
SR-71のプラズマステルス、プラズマステルスの物理学, Plasma stealth of SR-71, plasma stealth physics, plasma active stealth

Plasma stealth of SR-71, plasma stealth physics, plasma active stealth


ロシアがPAK-FA T-50、Su-57戦闘機に搭載するプラズマステルス技術を開発中であるという噂話を耳にすることがある。プラズマによって、航空機のステルス性を獲得するとはどういうことだろうか。実際に適応された事例としてSR-71の話やプラズマ物理の話を交えつつ、解説を行う。




T-50 PAK-FAのインレット部に搭載されたとされる、プラズマステルスの記事



US Patent US3127608A

1956年、GEのArnold Eldredgeは、プラズマステルスに関する特許を出願した。航空機内に粒子加速器を搭載し、航空機の周囲にイオン雲、つまりプラズマを生成することで、航空機に対して受けたレーダー波を屈折、または吸収するというアイデアである。特許は1964年に受理されたが、この特許が実際に開発されたか、資金が投入されたか等は不明である。

1-2.A-12 ブラックバード インレットのプラズマステルス化

SR-71のインレットコーン(筆者撮影, ©Orbit Seals)

1960年代、CIAは、SR-71の前身であるA-12 ブラックバード開発の際に、インレットコーン部のRCSを小さくするため、資金を提供した。KAMPSTER計画と呼ばれたこのプロジェクトは、放電する電子ビーム発生器を用いる事で、インレット部にプラズマを形成させて、RCS値を低減する計画であった。

ウエスチングハウス設計の装置であり、ロッキード スカンクワークスがその開発を補佐した。ソ連の早期警戒レーダー:P-14 Tall King、レーダー周波数175MHzを想定して開発され、この周波数でのRCS値低減を目指した。




1957年、ソ連は人類初の人工衛星:スプートニクを打ち上げた。スプートニクは、金属球体の人工衛星であり、近点高度:215 km、遠点高度:939kmの楕円軌道に投入された。


\[σ = \pi a^2  [m^2] \]



電離層は、宇宙空間(100km以上)にまで存在し、スプートニクが航行する高度は、F1層 (150km - 220km)、F2層 (220 - 800km)と呼ばれ、電離層存在範囲だったのである。これにより、スプートニクにレーダー波を当てた場合、RCSが理論値異なっていた。また実際の衛星以外のエコー(プラズマからのもの)も確認された。これらは、プラズマがレーダー波に影響を与える実際の実例、実証となった。








電子の熱運動が無視できる場合の プラズマ振動周波数:ω_pe [rad/s] は、次の式で与えられる。

\[ω_{ pe } = \sqrt{ \frac{ n_{ e }e^2 }{m_{ e }ε_{ 0 } }} \]
ne:電子密度, e:電子の電荷, me:電子の質量, ε0:真空の誘電率


\[ω_{ pe } = \sqrt{ \frac{ 4{ \pi }n_{ e }e^2 }{m_{ e } }} \]
\[ω_{ pe } = 8.98×10^3 \sqrt{ {n_{ e } }} \]

  1. プラズマ振動周波数より低い電波がプラズマに入射されると、金属の様に単純に反射する。
  2. プラズマ振動周波数と同じ場合は、電波はプラズマに吸収される、言い換えると熱エネルギーに変換され、プラズマが加熱される。あるいは、周波数の異なる電波に変換される。
  3. プラズマ振動周波数よりも高い場合は、プラズマを透過して、すり抜ける。












1項にて、A-12 ブラックバードのインレットにおけるプラズマステルス化は装備化が断念されたと書いた。しかしながら、別の機体箇所と別の手法で、SR-71には、プラズマステルスが装備化されていたとされている。



SR-71のJ58ジェットエンジン排気口(筆者撮影, ©Orbit Seals)














炎色反応 塩化セシウム(CsCl)







A-12, SR-71, F-117のステルス技術開発に携わった
ロッキード スカンクワークス社員;Edward Lovickの伝記




[1] US Patent US3127608A, https://patents.google.com/patent/US3127608
[2] Radar Man: A Personal History of Stealth, Edward Lovick
[3] J58 Last Run, http://www.enginehistory.org/GasTurbines/P&W/J58/J58.shtml
[4] IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1963
[5] Plasma actuator system and method for use with a weapons bay on a high speed mobile platform,
     US Patent US8016246B2, https://patents.google.com/patent/US8016246
[6] レーダーに映らないステルスアンテナ, 日経サイエンス 2008年4月号
[7] エリア51 世界でもっとも有名な秘密基地の真実, アニー・ジェイコブセン (著), 田口俊樹 (訳), 太田出版, 2012
[8] プラズマ物理入門. FrancisF. Chen (著), 内田 岱二郎 (訳), 丸善, 1977
[9] Russian Federation’s 5th Generation Fighter: PAK-FA (T-50) Program
[10] レーダ反射波の定量的評価法, 防衛大学校 電気電子工学科
[11] 55 Cs セシウム Caesium,

One hears rumors that Russia is developing plasma stealth technology for the PAK-FA T-50 and Su-57 fighter jets. What does plasma make an aircraft stealthy? This article will explain the actual application of plasma stealth technology with the story of the SR-71 and plasma physics.

【Related Article】

The plasma stealth article, allegedly mounted on the inlet of the T-50 PAK-FA

1.History of Plasma Stealth

1-1.GE's Plasma Stealth Patent

US Patent US3127608A

In 1956, Arnold Eldredge of GE applied for a patent on plasma stealth. The idea was to mount a particle accelerator inside an aircraft and generate a cloud of ions, or plasma, around the aircraft to refract or absorb radar waves received against it. The patent was accepted in 1964, but it is not known whether the patent was actually developed or funded.

1-2.A-12 Blackbird Inlet Plasma Stealth

SR-71's inlet cone (photo by the author, ©Orbit Seals)

In the 1960s, the CIA funded the development of the A-12 Blackbird, the predecessor to the SR-71, in order to reduce the RCS of the inlet cone, a project called the KAMPSTER Project, which used a discharge electron beam generator to produce plasma in the inlet and to reduce the size of the cone. The plan was to reduce the RCS value by using a

The device was designed by Westinghouse and Lockheed Skunk Works assisted in its development. The Soviet early warning radar: the P-14 Tall King, was developed for a radar frequency of 175 MHz, and the goal was to reduce the RCS value at this frequency.

Tests showed that the P-14 was effective in reducing RCS values from 70 MHz to 170 MHz using a 150 kV high voltage power supply; three flight tests were conducted in 1964 and 1965, but the radar was not equipped.

However, the aircraft was not equipped with this device because it was judged to be inadequate to protect the pilot due to the generation of X-rays during plasma generation. A large power source and a high voltage circuit are required for plasma generation, but the power available in the aircraft is limited. A KAMPSTER unit with sufficient capability would be very heavy and would hamper the performance of the aircraft. Needless to say, the weight of the aircraft is also too much for pilot protection.

1-3.Demonstration of plasma stealth by the Sputnik satellite

In 1957, the Soviet Union launched the first human satellite: Sputnik. Sputnik was a metal sphere satellite that was placed into an elliptical orbit with a perigee altitude of 215 km and an apogee altitude of 939 km.

The Radar Cross Section (RCS) of the metallic sphere is simple in shape, and the RCS theoretical values for a sphere of radius a are shown below.

\[σ = \pi a^2  [m^2] \]

Because of this simple shape and clear theoretical equations, in tests of measuring radar reflection cross-sections, the RCS of a sphere is sometimes measured as a pre-calibration experiment and corrections are applied to the experimental values based on it.

However, when the Soviet Union measured the RCS of an orbiting Sputnik, it differed from what would be expected in theory. This was due to the effect of the plasma, or ionosphere, that exists in space.

The ionosphere exists in space (over 100 km), and the altitudes at which Sputnik navigates are called the F1 (150 km - 220 km) and F2 (220 - 800 km) layers, which is the range of the ionosphere. This is why the RCS was different from the theoretical value when the radar waves were applied to Sputnik. Echoes other than the actual satellite (from the plasma) were also found. This is an actual example of how the plasma affects the radar waves.

2.The Physics of Plasma Stealth

Plasma stealth, or plasma active stealth, is literally the use of plasma to achieve stealthiness. This is based on the interaction of plasma and electromagnetic waves.

Plasma is a state where ions and electrons are separated and ionized due to the high energy state. As a system, it behaves as a neutral gas.

It is well known that the ionosphere has a property of reflecting radio waves, and the outside of the spacecraft reaches a plasma critical density due to the high temperature outside the spacecraft upon re-entry, which causes a cut-off phenomenon and makes communication impossible.


The final scene of the movie: Apollo 13

The spacecraft will be enveloped in hot, electron-dense plasma upon atmospheric re-entry. No radio contact with the ground for three minutes. Radio waves are cut off.

A plasma, such as that formed in an airplane fuselage, is assumed to be a cold plasma. The plasma frequency, where the thermal motion of electrons is negligible, is given by ω_pe [rad/s].

\[ω_{ pe } = \sqrt{ \frac{ n_{ e }e^2 }{m_{ e }ε_{ 0 } }} \]
ne:電子密度, e:電子の電荷, me:電子の質量, ε0:真空の誘電率

All the values except for the electron density ne are physical constants. Therefore, the formula can be transformed from SI to cgm units, and the electron density ne per cm^3 is given by ω_pe[Hz] as follows

\[ω_{ pe } = \sqrt{ \frac{ 4{ \pi }n_{ e }e^2 }{m_{ e } }} \]
\[ω_{ pe } = 8.98×10^3 \sqrt{ {n_{ e } }} \]

  1. When a radio wave is injected into the plasma at a frequency lower than the plasma frequency, it is simply reflected, like a metal.
  2. If the frequency is the same as the plasma oscillation frequency, the radio waves are absorbed by the plasma, in other words, converted into heat energy, and the plasma is heated. Alternatively, the radio waves are converted into radio waves of a different frequency.
  3. If the frequency is higher than the plasma frequency, the radio waves will penetrate and slip through the plasma.

The plasma can selectively transmit and reflect radio waves by changing its electron density state. This leads to the idea that the plasma can be stealthy if it is controlled well.

There is also a mechanism to suppress the reflection. When radio waves penetrate the plasma and reflect off the metal, their energy is almost equal, forming an opposite phase, they can cancel each other out.

Simply put, if the radio waves can be absorbed by the plasma side, the RCS of the aircraft will be reduced = increased stealth. It may not be necessary to absorb radio waves completely. If we can't recognize a transmitted radar wave as a radar wave from us when we receive it, we can accomplish the mission on its own.

By shifting the frequency of the radar reflections to interfere with the Doppler filtering and make the reflected waves perceive as noise, we can make detection more difficult.

Current stealth technology in aircraft is achieved by attaching a radar absorber to the aircraft, or by making the shape of the aircraft so that radio waves do not bounce back in the same direction. If plasma stealth can be achieved, it has the advantage that the stealth conditions can be freely adjusted and changed in a wide range of ways because it is "active" stealth. The stealth conditions can be varied according to the expected radar.

On the other hand, there is a disadvantage. Emitting plasma makes it more vulnerable to infrared tracking sensors. However, the range of infrared tracking is much narrower than the search range of radio waves, so it is still useful if it can be realized.

The plasmaization of air is synonymous with the generation of electric discharge at high voltage, and requires a large power source. Normally, a large amount of energy must be input to plasmaize the air, which is an insulator, to cause insulation breakdown. In the case of the A-12 inlet, this was an electron beam. A large power source and accompanying equipment would be needed to plasmaize the air. This kind of equipment makes the aircraft heavy and disadvantageous.

By the way, how difficult is it to create plasma in a fast-moving airplane where the air flows at high speed? However, it is not impossible to create plasma on the surface of an aircraft.

In fact, a number of research papers have examined the use of plasma to reduce aerodynamic drag. In some cases, plasma panels have been investigated for use in controlling airflow at the wing surface and for boundary layer control. Boeing has obtained a patent to try to use plasma in the weapon bay.

It is not necessarily necessary to cover the entire aircraft entirely with plasma. If the effect can be applied even locally to areas with strong radar reflections such as antenna protrusions, jet engine fan blades, jet engine inlets, and jet engine exits, the RCS can be significantly reduced.

3.Equipping the SR-71 with plasma stealth

In section 1, I mentioned that the plasma stealth in the inlet of the A-12 Blackbird was abandoned. However, the SR-71 was equipped with plasma stealth in a different part of the aircraft and with a different method.

Following the A-12, the SR-71 initially had stealth problems due to its large rear RCS value. When a radar wave was hit from the rear, the wave that hit the inside of the jet engine exhaust port would return a large reflection by hitting the inside engine section.


SR-71's J58 jet engine exhaust (photos by the author, ©Orbit Seals)

Skunkworks tried shielding, metal grating, etc. as a countermeasure, but none of them worked. Compromise was initially considered for this problem, but then President Eisenhower's demands at the time dictated that compromise was not allowed. The contracting party, the CIA, also notified Lockheed that unless a solution could be found, the contract would be terminated.

The solution was led by engineer Cher Lovick (1960-) of Skunk Works. His idea was to ionize the exhaust gas so that it would be undetectable to radar. It is a kind of plasmaization, i.e., plasma stealth.

The principle was to use cesium as a source of free electrons and to ionize the exhaust gas by adding a cesium compound to the fuel. This approach was enthusiastically endorsed by the CIA, though they may or may not have understood the essence of it.

Tests with a cesium compound, known as "A-50," mixed with the JP-7 fuel led to a reduction in the RCS. This proved his theory to be correct and Lockheed was spared from breaking the contract. Lovick got a huge Christmas bonus. However, the details are still classified as important information of a stealth nature.

4.Principle of cesium plasma stealth in J58 jet engine

Nocturnal combustion test of J58 jet engine

What is the mechanism of adding cesium compounds to the fuel to produce such an effect? The flame generated during combustion is a type of plasma, and it is well known that the flame is a conductor of electricity. The plasma stealth, which was utilized in the SR-71, is a chemical approach to the plasma state called "flame" by changing the fuel composition, rather than an electron beam or discharge phenomenon.

The problem in the SR-71 is the radio wave reflection from the rear of the jet engine, and the solution is to prevent the radio wave reflection from reaching the inside of the exhaust port. Skunk Works wanted to ionize the exhaust gas to make it function as a "lid".

When the exhaust gas is ionized or plasmaized, the density of electrons inside the exhaust gas increases, and the gas becomes a conductor, as mentioned above. Depending on the condition of the plasma and the frequency condition of the incident electromagnetic wave, the gas can reflect and absorb the electromagnetic wave irradiated from outside.

By the way, each atom has an ionization tendency, and alkali metals are most easily ionized. This is because they have a low ionization energy and tend to become cations, and because they have one more electron than inert elements such as noble gases, so they are more stable when they become +1-valent ions. Among the alkali metals, cesium has the highest ionization tendency among all the elements. In fact, when cesium is exposed to air, it oxidizes quickly and reacts with water and ice, so it is transported by itself in dry mineral oil.

Since handling cesium as a single substance is troublesome, it is presumed that it was put into the fuel as a cesium compound and used. The melting point of cesium itself is 28.44°C and its boiling point is 671°C. The melting point of cesium itself is 28.44 °C and its boiling point is 671 °C. As for the cesium compound, the exhaust temperature when the afterburner was used was about 2000 °C, which is the physical condition that it could be turned into gas sufficiently.

The flame color reaction of cesium is blue-purple, but it is difficult to confirm whether the reaction is reflected in the exhaust afterburner because the density of cesium in the fuel is not known and it is difficult to confirm if the density is low.

However, the above image of the J58 jet engine nocturnal combustion test is blue-purple in color and seems to be consistent with the image. The flame color reaction of cesium chloride, one of the cesium compounds, can be seen in the following site, the flame color is similar.

Flame reaction Cesium chloride (CsCl)


The condition setting for reflection and absorption of radar waves by the exhaust gas was adjusted by the concentration of cesium compounds to be fed into the JP-7 fuel. The necessary plasma density for the radar wave is obtained and the electron density ne described in section 2.

The density of the cesium compound can be increased to achieve the required electron density. If the plasma frequency is set to the same as the radar frequency, the electrons are absorbed by the plasma. The higher the frequency, the thicker the flame formed in the afterburner, the more it will be reflected by the plasma.

This means that the radar waves will not penetrate into the inside of the J58 jet engine exhaust vent, and the radar waves will either be reflected or, depending on the conditions, absorbed by the flames, and will not return a large reflected wave to the radar receiver.

In this case, it is not advisable to adjust the concentration of the cesium compound so that the electron density conditions are strictly those that are absorbed by the plasma. If the concentration swings to low, radar waves will enter the inner part of the engine exhaust port.

If the conditions of higher electron density are set from the beginning, the radar waves will be reflected in the flames and will at least be prevented from entering the engine. The author suspects that these conditions were set at a higher level for this reason.

Ionization energy of the cesium molecule

Biography of Edward Lovick; Lockheed Skunkworks employee involved in the development of stealth technology for the A-12, SR-71 and F-117

This is the most interesting book I've read in the last five years. From the end of World War II to the 1970s. Specially written history of the atomic bomb, the SR-71, stealth fighters, nuclear rocket engines, reverse engineering of the MIG, and more, based on declassified public documents and interviews that the public never knew about. A great book for all clusters, space, nuclear, military, and all clusters; the stealthy nature of the SR-71's exhaust system is also described here.

[1] US Patent US3127608A, https://patents.google.com/patent/US3127608
[2] Radar Man: A Personal History of Stealth, Edward Lovick
[3] J58 Last Run, http://www.enginehistory.org/GasTurbines/P&W/J58/J58.shtml
[4] IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 1963
[5] Plasma actuator system and method for use with a weapons bay on a high speed mobile platform,
     US Patent US8016246B2, https://patents.google.com/patent/US8016246
[6] レーダーに映らないステルスアンテナ, 日経サイエンス 2008年4月号
[7] エリア51 世界でもっとも有名な秘密基地の真実, アニー・ジェイコブセン (著), 田口俊樹 (訳), 太田出版, 2012
[8] プラズマ物理入門. FrancisF. Chen (著), 内田 岱二郎 (訳), 丸善, 1977
[9] Russian Federation’s 5th Generation Fighter: PAK-FA (T-50) Program
[10] レーダ反射波の定量的評価法, 防衛大学校 電気電子工学科
[11] 55 Cs セシウム Caesium,

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