸軍が装備した中距離弾道ミサイルである。弾頭には、レーダを搭載した機動再突入体を装備した先進的な弾道ミサイルであり、ヨーロッパに配備されていた。今回は、機動再突入体に付属していた実際の姿勢制御用スラスタ部品について、写真を交えて解説する。



掲載している写真は、ピッチ軸とヨー軸用のスラスタである。製造業者は、Wright Components Inc.である。







[1] Pershing missile weapon systems

MGM-31 Pershing II, a medium-range ballistic missile equipped by the U.S. Army during the Cold War in response to the Soviet SS-20 missile. It was an advanced ballistic missile with a radar-equipped mobile reentry vehicle on the warhead, which was deployed in Europe. This article describes the actual attitude control thruster component that came with the mobile reentry vehicle, with photographs.

These are thrusters for the pitch and yaw axes. The manufacturer is Wright Components Inc. It is a cold thruster and is supposed to be injected with room temperature nitrogen gas. It is not exposed to heat because it uses cold gas. The luster of the metal indicates that an aluminum alloy with a low melting point is used, but it is easy to process. The nozzle is of an expansive shape.

There is only one nitrogen gas supply system; the blue connector is the main source of supply. The pitch and yaw axes of the warhead are controlled by opening and closing the four valves of the electric valve. The power and control signal input part is the part with the yellow cap on the second panel, and the cap is removed on the third panel.

The nozzles are connected to the base at three points, and the screws are wire-locked to each other to prevent them from loosening by vibration.

This thruster is located behind number 3 in the figure below. The Pershing II was a revolutionary ballistic missile that was designed to improve CEP by emitting radar waves against terrain in terminal guidance.

After detaching the warhead, sections (1) through (3) plunge toward the target together. (1) is the radar section, (2) is the nuclear warhead section, and (3) is the winged, guidance and control section. In the atmosphere, the thrusters were used to control the thrusters, but one of the guidance and control devices used in the outer and upper atmosphere was the thrusters.

[1] Pershing missile weapon systems


トマホーク巡航ミサイルの空気インレット, Tomahawk cruise missile Air inlet

トマホーク巡航ミサイルの空気インレット, Tomahawk cruise missile Air inlet



インレットの中心には、ピトー管が配置されている。入口から内部に行くに従い、断面が連続的に変化しており、最終的に、ウイリアムズ F107-WR-400 / F107-WR-402 ジェットエンジンに接続する様に、円形ダクトに変化する。

The image shows the air inlet of a Tomahawk cruise missile. The exterior is made of metal, and the inside of the inlet appears to be made of resin.

A pitot tube is located in the center of the inlet. As you go from the inlet to the interior, the cross section changes continuously and eventually changes to a circular duct to connect to the Williams F107-WR-400 / F107-WR-402 jet engine.


Tomahawk cruise missile inlet photo


This inlet is connected to the fuselage inlet actuator at the yellow metal part on the upper backside of the inlet, and the inlet is raised or lowered depending on the cruise conditions to optimize airflow.

Inlet cross section of a Tomahawk cruise cruise missile



中国の極超音速ミサイル, スクラムジェットエンジン・中国版Hyfly ミサイル:Lingyun-1(凌雲1), Chinese hypersonic missile, scramjet engine missile, Chinese Hyfly missile : Lingyun-1 hypersonic missile

中国の極超音速ミサイル, スクラムジェットエンジン・中国版Hyfly ミサイル:Lingyun-1(凌雲1),
Chinese hypersonic missile, scramjet engine missile, Chinese Hyfly missile : Lingyun-1 hypersonic missile












  • 米国のHyflyミサイルに極めて形状が酷似している。機体とインレット部が特徴的であり、ショックコーン型のインレットに見えて、実は個々に分かれたインレットを採用しており、写真手前にインレットが2つ確認できる。
  • ランチャーは、観測ロケット打ち上げ等に使用される簡易型ランチャー。試験機体専用のものと考えられる。
  • ランチャーは、迷彩色に塗られている。このため、軍事関係色が強い研究機関によって開発されたことが推測される。
  • 第1段目はロケットブースターであり、飛行中の煙と炎より、固体ロケットモーターを採用していることが分かる。特定は出来ないが、観測ロケット等を流用したブースターではなかろうか。
  • 極超音速飛翔体は、第2段目に搭載されているが、ブースター連結部が飛翔体の排気を斜め横に受け流す、逃がす構造になった傾きが付いた構造となっている。
  • ブースターの推力に対して、第2段目のスクラムジェットエンジンの推力は低く、ファイアーインザホール形式で、ブースター切り離し前の時点(加速中、ブースター燃焼後問わず)からスクラムジェットエンジンを始動することが出来る構造と考えられる。
  • つまり、ソ連がKholodスクラムジェット試験機の試験を行った際、KholodがSA-5ミサイルに連結されていた状態でエンジン始動出来た様に、中国のこの飛翔体も連結状態でエンジン始動出来、その後、定常状態になれば切り離すと考えられる。







sinodefenceforum.com や news.discuss.com.hk によると、中国における、極超音速飛翔体・スクラムジェットエンジンの専門家、研究開発リーダーの Xing-zhou LIU(刘兴洲)のレポートを紹介している。それによると、LIU氏は、1998年に中国の政治家らが、幾つかの極超音速飛行研究開発について高い評価を行い、研究開発計画の立上げを承認したと報告している。




  1. 第1フェーズ:2020年までにスクラムジェットエンジンを搭載した極超音速巡航ミサイルと、極超音速飛行のマルチプラットフォームを開発する。これらの到達目標は、巡航速度マッハ6、射程2000kmである。
  2. 第2フェーズ:2020年~2030年の間に、地球上のあらゆる地点に2時間以内に到達可能な、極超音速航空機を開発する。巡航速度マッハ5、航続距離1万kmの能力を目指す。
  3. 第3フェーズ:2050年までに衛星軌道に到達可能で再使用可能な宇宙往還機開発を行う。マッハ12~25の速度域を目指す。

Scramjet side, China's development started quite late compared to the United States and Russia. In the "Space Transportation System-Sol" 863 program defined between 1987 and 1992, the Chinese have defined development strategy to start with a spacecraft (Shenzhou) and then with an "aerospace plane". The study of scramjet started well.

Beginning 90 'with the 921 program (manned flight) and the 863 program, several Chinese research institutes have started pre-scramjet studies, including ignition of the propellant supersonic, stable combustion, design input air, hypersonic aerodynamics, materials, integrated design of airframe and engine ... etc. A series of ground equipment for hypersonic study was also built as a hypersonic wind tunnel Φ1m to Mach 10 in the center of the search for propulsion and aerodynamics, the blower electric arc Φ1m to power 50MW CCAC group blower hypersonic shock wave Mach JF-12 9 to a temperature of 3000K ... etc ... etc.

Very little information has been fuitée on the development of scramjet, it nevertheless has some official elements.

In 1998, Academician Xingzhou LIU, one of the founders of the Chinese hypersonic sector, wrote an expert who addressed the Chinese political leaders folder, the folder was highly regarded and several key projects have been launched. In 2004, Liu wrote, with a committee of experts, a detailed development plan to the Chinese government. This plan received unanimous support from senior leaders and hypersonic program, including the development of scramjet and Boost-Glide technology was formalized and included in the National Development Plan 2006-2020 medium-long term. The National Center for Hypersonic Research was established and assigned to the 3rd Academy of CASIC group.

According to the plan LIU, the hypersonic development follow 3 steps -

* By 2020, develop a hypersonic cruise missile multi-platform reach Mach 6 and 2000km
* Between 2020 and 2030, developing a hypersonic aircraft with a cruise speed of Mach 5 and 10 000km range capabilities, capable of reaching any point on Earth in 2 hours
* By 2050, achieve entry into orbit and reusable horizontal mode, speed between Mach 12 and 25. 

已故的劉興洲院士是我國沖壓發動機和高超聲速推進技術的奠基人之壹。1998 年,在他的倡議下形成了“研制高超聲速發動機及高超聲速飛行器”專家建議書,詳細闡述了研制高超聲速發動機及高超聲速飛行器的戰略意義,受到了中央領導的 高度重視,組織多方面專家對建議書進行了技術論證。2004年,他又和壹批專家聯名向中央提出《關於發展高超聲速飛行器科技工程的建議》,得到中央的支 持,決定將“高超聲速飛行器科技工程”列為《國家中長期科技規劃(2006~2020年)》中的重大專項之壹,並成立“國家高超聲速技術工程中心”,掛靠 在航天科工集團三院。
2020年前,研制出高超聲速巡航導彈,最大速度6馬赫,射程1000~2000 km,可多平臺裝載;
目前,國內有多家單位在從事高超聲速飛行器和超燃沖壓發動機(以及RBCC/TBCC組合循環發動機)技術的研究,其中實力最強的是航天三院。航天三院 31所是“高超聲速沖壓發動機技術國家級重點實驗室”的主依托單位,已經形成了國內配套最為齊全和先進的吸氣式發動機試驗驗證體系。某試驗基地規劃的大型 吸氣式發動機試驗體系,其規模和能力將達到國際先進水平,可為超燃沖壓發動機的研制提供堅實的試驗保障,並為臨近空間和空天飛行動力技術研究奠定重要基礎。






news.discuss.com.hk によると、中国政府が発行した「2012-2013航空科學技術學科發展報告」の中で、2012年に高度20km, マッハ5にて軸対称インレットの極超音速飛翔体の飛行試験を行ったという記述がある。中国航空工业集团公司(AVIC)の中にある、空対空誘導弾研究所にて実施したものであり、Hyflyを参考にして、スクラムジェットエンジン飛翔体の研究を行ったということである。




先にも書いたが、Lingyun-1は、米国で以前計画されていた、Hypersonics Flight Demonstration program (HyFly):Hyflyミサイルに非常に酷似した形状となっている。(Hyfly計画は中止された)筆者は、Lingyun-1は、Hyfly計画のかなりの部分を参考、模倣していると考えている。

3-1. Hyflyミサイル概要




Hyfly ミサイル


3-2. Hyflyに搭載されたエンジン:DRC(2重燃焼ラムジェットエンジン)


Hyflyに搭載されたエンジンは、2重燃焼ラムジェットエンジン:DCR(Dual Combusion Ramjet)と呼ばれる。これは、ラムジェットエンジンとスクラムジェットエンジンを組み合わせたハイブリッド型のエンジンであり、APLで1970年代に示されたコンセプトである。ラムジェット/スクラムジェットエンジンを組み合わせる事で、より幅広い速度領域でのエンジン作動を可能とする。Hyfly計画においては、巡航速度マッハ6を想定して開発が進められていた。




これが、DCR(Dual Combusion Ramjet)と、このエンジンが呼ばれる理由である。亜音速プリバーナーと超音速燃焼器を組み合わせる形だ。ラムジェット燃焼→スクラムジェット燃焼の2段階の燃焼を行うことから、2重燃焼ラムジェットエンジンの名が付けられている。幅広い速度域で使用出来るだけでなく、ラムジェット燃焼室で一旦ケロシンを燃焼させているため、熱分解により分子数が小さくなり、スクラムジェット燃焼室側で燃えやすくなる利点もある。燃焼効率も良くなる。このため、容易な点火、安定した燃焼を期待出来る。HyflyのDCRによる飛行可能マッハ数は、マッハ3.5~6.5程度とされており、マッハ6.5を超えると、性能が不足する。


3-3. Hyflyの試験飛行

Hyflyは、世界初の炭化水素系燃料を使用したスクラムジェットエンジン搭載型飛翔体である。2005年12月10日に、バージニア州Wallops島のNASA Wallops飛行施設より、Terrier-Orion観測ロケットシステムによって加速され、63000フィートにて、マッハ5.5、15秒間のスクラムジェットエンジン動力飛行に成功した。



3-4. HyflyとLingyun-1の外観・酷似点






論文をサーベイしていると、Lingyun-1の開発元である、人民解放軍 国防科学技術大学から論文が出されていた。そこから得られた情報をまとめると、やはりLingyun-1は、中国版Hyflyミサイルの様だ。DCRを採用している点も一致しており、研究開発において、Hyflyに注目していることが分かった。

国防科学技術大学は、スクラムジェットエンジンについて10年間調査研究を行い、DCRを極超音速飛行を実現する最も有望で現実的な推進システムの1つであると位置付けて近年研究している。ほぼ、Lingyun-1とリンクしていると思われるため、 論文から国防科学技術大学で実施している極超音速飛翔体研究の性能等を抜粋する。

  • 速度性能:マッハ4(高度17km)/マッハ6(高度25km)で試験を実施。
  • 全体的に性能は悪くなく、DCRを更に研究・調査する価値があると結論付けている。
  • フルスケールの燃焼試験を実施している。フリージェットでのスクラムジェットエンジンの燃焼試験を実施。(飛行前の試験として行ったか?)
  • 人民解放軍 国防科学技術大学では、2003~2013年の10年間、スクラムジェットエンジンの調査を行ってきた。ここ3年間(2010~2013年)においては、DCRのダイレクトコネクトによる燃焼試験を実施しており、それに伴い高温風洞も建設した。
  • 人民解放軍 国防科学技術大学が、DCRを採用する理由は2つあり、広い飛行マッハ数で使用出来るスクラムジェットエンジン/ラムジェットエンジンであるということと、C/SiC複合材を使用する事で、熱保護構造を簡素化出来るので、実用化に利点があることである。
  • Lingyun-1は、DCRを適用したシステムであり、ケロシンを燃料とする。
  • DCRのコンセプトから改良して、中国独自のコンセプトを入れ込んでいる。具体的には、スクラムジェットエンジンの超音速燃焼器内にキャビティ-を設けて、保炎機構を加えている。
  • 極超音速巡航する際は、機首上げ0~6°で飛行出来る結論を得た。(マッハ4では4°)

人民解放軍 国防科学技術大学がフルスケール燃焼試験を行った、スクラムジェットエンジン(DCR)を下記に示す。これは、Hyflyのインレットと同じ配置で、6つの同心円状のインレットが存在する。しかしながら、3-4項で示した2018年5月に公開されたLingyun-1の写真と整合性が取れない。


人民解放軍 国防科学技術大学がフルスケール燃焼試験を行った


[1] TAN, Jianguo; WANG, Yi. Freejet Experimental Investigation on Performance of Dual-Combustion Ramjet. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2014, 31.1: 478-482.

[2] TAN, Jianguo; WU, Jiping; WANG, Zhenguo. Experimental and numerical investigations on flow fields and performance of dual combustion ramjet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 228.6: 920-929.







[1] 中国超燃冲压发动机研究回顾, Review of scramjet research in China, 刘兴洲, ‎2012
[2] https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/cx-1-cruise-missile.t7099/page-9
[3] Hypersonics Flight Demonstration program (HyFly),
[4] HyFly Mach 6 Scramjet Missile Test,
[5] A look at China's most exciting hypersonic aerospace programs,
[6] 中國公開臨近空間高超音速試飛平台 3年前完成首射
[7] China reveals hypersonic scramjet developments and plans
[8] China Shows Off Hypersonic Vehicle Test Model After US Navy Weapon Test
[9] Ramjet engine tested by the Chinese
[10] China reveals Lingyun-1 hypersonic missile at National Science and Technology expo
[11] BILLIG, F. S.; WALTRUP, P. J.; STOCKBRIDGE, R. D. Integral-rocket dual-combustion ramjets: a new propulsion concept. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 1980, 17.5: 416-424.

English Version

1.Photos of China's hypersonic missiles and the actual missile that was released

A few years ago, China released photos of a "flying object with a scramjet engine". The public information is an overview of the whole thing and a photo of it at launch, and it was reportedly tested in December 2015.

What can be read from the photos is that it is a ground-launched aircraft with a rocket booster and the launch pad is camouflage colored, suggesting that it was not just a scientific experiment, but a test with a strong military coloration with ties to the People's Liberation Army. Specifically, the test suggests that they are developing a hypersonic missile.

The following are photos of the test aircraft and its launch that have been released to the public.

Test missile and enlarged view

Test missile launch

A summary of what the author noticed from the test machine photos that were released to the public

  • It is extremely similar in shape to the US Hyfly missile. The fuselage and the inlet section are distinctive, and although it looks like a shock cone inlet, it actually uses separate inlets, and two inlets can be seen in the foreground of the photo.
  • The launcher is a simple launcher used to launch observation rockets. It is thought that it is exclusive for the test vehicle.
  • The launcher is painted in camouflage color. Therefore, it is presumed that it was developed by the research institute with strong military-related color.
  • The first stage is a rocket booster, and smoke and flames in flight indicate that solid rocket motor is used. We can't identify it, but it may be a booster of the observation rocket.
  • The hypersonic flying object is mounted in the second stage, and the booster connection is inclined to catch and release the exhaust of the flying object diagonally to the side.
  • The thrust of the second stage scramjet engine is low compared to the booster's thrust, and the structure is thought to be fire-in-the-hole, allowing the scramjet engine to be started from the point before the booster is disconnected (whether during acceleration or after the booster is burned).
  • In other words, just as the Soviet Union tested the Kholod scramjet test vehicle while the Kholod was coupled to the SA-5 missile, the Chinese flight vehicle is thought to be able to start its engines in the coupled state and then disengage when it reaches a steady state.

Then in May 2018, at the 18th National Science and Technology Week's National Science and Technology Exhibition in Beijing, China's state media released the actual aircraft for the first time, which was tested in December 2015.

凌雲1 (Lingyun-1) Scramjet hypersonic missile

According to the announcement, the aircraft was developed by the National Defense Science and Technology University of the "Chinese People's Liberation Army".
Named "凌雲1" (Lingyun-1), meaning "reaching the clouds", the hypersonic flying vehicle was announced to be powered by a scramjet engine and capable of flying at hypersonic speeds of over Mach 5.

The Lingyun-1 was introduced as a test platform for hypersonic flight vehicles, and the fact that it had been developed at the National Defense University with the People's Liberation Army in the background was a clear indication that China had embarked on the development of a hypersonic weapon.

2.Development plan for a scramjet-powered aircraft and hypersonic flight vehicle in China

2-1.The overall plan for the development of a scramjet engine powered aircraft or missiles

sinodefenceforum.com and news.discuss.com.hk report on a report by Xing-zhou LIU (刘兴洲), an expert on hypersonic flight and scramjet engines and research and development leader in China. LIU reports that in 1998, Chinese politicians gave high marks to several hypersonic flight research and development projects and approved the launch of the R&D program.

In 2004, LIU also proposed a new R&D plan to the expert committee. This plan is a hypersonic flying object research and development plan, including scramjet engine and boost glider technology, which was unanimously approved. As a result, the hypersonic flight research project has been included in China's mid- to long-term plan for 2006-2020 as part of the national research and development plan.

The National Research Center for Hypersonic Flight was established as the third division of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASIC). Incidentally, CASIC is the largest developer and manufacturer of missile weapon systems in China. It has capabilities for the development, research and manufacture of technologies for air defense missiles, cruise missiles, solid propulsion rockets, space technology products and products covering land, sea, air and various electromagnetic spectrum areas.

LIU reported that China's hypersonic flight research program consists of three stages. It should be noted that the only existing engine capable of powering a long duration hypersonic flight is a scramjet engine, which can be equated with the plan to develop a hypersonic aircraft and a scramjet.

  1. Phase 1: By 2020, develop a hypersonic cruise missile with a scramjet engine and a multi-platform for hypersonic flight. These are targeted to reach a cruise speed of Mach 6 and a range of 2000 km.
  2. Phase 2: Between 2020 and 2030, develop a hypersonic aircraft capable of reaching any point on Earth in less than two hours. The goal is to achieve a cruise speed of Mach 5 and a range of 10,000 km.
  3. Phase 3: Develop a reusable space-transit aircraft capable of reaching satellite orbit by 2050. The goal is to reach a speed range of Mach 12-25.

Scramjet side, China's development started quite late compared to the United States and Russia. In the "Space Transportation System-Sol" 863 program defined between 1987 and 1992, the Chinese have defined development strategy to start with a spacecraft (Shenzhou) and then with an "aerospace plane". The study of scramjet started well.

Beginning 90 'with the 921 program (manned flight) and the 863 program, several Chinese research institutes have started pre-scramjet studies, including ignition of the propellant supersonic, stable combustion, design input air, hypersonic aerodynamics, materials, integrated design of airframe and engine ... etc. A series of ground equipment for hypersonic study was also built as a hypersonic wind tunnel Φ1m to Mach 10 in the center of the search for propulsion and aerodynamics, the blower electric arc Φ1m to power 50MW CCAC group blower hypersonic shock wave Mach JF-12 9 to a temperature of 3000K ... etc ... etc.

Very little information has been fuitée on the development of scramjet, it nevertheless has some official elements.

In 1998, Academician Xingzhou LIU, one of the founders of the Chinese hypersonic sector, wrote an expert who addressed the Chinese political leaders folder, the folder was highly regarded and several key projects have been launched. In 2004, Liu wrote, with a committee of experts, a detailed development plan to the Chinese government. This plan received unanimous support from senior leaders and hypersonic program, including the development of scramjet and Boost-Glide technology was formalized and included in the National Development Plan 2006-2020 medium-long term. The National Center for Hypersonic Research was established and assigned to the 3rd Academy of CASIC group.

According to the plan LIU, the hypersonic development follow 3 steps -

* By 2020, develop a hypersonic cruise missile multi-platform reach Mach 6 and 2000km
* Between 2020 and 2030, developing a hypersonic aircraft with a cruise speed of Mach 5 and 10 000km range capabilities, capable of reaching any point on Earth in 2 hours
* By 2050, achieve entry into orbit and reusable horizontal mode, speed between Mach 12 and 25. 

已故的劉興洲院士是我國沖壓發動機和高超聲速推進技術的奠基人之壹。1998 年,在他的倡議下形成了“研制高超聲速發動機及高超聲速飛行器”專家建議書,詳細闡述了研制高超聲速發動機及高超聲速飛行器的戰略意義,受到了中央領導的 高度重視,組織多方面專家對建議書進行了技術論證。2004年,他又和壹批專家聯名向中央提出《關於發展高超聲速飛行器科技工程的建議》,得到中央的支 持,決定將“高超聲速飛行器科技工程”列為《國家中長期科技規劃(2006~2020年)》中的重大專項之壹,並成立“國家高超聲速技術工程中心”,掛靠 在航天科工集團三院。
2020年前,研制出高超聲速巡航導彈,最大速度6馬赫,射程1000~2000 km,可多平臺裝載;
目前,國內有多家單位在從事高超聲速飛行器和超燃沖壓發動機(以及RBCC/TBCC組合循環發動機)技術的研究,其中實力最強的是航天三院。航天三院 31所是“高超聲速沖壓發動機技術國家級重點實驗室”的主依托單位,已經形成了國內配套最為齊全和先進的吸氣式發動機試驗驗證體系。某試驗基地規劃的大型 吸氣式發動機試驗體系,其規模和能力將達到國際先進水平,可為超燃沖壓發動機的研制提供堅實的試驗保障,並為臨近空間和空天飛行動力技術研究奠定重要基礎。

It is not clear whether this plan oversees China's overall development program or not. However, it can be said that the will to develop not only small hypersonic missiles, but also a wide range of other technologies, including hypersonic aircraft, had already been formulated in 2004.

Lingyun-1, which flew in December 2015, is considered to be a multi-platform hypersonic cruise missile and a hypersonic aircraft (with a target speed of Mach 6 and a range of 2,000 km) that will be developed by 2020.

2-2.An example of a previous study: a study based on Hyfly

An example of research conducted in China using Hyfly as a model

In China, various research and development of the scramjet engine seems to be advanced. Among them, it should be noted that there is an example of a scramjet engine flying vehicle modeled after the Hyfly.

According to news.discuss.com.hk, in the "2012-2013 Development Report of Aeronautical Science and Technology" 「2012-2013航空科學技術學科發展報告」 published by the Chinese government, the axisymmetric-inlet hypersonic flight test was conducted at 20km altitude, Mach 5 in 2012. It was conducted in the Air-to-Air Guided Missile Research Institute of the Aviation Industry Industry Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), which used the Hyfly as a reference point for their scramjet engine flying vehicle research.



3.Is the Lingyun-1 a Chinese version of the Hyfly missile, mimicking the US Hyfly?

As mentioned earlier, Lingyun-1 is very similar to the Hypersonics Flight Demonstration program (HyFly): a Hyfly missile previously planned in the United States. (The Hyfly program has been discontinued.) The author believes that Lingyun-1 was modelled in large part on the Hyfly program.

3-1. Hyfly missile summary

Hyfly is a past project by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and the U.S. Office of Naval Research (ONR) to demonstrate the technology of a scramjet ramjet engine-powered hypersonic cruise missile. Although the project was billed as a technology demonstration project, the test plan included launching from a variety of launch platforms, including aircraft, submarines, and naval vessels.

Therefore, the Hyfly project's test aircraft had the potential to evolve and be equipped as a hypersonic cruise missile as it was. This is the same position as the Lingyun-1, which has been introduced as a hypersonic flying vehicle test platform.

The aircraft was developed by Boeing and the scramjet engine was developed by Aerojet. The John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) was also involved in the development of the aircraft. Hundreds of direct-connect, free-jet ground-burn tests were conducted, as well as launch tests. However, despite the efforts of these institutions over the years, the Hyfly program was cancelled.

Hyfly missile
Launches from various platforms were being considered.

Hyfly on board the F-15E for air-launch testing

3-2. Engine in Hyfly: DRC (Dual Combustion Ramjet Engine)

Hyfly sectional view and DCR

The engine on the Hyfly is called the Dual Combusion Ramjet (DCR). It is a hybrid combination of a ramjet and scramjet engine, a concept introduced at APL in the 1970s. In the Hyfly project, the engine was developed for a cruise speed of Mach 6.

Conceptual diagram of DCR

In Hyfly, the jet fuel used was JP-10, which has a high density and hence allows for longer range of the flyer. This is the kerosene-based fuel used in Tomahawk cruise missiles and other missiles, and because of its high density, longer range can be achieved by increasing the fuel density (= energy density) per unit volume carried, compared to other kerosene-based fuels.

The Hyfly is equipped with two types of air intakes (inlets): subsonic (for ramjet engines) and supersonic (for scramjet engines). First, the JP-10 is burned in the ramjet combustion chamber with the air flow reduced to subsonic speed in the fuel-rich state. Next, the combustion gases in the fuel-rich state are led from the ram duct to the scramjet combustion chamber, where they are mixed with air taken in from the supersonic inlet, and then burned in a two-stage system. The ramjet combustion chamber also serves as a flame retention mechanism.

This is the reason why this engine is called a Dual Combustion Ramjet (DCR). It is a combination of subsonic pre-burner and supersonic combustor. The name "Dual Combustion Ramjet Engine" comes from the fact that it performs two stages of combustion, ramjet combustion and scramjet combustion. Kerosene is burned once in the ramjet combustion chamber, so its molecules are smaller and easier to burn in the scramjet combustion chamber. The combustion efficiency is also improved. The flightable Mach number of the Hyfly's DCR is estimated to be between Mach 3.5 and 6.5, and above Mach 6.5, the performance is insufficient.

The combustion chamber is not regenerated and cooled, but made of CMC (Ceramic Matrix Composite) to provide heat resistance in uncooled conditions.

3-3. Hyfly test flight

Hyfly is the world's first hydrocarbon-fueled scramjet engine-powered flight vehicle, accelerated by the Terrier-Orion sounding rocket system on December 10, 2005, from NASA's Wallops Flight Facility on Wallops Island, Virginia, at 63,000 A 15-second scramjet-engine powered flight at Mach 5.5 and 15 seconds was successfully completed at 5.5 feet.

The Terrier-Orion launch vehicle is a NASA-operated sounding rocket with a payload capacity of 90-360 kg launched at heights of 80-200 km. A ground-launched rocket booster was used in the Lingyun-1 test flight conducted by China in December 2015, and it is presumed to have a similar configuration.

Hyfly on board the Terrier-Orion sounding rocket system

3-4. Appearance and similarities between Hyfly and Lingyun-1

Appearance and similarities between Hyfly and Lingyun-1

Above is a summary of the similarity between Hyfly and Lingyun-1. Lingyun-1 looks a little smaller than Hyfly, but its size and shape are similar to Lingyun-1.

Hyfly is characterized by multiple inlets on the tip of the fuselage. There are six inlets, four of which are for supersonic combustion and lead to the scramjet combustion chamber. Two of the smaller ones are for subsonic combustion and lead to the ramjet combustion chamber.

As for Lingyun-1, it consists of four large inlets, and as described in section 2.2, China has been studying the scramjet engine with reference to Hyfly. The Lingyun-1 is very similar to the Hyfly and if it is also a DCR engine, it has a two-stage concentric shock cone for the ramjet and the scramjet. There are considered to be two inlets, one for the ramjet and one for the scramjet. In that case, of the four inlets, one or two are considered to be for ramjets and two or three are considered to be for scramjets.

4.The Lingyun-1 is the Chinese version of the DCR-based Hyfly missile

I surveyed the papers and found a paper from the People's Liberation Army National Defense Science and Technology University, the developer of Lingyun-1. From the information I gathered, the Lingyun-1 seems to be the Chinese version of the Hyfly missile, with the same DCR and the same focus on the Hyfly in R&D. The University of Defense Science and Technology has been working on the Scramjet engine for ten years.

The National Defense Science and Technology University has been studying the scramjet engine for a decade and has recently identified DCR as one of the most promising and realistic propulsion systems for hypersonic flight. The following is an excerpt from the paper on the performance of the hypersonic flight vehicle research being conducted at the National Defense Science and Technology University.

  • Velocity performance: tested at Mach 4 (17 km altitude) / Mach 6 (25 km altitude).
  • It was concluded that the overall performance is not bad and that the DCR is worthy of further study and investigation.
  • Full-scale combustion tests have been conducted. Conducted a scramjet engine combustion test in a free jet. (Pre-flight testing?)
  • The People's Liberation Army National Defense Science and Technology University has been investigating scramjet engines for 10 years from 2003-2013. In the last three years (2010-2013), DCR's direct-connect combustion tests have been conducted and a high-temperature wind tunnel has been constructed in conjunction with the DCR.
  • The People's Liberation Army National Defense Science and Technology University has adopted DCR for two reasons: it is a scramjet/ramjet engine that can be used in a wide range of flight Mach numbers, and the use of C/SiC composite material has the advantage of simplifying the thermal protection structure for practical use.
  • The Lingyun-1 is a DCR system that uses kerosene as fuel.
  • The Lingyun-1 is an improvement on the DCR concept and incorporates a unique Chinese concept. Specifically, a cavity is installed in the supersonic combustor of the scramjet engine, and a flame retention mechanism is added.
  • When flying at hypersonic speeds, the aircraft can fly with a nose angle of 0 to 6 degrees (4 degrees at Mach 4). (4° at Mach 4).

The following is a scramjet engine (DCR) that has been subjected to full-scale combustion testing by the People's Liberation Army National Defense Science and Technology University. It has the same arrangement as the Hyfly inlet, with six concentric inlets. However, it is inconsistent with the photo of Lingyun-1 published in May 2018, shown in sections 3-4.

Since Lingyun-1 also appears to be a DCR, presumably the Lingyun-1 released in May 2018 is likely a mock-up, not the actual machine. If it is an actual aircraft, it has been refurbished to operate solely on a scramjet engine, not a DCR.

The People's Liberation Army's National Defense Science and Technology University conducted a full-scale combustion test of a scramjet engine (DCR).

Pressure history during testing for Mach 4/6

[1] TAN, Jianguo; WANG, Yi. Freejet Experimental Investigation on Performance of Dual-Combustion Ramjet. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2014, 31.1: 478-482.

[2] TAN, Jianguo; WU, Jiping; WANG, Zhenguo. Experimental and numerical investigations on flow fields and performance of dual combustion ramjet. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2014, 228.6: 920-929.


The Scramjet-powered flight vehicle being developed in China: Lingyun-1 is presumably being developed as part of a project to achieve the first phase of the medium- to long-term plan for a hypersonic flight vehicle from 2006 to 2020, which was formulated by China in 2004. (In addition to this, other research and development programs are also believed to be in progress in parallel.

The goal of the first phase is to develop a hypersonic cruise missile with a scramjet engine and a hypersonic flight multi-platform with a cruise speed of Mach 6 and a range of 2,000 km by 2020. It is designed to have the capability to achieve this goal and serve as a multi-platform for hypersonic flight research. The research is not for purely academic purposes, as it was conducted at the National Defense University of Science and Technology of the People's Liberation Army of China, but is likely to be applied and converted to hypersonic weapons to be equipped by the People's Liberation Army in the future.

Lingyun-1 appears to be an R&D project that was launched by emulating and researching the Hyfly missile project, which was discontinued in the United States, and has a number of common features such as the adoption of DCR and concentric inlets, etc. Even looking at the published papers, it is still necessary to study and research the content of this project in the United States before implementing it. It appears that the company is doing the same thing.

In addition, the ramjet engine principle of Hyfly: The DCR itself is a concept invented and originated at John Hopkins University, and the Hyfly project involved the John Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL), which is the counterpart of the Chinese students It is possible that the information is being gathered through various means, such as via, researchers, cyber attacks, etc.


[1] 中国超燃冲压发动机研究回顾, Review of scramjet research in China, 刘兴洲, ‎2012
[2] https://www.sinodefenceforum.com/cx-1-cruise-missile.t7099/page-9
[3] Hypersonics Flight Demonstration program (HyFly),
[4] HyFly Mach 6 Scramjet Missile Test,
[5] A look at China's most exciting hypersonic aerospace programs,
[6] 中國公開臨近空間高超音速試飛平台 3年前完成首射
[7] China reveals hypersonic scramjet developments and plans
[8] China Shows Off Hypersonic Vehicle Test Model After US Navy Weapon Test
[9] Ramjet engine tested by the Chinese
[10] China reveals Lingyun-1 hypersonic missile at National Science and Technology expo
[11] BILLIG, F. S.; WALTRUP, P. J.; STOCKBRIDGE, R. D. Integral-rocket dual-combustion ramjets: a new propulsion concept. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 1980, 17.5: 416-424.