
スカッドミサイル S5.2ロケットエンジンのサイクル方式について, Scud missile S5.2 rocket engine cycle

スカッドミサイル S5.2ロケットエンジンのサイクル方式について
Scud missile S5.2 rocket engine cycle




全長1m弱、重量は128kg程度であり(燃焼室48kg, ターボポンプ単体25kg)、推力13.1tなので、推力重量比は102(海面)。この規模のエンジンでは、推重比が高い部類である。単純に推力のみだけ考えるとエンジン規模としては、日本のLE-5A(121.5kN, 452s, LH2/LOX, 重量248kg, 燃焼圧3.98MPa)と同程度であるが、推重比は49と半分である。

S5.2 ロケットエンジンの外観動画





酸化剤ポンプ4により酸化剤は、燃焼室のインジェクタにダイレクトに供給される。燃料・酸化剤、両方のポンプは1軸式であり、タービンにより駆動する。別々ではなく、1軸式タービンポンプを用いるのは、ソ連のロケットエンジンの特徴の一つでもある。エンジンサイクルは、13のガスジェネレータで生成した高温ガスを駆動源としているガスジェネレータ(GG:Gas Generator)サイクルである。














YF-23, F-22, F-35B ステルス戦闘機の表面比較 リベット、ファスナーボルト、RAM材, YF-23, F-22, F-35B Stealth Fighter Surface coating, rivet, fastener bolt, RAM

YF-23, F-22, F-35B ステルス戦闘機の表面比較 リベット、ファスナーボルト、RAM材,
YF-23, F-22, F-35B Stealth Fighter Surface coating, rivet, fastener bolt, RAM


YF-23, F-22, F-35B ステルス戦闘機の機体表面比較とリベット、ファスナーボルト、RAM材の施工方法について解説する。

A comparison of fuselage surfaces of YF-23, F-22, and F-35B stealth fighters and the installation of rivets, fastener bolts, and RAM materials will be described.



1.YF-23 in Western Museum of Flight

Western Museum of Flightで、ATF試作機でYF-22と争ったYF-23を見てきた。フェンスの向こう(地方空港内)に展示されていたが、博物館方の付き添いで入れて貰えた。ありがとうございます。



Western Museum of Flight and YF-23

未来的なフォルムのYF-23側面(©Orbit Seals)


YF-23機体の表面を見てみると、リベット、ファスナー等、製造上の凹凸がある部分とない部分に気づいた。RAM材(Radar absorbent material:電波吸収体)を張り付けてる部分とそうでない部分と思われるが、F-22やF-35Bはどうなってたかなぁと思い、自分で撮影した写真やネットの画像等を使用して比較を行った。

2.YF-23 Grey Ghost (PAV-2)

YF-23機体前方側面(©Orbit Seals)

YF-23 ファスナーボルト部拡大写真(©Orbit Seals)





MH-53E ヘリコプターの後方写真,(©Orbit Seals)




[1] YF-23 フライトマニュアル【PDF 107MB】
[2] YF-23.net, http://yf-23.net/

3.F-22 Raptor


F-22(米軍横田基地, 2010年  ©Orbit Seals)

F-22 機体表面の考察
  1. YF-23、F-35Bの機体表面と比べ、機体表面が金属の様に極めて光反射具合が強い。導電体塗装が施工されており、ステルス性に効いている物と考えられる。写真を比較すると他機種の表面塗装とは、明らかに異なる事が分かる。機体表面で確実に反射させるためか?(複合材等の内部反射防止)
  2. 側面のエッジから離れた部分は、ファスナーボルトが見えている部分がある。これはYF-23と同様である。F-22の方がファスナーボルトが晒されている部分が多い。
  3. これは、日本の基地祭で公開するために、この様な仕様になっているという訳ではない。他のWeb上の画像を比較確認しても同様のため、常用でこの状態と見られる。
  4. 機体下部にも凹凸が見えてる部分があるが、上部の側面部の方が圧倒的に多い。レーダー波が当たっても、大して影響がない部分と判断し、この様な処理にしたのだろうか?
  5. 地上からレーダー照射を受けるならば、下面部に当たって反射する。このため上面部より気を使う必要がある。上部の側面部で反射したレーダ波は、上に反射されるので、地上及び空からのレーダ波はそれほど気にしなくて良いためか?
  6. 高速飛行時の加熱対策として、あえてRAM材を手当てしていない部分もあるのではないか。






機体上面がラフな理由説明図(©Orbit Seals)





F-22 Jet Fighter Maintenance on the Flightline



F-22コックピット下のメンテナンス(©Orbit Seals and US AirForce)





メンテナンスしている27th Aircraft Maintenance Unitの整備員(2017年2月3日)


5.F-35B LightningII JSF

2016年及び2017年の米海兵隊 岩国基地祭で撮影した、F-35Bの外観を以下に示す。全体的に凹凸を無くした、平べったい印象を受ける。

F-35Bの外観(©Orbit Seals)

F-35B 機体表面の考察
  1. 機体のほぼ全体に渡って、製造上発生する段差の上から、RAM材を貼って手当している。例えば、コックピット斜め下側のメンテナンスハッチ部は、凹凸形状が薄く見えつつも、上からRAMを貼っていることが分かる。
  2. 全体的に、凸凹が少なく、極めて工作精度の高い工業製品の印象を受ける。
  3. エンジン部ノズル真横側面にリベットが見えている部分が存在する。エンジンからの放射熱の影響を考えて、あえてRAM材は貼ってないと考えられる。
  4. F-22の表面塗装と比べて、シンプルに仕上げている。表面の導電体塗装は、重点的に行われてない。表面は光るが、よりマットな感触。
  5. 各部品や機体の加工精度は高く、剛性が極めて高い様に見受けられる。(機体が簡単に変形するとステルス性能にばらつきが出るため)
  6. 機体中央・後方上面部に、リベット、ファスナボルト跡が見えるが、むき出しではなく、上からRAM材で手当てしている様に見える。




(©Orbit Seals)


(©Orbit Seals)
FWD MASTER LATCH (7/32 HEX)と、AFT MASTER LATCH (7/32 HEX)との記載があり、7/32インチ六角レンチで、普通に取り外せそうである。


下記に例として示すのは、F-35B 機体上部のファスナーボルトである。斜め横から見ているので、ボルトの公差等が良く分かる。拡大すると、ボルトの穴がそのまま放置されている物と、穴を埋めている物がある。穴を埋めているボルトは、より小さなボルトが入っており、中心の穴形状からすると、六角レンチで固定できると見られる。

F-35B 機体上部のファスナーボルト(©Orbit Seals)

F-35Bのファスナーボルト拡大図(©Orbit Seals)




F-35Bにおける3種類のファスナーボルト(©Orbit Seals)


ステルス戦闘機のファスナーボルト比較(©Orbit Seals)





















[1] Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, 
[2] F-22 Jet Fighter Maintenance on the Fligh, Youtube
[3] LO technicians keep pilots undetected, alive
[4] Programma F-35, 
[5] http://twitter.com/54_98554/status/654952371659804672
[6] 0テレNEWS24, 嘉手納に暫定配備のF-35、パネル落下か, 2017年11月30日 19:11



English Version

A comparison of fuselage surfaces of YF-23, F-22, and F-35B stealth fighters and the installation of rivets, fastener bolts, and RAM materials will be described.

1.YF-23 in Western Museum of Flight

I saw the YF-23 at the Western Museum of Flight, where it competed against the YF-22 in the ATF prototype competition.

It's a beautiful aircraft and still futuristic almost 30 years later. The YF-23 is the future. In fact, the sixth generation concept aircraft released by Lockheed Martin is similar in fuselage shape to the YF-23.


Western Museum of Flight and YF-23

Futuristic form of the YF-23 side(©Orbit Seals)

Video of YF-23(Youtube)

Looking at the surface of YF-23, I noticed some parts with rivets, fasteners, etc., and some parts without rivets, fasteners, etc. It seems to be covered with Radar absorbent material (RAM) and some parts without it, but I wondered what happened to F-22 and F-35B I thought about it and used my own photos and online images to compare the results.

2.YF-23 Grey Ghost (PAV-2)

YF-23 front side of fuselage(©Orbit Seals)

Enlarged photo of the YF-23 fastener bolts(©Orbit Seals)

It appears that the surface of the fuselage is painted or covered with RAM material or sheets. Even though the fuselage is covered with surface paint and RAM sheets, the color of the structure underneath is still visible. You can see a white grid pattern under the gray fuselage.

In this pattern, you will notice that the circular parts are arranged in a square shape on the front side of the fuselage, and lined up in a horizontal line. Initially, the rivets would be bare. But when I zoomed in, there was a hole in the center of the fastener, and the fastener (bolt) seemed to be exposed.


F-35 on the production line before riveting and F-35 after production
The rivet marks on the stealth plane are basically invisible from the outside, hidden underneath the RAM material/sheet.

Rear view of MH-53E helicopter,(©Orbit Seals)
Numerous bare rivets are visible.

Fastener bolts are literally bolted together, as opposed to rivets, which are semi-permanently joined by plastic deformation of the material. The fuselage surface panels can be removed again for internal fuselage maintenance. (See F-22 for details.)

This aircraft has been displayed in the field in California, 25 years since it was first displayed, disassembled and reassembled three times and repainted at least twice, and the surface condition of the aircraft has been recreated.

The exposed fastener bolts are not simply surface paint or RAM sheets that were initially removed, but are thought to be in the condition they were in when the aircraft was tested.

[1] YF-23 Flight Manual【PDF 107MB】
[2] YF-23.net, http://yf-23.net/


3.F-22 Raptor

I have a photo of the F-22 Raptor that flew into the USAF Yokota Base Festival in 2010. I checked other photos on Web Ueno, and it seems that the side treatment is similar to the YF-23, and the exposed fastener bolts can be seen.

F-22(USAF Yokota AB, 2010, 2010年  ©Orbit Seals)

F-22 surface considerations
  1. Compared to the fuselage surface of the YF-23 and F-35B, the fuselage surface is extremely reflective like metal. The conductive coating on the fuselage is considered to be effective for stealth. The surface of the fuselage is coated with conductive material, which is considered to be stealthy. Is this because the surface of the fuselage reflects the light? (Anti-reflection of composite materials, etc.)
  2. There are areas away from the side edges where the fastener bolts are visible. This is similar to the YF-23; the F-22 has more exposed fastener bolts.
  3. This is not the case for the Japanese Base Festival. This is the same as the other images on the web, so it appears to be in this condition for regular use.
  4. There are some unevenness underneath the fuselage, but there are far more on the upper side of the fuselage. I wonder if they decided to do this kind of treatment because they thought it would not have much effect on the part of the plane even if the radar waves hit it?
  5. If the radar beam is received from the ground, it will be reflected from the lower surface. For this reason, it is necessary to be more careful than the upper surface. Is this because the radar waves reflected at the upper side are reflected upwards, so the radar waves from the ground and the sky don't have to worry so much about them?
  6. I believe that some of the RAM material has not been dared to be treated as a countermeasure against heating during high speed flight.

As an example of a fighter radar, the AN/APG-63, the fighter fire control radar on the F-15, uses the X-band frequency (8-12.5 GHz). Converting this to wavelengths, it's about 37.5 to 24 mm. In comparison with this, the diameter of the fastener bolt looks small. The hole in the bolt appears to be about 1cm in diameter.

Therefore, the impact is not considered to be a problem, but it would be undesirable due to the discontinuity of the fuselage surface. If it is perfectly fine, you should be able to see a scattering of fasteners and rivets throughout the fuselage.

It is a reasonable line of reasoning to assume that the demand to remove the fuselage surface panels due to the frequent maintenance of the area has settled on this treatment.

Also, overall, there are more areas on the top surface of the fuselage than the bottom surface of the F-22 fuselage where the RAM material is not treated and the fastener bolts are exposed. This may have been due to maintenance considerations as well as the characteristics of the aircraft when exposed to radar radiation.

Fast cruising F-22s fly at high altitudes. In that case, radar exposure would be almost always from below or to the sides. If it is received from the ground, it will always be received from the underside, and even if it is received from a fighter, it will be in a geometric arrangement where it is received from the sides/side. Except in the special case of a look down, this is generally the condition. In this case, the underside of the plane should be carefully coated with RAM material, and the parts that are frequently maintained and disassembled should be placed on the top of the plane.

Explanation of why the F-22's top surface is rough(©Orbit Seals)

In other words, when the radar is irradiated from the ground, the reflection from the lower surface is dominant, and the upper surface is not so relevant. If the radar is irradiated from the side, as long as it reflects upward and upward obliquely, it will not be observed unless there are fighters or other aircraft with sensors positioned above it.

In addition, the diameter of the bolt holes is about 1 cm, which means that the effect on the fighter's fire control radar, which has a wavelength of about 37.5-24 mm, is negligible.

This gives us an excuse and an explanation for roughing up the top of the fuselage with multiple visible fastener bolts that have not been treated with RAM material to make maintenance easier.

4.Maintenance of the F-22

F-22 Jet Fighter Maintenance on the Flightline

A U.S. Air Force maintenance worker removes and tightens a fastener bolt on an F-22

The actual maintenance of the F-22 actually involves scraping the RAM material that was installed on the surface of the aircraft and removing the fastener bolts that came out, one by one. The above video and images were taken by the F-22 maintenance crew at Tyndall Air Force Base.

Maintenance under the F-22 cockpit(©Orbit Seals and US AirForce)


F-22 maintenance at Elmendorf Air Force Base and an enlarged view of it

By comparing it to the image of the F-22 taken at Yokota Air Base, shown earlier, it can be seen that the part in question is a fastener bolt.

These bolts are removed and installed after scraping off the RAM material that is applied to the fuselage for maintenance. A picture of the work is shown below, which appears to be an extremely tedious process; starting with the F-35, RAM sheets are used, which is considered to be a slight improvement in terms of maintenance. (See next section.)

F-22 RAM material at Nellis Air Force Base on Red Flag 17-1.
A maintenance crew from the 27th Aircraft Maintenance Unit, February 3, 2017.


5.F-35B LightningII Joint Strike Fighter

The F-35B is shown below, photographed at the 2016 and 2017 U.S. Marine Corps Iwakuni Base Festival. The overall impression is flat with no unevenness.

F-35B(©Orbit Seals)

F-35B Fuselage Surface Considerations
  1. Almost the entire fuselage is treated with RAM material on top of the bumps that occur during manufacturing. For example, the unevenness of the maintenance hatch located diagonally below the cockpit is very thin, but the RAM is applied from above.
  2. The overall impression is that there are few bumps and bruises, giving the impression of a highly accurate industrial product.
  3. A rivet is visible on the side of the engine nozzle. The RAM material is not used for the heat radiation from the engine.
  4. Compared with the surface paint of F-22, this is a simple finish. The surface conductive paint is not focused on. The surface shines but has more matte feel.
  5. Machining accuracy of each part and fuselage is high, and the rigidity seems to be very high. (Stealth performance will vary if the fuselage deforms easily).
  6. There are some rivets and fastener bolts in the center of the fuselage, but they are not bare and appear to have been applied with RAM material from above.

First, the F-35 has the following markings on the bolt that removes the regular access panel. There are fan shaped white marks around the bolt, and the bolt itself is shaped like an embedded hexagonal bolt hole. The same is true for the panel on the right side of the cockpit where the pilot's ladder is housed.

The hexagon bolt holes appear to be flat against the fuselage and the surface of the bolts. This part may be a pusher-type mechanism that retracts only when the bolts are turned.

That this part is a stationary access panel is known from the news on November 30, 2017, when an F-35A landed at Kadena Air Base and dropped the access panel. The news (NNN) of the F-35B that landed at Kadena Air Base shows that this is the part of the aircraft that can be used as a constant access panel without having to remove the RAM sheet.。

F-35B access panel (lower left side of nose) and enlarged view of the bolt
(©Orbit Seals)

The F-35A fighter whose access panel has fallen off

The pilot's ladder compartment is also marked the same as the access panel
(©Orbit Seals)

It is marked FWD MASTER LATCH (7/32 HEX) and AFT MASTER LATCH (7/32 HEX), and it looks like it can be removed normally with a 7/32" Allen wrench.

Next, fastener bolts can be seen throughout the fuselage of the F-35B. This is the same as the YF-23 and F-22. However, the F-35B differs from the other models in that there are additional bolts to fill the holes in the fastener bolts.

Shown below as an example are the fastener bolts on top of the F-35B fuselage. It is viewed from the side, so you can clearly see the tolerances of the bolts. If you zoom in, you can see that some of the holes have been filled and others have been left unattended. The hole-filling bolt has a smaller bolt in it, which can be fixed with a hexagonal wrench, judging from the shape of the hole in the center.

F-35B upper fuselage fastener bolts(©Orbit Seals)

Enlarged view of the F-35B fastener bolt(©Orbit Seals)

The fastener bolts seem to encapsulate a smaller, lighter gray bolt that can be used to seal the recessed space between the bolt holes. You can see from the pictures above that some of them are blocked by smaller bolts, some are not, and some are slightly skewed and distorted, and some have broken bolts.

Why some have bolts to fill the bolt holes and others don't is unclear (do they fill them during the mission?). To achieve a higher level of stealth, a new fastener bolt design, not found on the YF-23 or F-22, has been introduced.

The following diagram shows the different bolt configurations used on the F-35B.
There are three types of bolts used on the F-35B: a standard bolt, a high stealth bolt, and a bolt with RAM applied on top of it, which seems to offer more variation than the F-22.

Three types of fastener bolts in the F-35B(©Orbit Seals)

5.Stealth Fighter Fastener Bolt Comparison

Stealth Fighter Fastener Bolt Comparison(©Orbit Seals)

Based on the information so far, I've compiled a comparison of stealth fighter fastener bolts above. Note that the F/A-18E is based on images taken separately by the author and is not a pure stealth fighter.

Comparing them, the F-35B, F-22, and YF-23 appear to be almost identical in construction, although the YF-23 has a lower resolution. The F-22 and F-35B, in particular, were manufactured by the same company, Lockheed Martin stealth fighters, so it is not surprising that their structures are similar.

What sets the F/A-18E apart from the others is that the F/A-18E's bolts have six wavy shapes exposed on the surface of the fuselage that connect to the driver.

The YF-23 is unknown due to its low resolution (but the exposed portion of the fuselage surface is a round-hole shape pattern), but both the F-22 and F-35B bolts have a new circular round-hole shape at the same height as the fuselage surface.

On the other hand, if you look inside the holes in the F-35B's bolt, and inside the F-22's screwdriver and bolt holes, you can see a silvery, shiny metal tooth pattern; the connection to the screwdriver, like the F/A-18E, appears to be a six-hole shape.

The fastener bolts appear to be unique to the stealth aircraft, although the screwdriver/instrument used to tighten the bolts is similar to that used on conventional fighters. The fastener bolts used on the F-35B and F-22 have a new circular bolt entry at the same level as the fuselage surface, and are thought to engage and rotate with the screwdriver connection due to the six teeth present inside.

In the F/A-18E, the six wave-shaped teeth run continuously from the entrance to the back of the bolt hole, but in the F-35B and F-22, the entrance is a gaping hole that allows the driver to move away from the screwdriver and engage with the internal metal teeth, allowing the bolt to rotate.

This is probably because they did not want to expose the fuselage surface to the discontinuity of the F/A-18E in terms of radar reflection. And the F-35B has even its bolt holes filled in by smaller bolts, and the hexagonal wrench? It appears that a new type of fastener bolt that can be fastened with a screw is used.

The F-35B and F-22 bolts appear to have larger heads than the F/A-18 bolts, although the number of samples is small. It is about three times larger than the center bolt hole; the F/A-18's would be about twice as large or less. I wonder if this area also has something to do with the design to obtain low RCS.

But these hole-filling bolts, not only on the top of the F-35B's fuselage, but also on the underside of the nose of the jet engine in front of the air intake. The ones that were used on the top of the fuselage are at an angle, about to come off, or actually come off, as far as I can see in the photos? Some of them had cracks in them.

I was very worried that it might come off during the flight, but they must be very confident about how to fix it in front of the air intake. Or is it plastic with RAM painted on the surface?

F-35's air intake and enlarged view of the hole-filling bolts used in front of the air intake


6.Maintenance of the F-35


The RAM sheet has been partially cut off to reveal the fuselage surface of the F-35

In the F-22 section, I showed a photo of the RAM material being scraped off, but the maintenance of the F-35B is carried out as shown in the photo above. The RAM sheet is applied over the green surface color that hits the ground surface of the aircraft to ensure stealth.

In the second picture, the RAM sheet is partially cut out, and it looks like the removable bolts for maintenance are cut out. It looks like a lot of work, but it would be much healthier and less labor intensive for the mechanics than cutting the material off like the F-22.

On the other hand, if I am correct, the F-35B's fastener bolts are made of a special material, and if the lid is tightened after the torque is applied, the amount of work involved could be doubled.


[1] Joint Base Elmendorf-Richardson, 
[2] F-22 Jet Fighter Maintenance on the Fligh, Youtube
[3] LO technicians keep pilots undetected, alive
[4] Programma F-35, 
[5] http://twitter.com/54_98554/status/654952371659804672
[6] 0テレNEWS24, 嘉手納に暫定配備のF-35、パネル落下か, 2017年11月30日 19:11