
自作ロケット、ロケット開発を題材にした漫画・アニメ・小説, DIY rocket or rocket development Manga, Animation and Novel in Japan

DIY rocket or rocket development Manga, Animation and Novel in Japan

Update :2020.09.01


日本では、自作ロケットや、ロケット開発を題材にした漫画やアニメというのは、数が少ない。おおよその物語において、「ロケット」や「ロケットを作る」という行為は、一種の舞台装置であり、小道具として利用されている。 物語の主軸になっているのは、希である。ロケット自体の扱われ方もバラバラだ。そもそも少ないのであれば、まとめるのも容易であろう。という訳で、自作ロケットやロケット開発を題材にした物語をまとめてみた。




◆ ロケットボーイズ(上巻・下巻)(2000年)


種 類:固体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全自作

1957年、ソ連の人工衛星スプートニクが、アメリカの上空を横切った事を切欠に、アメリカ田舎の炭鉱町で、高校生がロケット製作を始める。NASAのエンジニアになった、ホーマー・ヒッカム氏の自伝。映画「遠い空の向こうに」(October Sky)の原作であり、実話を元にした小説である。小説の方が詳しく書かれているが、映像作品の方が、手っ取り早く、時間が無い方にはオススメである。管理人の宇宙関連映画のベスト3に入る出来栄えである。ロケットを抜きにしても、スタンドバイミーの様な青春物語として秀作。それが実話となれば、言うまでもない。

◆ ロケットが来た(2017年)

種 類:液体燃料ロケットエンジン
方 式:ライセンス国産(技術導入)


渡米し、米国 Rocketdyne社のロケットエンジン技術習得研修から物語は始まる-


著者は、N-Iロケット ~ H-IIロケットまで、石川島播磨重工業(現IHI)で、ロケットエンジン開発の第一線で技術者を務めた人物であり、本小説は、元技術者が書いた最高のロケットエンジン開発小説である。




◆ 夏のロケット(1998年)

種 類:固体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全自作


◆ 放課後のロケッティア(2009年)

種 類:ハイブリッドロケット、固体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全自作



◆ なつのロケット(2001年)

種 類:液体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全自作


◆研究報告11 なつのロケットは本当に飛ぶか!? the 26th, March 2000

◆ ロケットマン(2001年) 全10巻


種 類:ソユーズロケット
方 式:ノックダウン生産




◆ 我らコンタクティ(2017年)

種 類:固体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全自作

ロケットのモデルは、イプシロン、JAXAのH-II SRB、H-IIA SRB-Aの地上燃焼試験に影響を受けているのだろう。物語は、独特の世界観になっている。

◆ MOONLIGHT MILE(7)(2003年)


(©小学館, 太田垣康男)

種 類:モデルロケット(固体燃料ロケット)
方 式:組み立て製作


◆ 星屑テレパス(2020年~)


(©芳文社, 大熊らすこ)


種 類:モデルロケット(固体燃料ロケット)、自作ロケット?
方 式:組み立て製作等



◆ プラネテス PHASE-13(2003年)



種 類:液体ロケット
方 式:組み合わせ自作


◆ シゴフミ 第1話, 第2話(2008年) 


第1話 コクハク、第2話 ロケット

種 類:固体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全自作


◆ 王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼(1987年) 


種 類:液体燃料ロケット
方 式:完全独自開発

極めて有名な名作。映像美、細かく作りこまれた設定には感心する。ロケットは、ソ連式のソユーズっぽい補助ブースター付ロケット。ロケットエンジンの推進剤は、特別展「王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼展 SFアニメができるまで」に行って設定画を見たところ、液体酸素/ヒドラジンという設定だった様である。

◆ 星屑テレパス(2023年~)



Tver(見逃し放送):星屑テレパス フジテレビ

種 類:モデルロケット(固体燃料ロケット)、自作ロケット?
方 式:組み立て製作等


English Version

In this issue, I would like to introduce manga, anime and novels on the subject of self-built rockets and rocket development.

In Japan, there are only a few manga and anime about self-built rockets and rocket development. In most stories, "rockets" and "building rockets" are a kind of stage set and are used as props. 

It is rarely the mainstay of a story. The way the rockets themselves are treated is also uneven. If there were only a few of them, it would be easy to put them all together. That's why I tried to put together a story about self-made rockets and rocket development.

However, aren't there too many high school students making rockets? It's more solid fuel rockets in the sense that they are easier to manufacture.

If you want to put out a rocket as a stage setting, the best looking rocket would be the solid fuel rocket. The white smoke of composite fuel etc. follows the sky, so it becomes a picture. Liquid-fueled rockets have a transparent smoke that you can't see...

But I read Shitamachi Rocket, a popular book for Japanese businessmen, the same day I bought it, closed it quietly and got rid of it.


◆ The Rocket Boys (Vol. 1 & 2)(2000)


Rocket Type: Solid fuel rocket
Method: Completely self-made
Main character: High school student

This is the autobiography of Homer Hickam, a high school student who became a NASA engineer and started building rockets in a rural coal-mining town in 1957 when the Soviet Union's Sputnik satellite flew over the United States. It is the basis for the movie "October Sky", and the novel is based on a true story. The novel is more detailed, but the movie version is quicker and recommended for those who don't have time to read it. It's one of my top three best space-related movies of all time. Even without the rocket, this is an excellent stand-by-me coming-of-age story. If it's a true story, it goes without saying.

◆ ロケットが来た(Rocket is Coming.)(2017)

Rocket Type: Liquid fuel rocket engine
Format: Licensed domestic production (technology introduction)
Main character: Heavy industry engineer

The protagonist (author), who works in the Civil Aeronautics Division of Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries, participates in the National Space Development Agency's N-1 rocket development project as a contract employee.

He was in charge of developing the MB-3 rocket engine, which is the main engine of Delta rocket, etc., and to produce the first stage of N-1 rocket under license in Japan.
The story begins with his training at Rocketdyne, Inc. in the United States to acquire rocket engine technology.

Isn't all this stuff true? That was my first thought. This work is a novel of rocket development with an extremely high degree of perfection. I have seen various rocket development stories (fiction and non-fiction), but I have never known a novel with such a detailed technical description.

The author was a front-line engineer of rocket engine development at Ishikawajima-Harima Heavy Industries (now IHI) from N-I rocket to H-II rocket.

The expressions and technical details scattered here and there seem to be at a level that only a person in actual production could have written, and the expressions are at a level that would bring other fictional rocket development novels to their knees. Although it may be blurred, it appears to be a true account of what the author experienced and what happened in the past. It is thought that this novel contains some information of know-how not written in the textbook, such as the rocket combustion test, the substance of manufacture, etc., and the engineer should refer to it.

The following article describes a review of this book.

 The novel "The Rocket is Coming" is the best rocket engine development story ever written by a former engineer.

◆ 夏のロケット(Summer Rocket)(1998)

Rocket Type: Solid fuel rocket
Method: Completely self-made
Main character: 30-something working man

Winner of the 15th Suntory Mystery Award for Excellence. She is a reporter in charge of the science department of a newspaper company. While assisting a female reporter in her class to report on a radical missile explosion, she notices the shadow of a fellow reporter from the astronomy club's rocket team in high school.
The depiction of the conversion and modification of the dentist's x-ray machine for non-destructive testing after the grain is kneaded and filled is very good.

◆ 放課後のロケッティア(After-school rocketeer)(2009)

Rocket Type: Hybrid Launch Vehicle, Solid Fuel Rocket
Method: Completely self-made
Main character: High school student

A Japanese light novel. The author was inspired by 夏のロケット(Summer Rocket) and なつのロケット(Natsu's Rocket, Summer Rocket) to create his work. I'm just a regular boy who goes to high school. If I had to pick one thing that was different, it would be that I'm interested in rockets.

2.Japanese Manga

◆ なつのロケット(Natsu's rocket, Summer rocket)(2001)

Rocket Type: Liquid fuel rocket
Method: Completely self-made
Main character: Elementary school student

The story of an elementary school student developing a rocket. The title is an homage, to "Summer Rocket"(夏のロケット). The setting is easy to understand, and the story has a sense of stability without tripping in a strange direction. By the way, Mr. Noda, a spacecraft engineer, is discussing this rocket at the following site. (Spoiler alert)

◆研究報告11 なつのロケットは本当に飛ぶか!? the 26th, March 2000

◆ ロケットマン (Rocket Man)(2001) 10 volumes


Rocket Type: Soyuz rocket
Method: Knockdown production
Main character: an intelligence officer

A middle-aged setting at best, but that's okay. All I ever wanted to do with my life was to get to know an older guy who collects Soyuz parts as a hobby and makes rockets...

Totally unrelated to Rocket's story, but in the last volume, there are some completely alright people named Infinity, Zero, and Fractal (code name). (Infinity: an assassin with unlimited connections. (Can procure weapons anywhere in the world, etc.)

I, too, would love to meet up with my friends in a coffee shop somewhere and converse with each other, calling each other by middle-aged nicknames like "Infinity" and "Zero," and posing a threat to those around me.

◆ 我らコンタクティ(The Contactee)(2017)


Rocket Type: Solid fuel rocket
Method: Completely self-made
Main character: Working man

The "rockets are golden" blowout from the abrupt combustion test.
The model of the rocket may have been influenced by the ground-firing tests of Epsilon, JAXA's H-II SRB and H-IIA SRB-A. The story is a unique worldview. The story has a unique worldview.



(© Shogakukan, Yasuo Otagaki)

Rocket Type: Model rocket (solid fuel rocket)
Method: Assembly and manufacture
Main character: High school student

Originally a sci-fi comic, part of the story is about building a rocket. The vigilantes find out and say, "They're making missiles, kill them! This is a story that screams "I don't know what to do! The craziest.

◆ 星屑テレパス(Stardust Telepath)(2020-)


(©芳文社, 大熊らすこ)


Type: Model rocket (solid-fuel rocket), self-made rocket?
Method: Assembly, etc.
Main character: High school student

A manga about a high school girl who builds her own rocket, serialized in Manga Time Kirara Web, a manga magazine that focuses entirely on cuteness. A shy girl, a self-proclaimed alien girl, and their friends who have gathered around them build a rocket to go to space. It is a rare work that deals with self-made rockets in general, and was also made into an anime in 2023. Since it is in the Kirara frame, it is unlikely that people will die in the development of the rocket.

3.Japanese Animation



PHASE 13 「ロケットのある風景」(Landscape with a Rocket)

Rocket Type: Liquid rocket
Method: Combination homemade
Main character: High school student

If you are an Japan Amazon Prime member, you can watch all episodes now. This is a highly recommended sci-fi anime, with the main character's brother making his own rockets in episode 13. I don't know where the sound of the small rocket firing was taken from, but it's very realistic.

I would like to have some rocket control software from a large company.

◆ シゴフミ(Shigofumi) Episode 1, Episode 2(2008) 


Episode 1: Kokuhaku, Episode 2: Rocket

Rocket Type: Solid fuel rocket
Method: Completely self-made
Main character: High school student

I thought building a rocket on a rooftop was a possibility, but the hero's path is too disastrous.
It's not that low in viscosity before the grain hardens. The protagonist seemed to be trying to build a rocket that would reach orbit. He must have developed a super high performance rocket motor grain.

◆ 王立宇宙軍 オネアミスの翼(Royal Space Force, Wings of Oneamis)(1987) 


Rocket Type: Liquid fuel rocket
Formula: Completely original development
Main character: A soldier

An extremely famous masterpiece. The visual beauty and detailed settings are impressive. The rocket is a Soviet-style Soyuz-like rocket with auxiliary booster. The propellant for the rocket engine seems to be liquid oxygen/hydrazine, according to the setting drawings I saw when I went to the special exhibition "Royal Space Force: The Wings of Oneamis".

◆ 星屑テレパス(2023年~)



Amazon distribution: 星屑テレパス(アニメ)
Tver (missed broadcast): 星屑テレパス フジテレビ

Type: Model rocket (solid fuel rocket), self-made rocket?
Method: Assembly and production, etc.
Main character: High school student

An anime version of "Stardust Telepath" (manga). It is all about being cute. However, this anime is a good example of why Japanese university students and high school students may be the catalyst for Japanese university and high school students to start asking why they want to build rockets or join a rocket club.

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