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SpaceXとロケットエンジンのピントルインジェクター (第1回), SpaceX and Rocket Engine Pintle Injector (1)

SpaceXとロケットエンジンのピントルインジェクター (第1回),
SpaceX and Rocket Engine Pintle Injector (1)

Pintle injector and rocket engine combustion chamber

Update : 2020.08.22



1.ピントルインジェクターの利点, Advantages of Pintle Injector


  1. アポロ月着陸船用に開発された技術であり、エンジン推力の出力変更(スロットリング)が容易。このため、月面着陸の推力制御動作、SpaceXのFalcon9 1段目の様な地上垂直着陸が可能となる。
  2. 従来のインジェクタに比べてシンプルであり、ロケットエンジンの製造が格段に簡素化出来る。
  3. 大型エンジンの開発では、ピントル部を幾何学的に大型化する事で対応可能であり、設計労力が軽減される。
  4. ピントル噴射による燃焼室内の音響場、流れ場が物理的理由となり、基本的に振動燃焼が発生しない。
  5. 以上の理由により、ロケットエンジンの低コスト化が可能。
  6. 最適化された性能が発揮されるとは限らないが、そこそこの性能を実現可能。


   SpaceX success and TRW, pintle injector

今日のSpaceXの宇宙ビジネスの成功は、全くのゼロから立ち上がった物ではない。一番の成功要因は、Tom Mueller等のTRWの技術者達を引き抜いた事にあると考える。

TRWはコングロマリット企業であり、その中の宇宙開発部門は、アポロ月着陸船用下降エンジン(LMDE:Lunar Module Descent Engine)等、宇宙開発において極めて優秀なロケットエンジンを製造している企業部門であった。(現ノースロップ・グラマン社)

2002年にノースロップ・グラマンがTRWの敵対的買収を行った時期に、Tom Mullerらは技術者を連れて、イーロンマスクが企業したばかりのSpaceX渡った。このため、SpaceXのロケットに搭載されるロケットエンジンは、TRW社の元技術者達がTRWの技術を元にして開発されている。



また近年、Falcon 9ロケットの1段目を、垂直着陸させているが、これは推力制御範囲が広く、スロットリング性能が良好なロケットエンジンでなければ実現出来ない。ピントルインジェクターは、これらが容易であり、それは元々月着陸用に開発された技術からも自明である。

SpaceXは前面に出して主張しないが、月面に垂直着陸したアポロ月着陸船のエンジン技術と、地球に垂直着陸したSpaceX Falcon9の第1段目は、同じエンジン技術方式によって実現されている事に我々は気付くべきだ。結局の所、アポロ月着陸船のエンジン開発元のTRW社 元社員らが開発したものがFalcon 9のMerlin1 ロケットエンジンだからである


余談だが、アポロ11号の月面着陸船Eagleは、着陸時に「Eagle has landed.」と言った。SpaceXのFalcon 9では「Falcon has launded.」である。アポロ計画からようやく次の時代を作り、担うのは我々だと暗示した言い方である。



SpaceX 2002年創業時メンバー(上)と現在(下2枚)の比較

3.ピントルインジェクターとは何か?  特許が切れた革新的技術

   What is a pintle injector? Innovative technology with patent expired










[1] Combustion apparatus having a coaxial-pintle reactant injector
[3] https://dodlithr.blogspot.jp/2014/08/lm-descent-to-moon-part-2-hardware.html

4.ピントルインジェクターの仕組み, How the pintle injector works


特許を取得したTRWの独自技術だったためか、教科書で詳しく書かれている物を見たことがない。概要については、George P. Suttonのロケット推進工学(Rocket Propulsion Elements)に書かれている。

また、具体的な断面図(1枚のみ)は、Liquid Rocket Thrust Chambers: Aspects of Modeling, Analysis, and Design (Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics)等で掲載されているが、記述内容は僅かである。そのため、NASAやDoD等のレポートを辿る他ない。

以下に、具体的なピントルインジェクターの図面を記載する。これは、Bullet Projectにおいて、RV1というロケット自動車が搭載するロケットエンジンの物である。

オーストラリア版Sonic Wind Projectといった感じのプロジェクトだ。(砂漠をロケットエンジン搭載した車で音速以上で駆け抜けるプロジェクト)

Bullet Projectのピントルインジェクタ概要











  Throttling of rocket engine thrust by pintle injector

最初に、「ピントルインジェクターは、アポロ月着陸船用に開発された技術であり、エンジン推力の出力変更(スロットリング)が容易。このため、月面着陸の推力制御動作、SpaceXのFalcon 9 1段目の様な地上垂直着陸が可能となる。」と記載した。スロットリング型はちょっと特殊なので、その概要を最後に記述する。











SpaceXとロケットエンジンのピントルインジェクター (第2回), SpaceX and Rocket Engine Pintle Injector (2)


English Version

This article describes the success of SpaceX and its key technology, the pintle injector. The pintle injector, developed for the Apollo program, is a type of injector that injects and sprays propellant (fuel and oxidizer) into the rocket engine. The pintle injector is an innovative technology with many advantages in rocket engine development.

1.Advantages of Pintle Injector

Typical advantages of the pintle injector are listed below.

  1. The pintle injector technology has been developed for the Apollo lunar module, and it is easy to change the engine thrust output (throttling). This makes it possible to perform thrust control operations for the lunar landing and vertical landing on the ground like the first stage of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket.
  2. The pintle injector is simpler than the conventional injector, which greatly simplifies the manufacturing of rocket engines.
  3. In the development of a large engine, the pintle section can be made geometrically larger to reduce the design effort.
  4. The pintle injector does not produce oscillatory combustion. The reason for this is the physical reason for the acoustic and flow fields in the combustion chamber due to pintle injection.
  5. For these reasons, it is possible to reduce the cost of rocket engines.
  6. Rocket engines with pintle injectors may not always provide optimized performance, but they can achieve a modest amount of performance.

2.SpaceX success and TRW, pintle injector

SpaceX's success in the space business today is not something that was built from scratch. I think the biggest reason for its success is that it has recruited engineers such as Tom Mueller and others from TRW, a conglomerate whose space development division is a conglomerate.

TRW was a conglomerate company, and its space development division was a corporate division that produced excellent rocket engines such as the Lunar Module Descent Engine (LMDE: Lunar Module Descent Engine) for the Apollo lunar module. (now Northrop Grumman Corporation)

At the same time as Northrop Grumman's hostile takeover of TRW in 2002, Tom Muller and others took their engineers to SpaceX, which had just been incorporated by Elon Musk. As a result, the rocket engines on SpaceX's rockets were developed by former TRW engineers based on TRW's technology.

The propellant injectors in the engine developed by TRW for the lunar lander are called "pintle injectors". The new propellant injector is easy to manufacture and easy to throttle compared to conventional injectors which have many holes in the front center of the combustion chamber.

As a result, SpaceX was not bothered by the problem of oscillatory combustion which is often a problem in rocket engine development, and was able to shorten the development period, reduce the manufacturing cost, and obtain the engine of a certain level of performance.

In recent years, the first stage of Falcon 9 rocket has been landed vertically, but this can only be achieved by a rocket engine with a wide range of thrust control and good throttling performance. The pintle injector is easy to achieve, which is obvious from the technology originally developed for the moon landing.

Although SpaceX doesn't claim it up front, we should be aware that the same engine technology was used to power the Apollo lunar module that landed vertically on the Moon and the first stage of SpaceX Falcon 9 that landed vertically on Earth. After all, the Falcon 9's Merlin 1 rocket engine was developed by former employees of TRW, the same company that developed the Apollo lander's engine.

The pintle injector was a key to SpaceX's success.

As an aside, the Apollo 11 lunar lander Eagle said "Eagle has landed." upon landing; SpaceX's Falcon 9 says "Falcon has launded. It's a way of implying that we are the ones who will finally create and carry the next era from the Apollo program.

The Falcon rocket series is named after the Millennium Falcon in Star Wars, coincidentally, the "F" as what comes after the initial letter "E" in the alphabet. The U.S. fighter jet F-15 is nicknamed Eagle and the F-16 is called Falcon.

A Siemens commercial featuring SpaceX

Comparison between the founding members of SpaceX in 2002 (top) and the present (bottom two pictures)

3.What is a pintle injector? Innovative technology with patent expired

I mentioned above that the key technology for SpaceX's success is the pintle injector developed by TRW. So what is the pintle injector?

TRW's patent for the pintle injector dates back to the Apollo program days. The application was filed on January 8, 1968, and the patent was granted on October 24, 1972. (See link below)

Diagram of a patent for a pintle injector by TRW

The current patent assignee is Northrop Grumman because, as I mentioned in the previous article, the current TRW space division was merged in 2002 in a hostile takeover of the company.

SpaceX's patent rights had already expired in 2002 when SpaceX was founded, when the US patent is basically valid for 20 years. The pintle injector will be actively used in rocket engine development.

The patent on the pintle injector had expired, however the former TRW engineers were sued by Northrop Grumman for the engine's turbopumps.

As an aside, Northrop Grumman and TRW were linked from the Apollo program. Grumman was the manufacturer of the Apollo lunar lander and TRW provided the lower stage engines for it. Movie: Apollo 13, there is a scene where the engines of the lunar module are fired to maintain orbit. See the scene where the Grumman representative acts skeptical about the unexpected use of rocket engine firing before it takes place, and after it's successful, he shouts to Gene Krantz, the chief controller, 'We did it! Isn't our product awesome?".

In Apollo 13, the lunar lander engine that was injected to bring the crew home was a TRW pintle-injector type engine.

TRW's pintle-injector rocket engine on the Apollo lunar module

[1] Combustion apparatus having a coaxial-pintle reactant injector
[3] https://dodlithr.blogspot.jp/2014/08/lm-descent-to-moon-part-2-hardware.html

4.How the pintle injector works

So far, I have explained about the pintle injector in the article. There are many black and white photos and old documents, and there is no website that explains the structure of the injector in Japanese. Here is a simple explanation of the injector based on the recent colorized drawings of the injector.

Perhaps because it was TRW's patented proprietary technology, I've never seen it described in detail in a textbook. The outline is written in Rocket Propulsion Elements by George P. Sutton.

Moreover, the concrete cross sectional drawing (only one sheet) is published in Liquid Rocket Thrust Chambers: Aspects of Modeling, Analysis, and Design (Progress in Astronautics & Aeronautics) etc., but the description The content is slight. Therefore, we have no choice but to follow the reports from NASA, DoD, etc.

The drawing of the pintle injector is described below. This is the one of the rocket engine that RV1 rocket car carries in Bullet Project.

It is a project like the Australian version of "Sonic Wind Project". It is a project to run through the desert at more than the speed of sound by the car with the rocket engine.

Bullet Project Pintle Injector Overview

This diagram shows the pintle injector in very clear color. Kerosene injected along the pintle from the axial root and liquid oxygen injected radially through the interior of the pintle intersect at 90° perpendicularly and mix in collision. The propellant then burns in the combustion chamber and the generated gases are expelled from the throat to obtain thrust. In a normal rocket engine, the injector is the entire front part of the engine, but this pintle injector is only in the center.

Therefore, the front wall of the engine cannot be cooled even if it is left unattended, so kerosene is transferred to the wall in this figure for cooling. Typically, it is the oxidizer that is injected radially from the inside of the pintle and the fuel that is often injected from the root of the pintle.

The reason for this is that fuel is generally more suitable for regeneration and cooling than the oxidizer, and it is more rational to inject the fuel from the root of the pintle for regeneration and cooling. However, the opposite arrangement exists in some cases.

The pointed parts inside the pintle are designed to deflect the internal flow at a 90 degree angle to the aperture plane perpendicular to the central axis, which is intended to deflect it smoothly. This is called the divertor. The typical shape of the divertor is a gently curved conical shape, but in this figure, it is a simple conical shape.

In this injector, the circumferential direction of the pintle is constantly cooled by the flowing fuel, which is also cooled by the internal oxidizer flow. However, the only cooling at the tip is through the wall of the oxidizer.

The tip of the pintle is adjacent to the surface where the propellant is mixed and burned, and is the most severe point of heating.

As will be explained in the second article, SpaceX uses active cooling to protect this heating, and it is also patented. Generally, the tip of the pintle is made of copper or nickel alloys.

SpaceX's patented active cooling technology reduces this maintenance.

5.Throttling of rocket engine thrust by pintle injector

First, "The pintle injector technology was developed for the Apollo lunar lander and allows for easy change of engine thrust output (throttling). This allows for thrust-controlled actions for the lunar landing and vertical ground-based landings such as SpaceX's Falcon 9 first stage. He stated. The throttling type is a bit special, so I'll describe the overview at the end of this article.

In order to perform throttling, the propellant supply pressure (fuel and oxidizer) must be varied according to the desired thrust. Under these conditions, it is virtually impossible for conventional injectors to maintain the optimum fuel oxidizer mixture ratio over a wide range during throttling. In addition, the combustion efficiency is poor because of the inability to maintain the proper fuel mixture ratio.

Unless there are injectors with variable cross-sectional area of injector holes depending on throttling, this would be a nightmare to think about, since the injector holes would have to be adjusted against the numerous holes in conventional injectors. Even if it is possible, the mechanism is complicated and the weight increase is inevitable.

However, the pintle injector overcomes the shortcomings of conventional rocket engines in throttling: two propellant control valves (fuel valve and oxidizer valve) and two types of injector holes with variable cross-sectional area (fuel and oxidizer) are incorporated in the pintle injector. I solved the problem by doing so. (A pintle injector with throttling considerations is a bit special.)

Propellant flow control is performed by a valve, and throttling is achieved by using an actuator to change the cross-sectional area of the injector holes as an injection function. Locally, it appears that the slit width of the injector holes is linked to the engine's variable power output.

In conventional rocket engines, many injectors are distributed over a wide area, and it has been difficult to adjust the cross-sectional area of the injector holes. A pintle injector, in which the injection function is concentrated in the center of the engine and the injectors are arranged in concentric circles, makes it relatively easy to adjust the cross-sectional area of the injector.

The propellant valve and the injector holes can be optimized independently of each other. The propellant flow control and injection functions can be optimized independently, and the propellant mixing ratio can be changed according to temperature changes and propellant utilization. However, in the throttling process, they usually work in conjunction with each other at the same time.

In the LMDE of the Apollo lunar lander engine, throttling was performed by changing the valve opening and the cross sectional area of the injector holes in conjunction with each other. SpaceX's Falcon 9 has more advanced functions than LMDE. I will explain this in the second article.

LMDE pintle injectors and propellant flow control valves


◆To be continued next time

SpaceXとロケットエンジンのピントルインジェクター (第2回), SpaceX and Rocket Engine Pintle Injector (2)

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